When you met your SO...

Ok ladies don't judge.
I was recently divorced and celibate(by choice), when me and friend went to a 3 day reggae festival.

It was hot all day I know I looked a H.A.M. it was around 11 pm and I saw him talking to some girl but I knew he was going to be the one to end my dry spell. So I walked up to him and asked some stupid question and he completely stopped talking to ol' girl. We were going to meet up that night after I showered and changed but that never happened. I fell asleep at the hotel.

The last night of the fest we run into each other again, this time I tell him I'm not looking for a love affair I just wanna you know the rest. he agreed. It was the bomb!!! I can pick em

Anyway the next morning when we woke up he said he doesn't like random sex and could we at least be friends. We parted ways and the same night he called and said he wanted me to himself and he couldn't possibly think bad of a woman who knows what she wants and gets it. We have been together ever since inseparable. people close to us who know how we met (can't tell everyone ya'll started out a one nightstand) are amazed that a one night stand can turn into something so strong and beautiful.

I know it's not your conventional how we met story but just wanted to share.....
At a New Years Eve Party at a club called "Harlem" in London. I was at a loose end that evening and a friend invited me to a great party so thought why not. I was not even going to go out as it hadn't been the best year and I was feeling pitiful (long story).

Anyway I was getting into the spirit and had about 3 drinks by the time he arrived with his friend (I am a serious lightweight with alcohol so by this point thought I was Beyonce on the dance floor). Him and his friend were wearing suits for some reason. I later found out they had been to a fancy dress party earlier and were dressed as the "Blues Brothers" (my husband is so lazy at these things so I now realise how consistent this approach to facny dress is).

Anyway apparently he was scared to chat me up because some of his freinds has tried but I hadn't seemed interested. Anyway I was drunk so was smiling at everyone like some lunatic and he finally comes up to my says hello and his first question is "Are you a good cooker?" (he's french so his English was not fluent at this point- anyway don't ask me why the choice of question). My friend thought he was strange made her excuses and made an exit at this point. I carried on talking to him because I sensed something warm and kind about him. He smiled with his eyes, listened to my semi drunken talk as if he were genuinely interested and smiled all the time. He just struck me as lovely. I didn't feel intimidated or like I needed to impress him.

There was a metro strike that evening and Taxi's on New Years day are like Gold dust. Anyway we realised we lived 10 mins away from each other and he offered me a lift home. He sneakily got rid of his freind but I did not let him come up to my apartment.

He called me the next day and as they say the rest is History.

I LOVE your story.

It reminds me of how my SO and I met (randomly at a club)...only, er, minus the "smile like a lunatic" and "semi-drunken talk." :) LOL

My man is also warm and kind.
THat is exactly How it was for my mom and dad. He didn't even see her face to face...He saw from afar ...Mind you from the back and pointed out to his Uncles that he was going to marry that girl. He admired her from afar for 3 years and then married her. She was 16 and he 22. They remained married for 40 years and was going on their 41st year when dad passed away.

It's so weird ....men are always the first to know that you are the one! So weird!!!

I met Dh in high school, I had on tight stone washed jeans and a yellow top. I had a blonde streak in my long hair. He saw me and told our friend Sammy "That's the woman I'm gonna marry". He said Sammy introduced us and that was it. I have no memory of meeting him. He just seemed to always be there.

We didn't start dating until years later, we were friends the whole time though. I saw him out with another woman and decided I might ought to give him a chance. He left that alone and here we are.
Ok ladies don't judge.
I was recently divorced and celibate(by choice), when me and friend went to a 3 day reggae festival.

It was hot all day I know I looked a H.A.M. it was around 11 pm and I saw him talking to some girl but I knew he was going to be the one to end my dry spell. So I walked up to him and asked some stupid question and he completely stopped talking to ol' girl. We were going to meet up that night after I showered and changed but that never happened. I fell asleep at the hotel.

The last night of the fest we run into each other again, this time I tell him I'm not looking for a love affair I just wanna you know the rest. he agreed. It was the bomb!!! I can pick em

Anyway the next morning when we woke up he said he doesn't like random sex and could we at least be friends. We parted ways and the same night he called and said he wanted me to himself and he couldn't possibly think bad of a woman who knows what she wants and gets it. We have been together ever since inseparable. people close to us who know how we met (can't tell everyone ya'll started out a one nightstand) are amazed that a one night stand can turn into something so strong and beautiful.

I know it's not your conventional how we met story but just wanted to share.....

Now I don't feel so bad about mine :)
I was hung up on my ex. My brother (who is my party buddy) was in town getting over his ex too. We ended up going out in a huge group and partying HARD. We were all pretty much wasted. At one point I went up to the bar to get yet another round for the crew and this dude with gold teeth tries to talk to me (or so I am told I don't remember this) I looked disgusted and like I needed to be rescued and in swoops SO. Also sloshed LOL. We ended up merging our two groups and partying together til the wee hours of the morning. Making out like madd all night. That was two years ago and no one is more shocked than me :)

Funny story about that night my bro got propositioned by two random Columbian girls to have a 3-way. LOL.

My SO is Columbian so we always say that was a good night for Columbia... and Trinidad apparently :)
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He and I met in the Army. We were both new to the same company, he from Korea and me from Germany. He says he first noticed me one day when I was cleaning my M16 rifle after firing it at a shooting range. Evidently, I made a few squeals that he and one of his friends found sexy after I accidentally pinched my finger a few times. He struck a conversation with me a week or two later, and that was it. We were good friends for nearly two years before I decided to give him a chance romantically. Yes, he was in the friend zone forever!
We met at a cultural function. I was talking to his brother and he walked over....we have been talking ever since :love:
THat is exactly How it was for my mom and dad. He didn't even see her face to face...He saw from afar ...Mind you from the back and pointed out to his Uncles that he was going to marry that girl. He admired her from afar for 3 years and then married her. She was 16 and he 22. They remained married for 40 years and was going on their 41st year when dad passed away.

It's so weird ....men are always the first to know that you are the one! So weird!!!

Hahaha!!! :lachen: He saw her from the BACK and just knew that was going to be the "one" eh?? How interesting!

I think this happens to a lot of men. I know actor Johnny Depp said that he saw Vanessa Paradis at some function and only saw the BACK of her and just "knew" that he had to get to know her. I think he even said that she was going to be the mother of his kids. Go figure!

So you see ladies....men know pretty much early on if they would want to make you their wife. :yep: So if a man is dragging his feet from even asking you out....that's a little suspect. :sekret: