What quirky things do you like most about your SO or hubby?

I like how he jiggles his leg when he's really happy or excited.
How he tells me anything (even stuff I really don't need to know :nono:) cause he says he feels comfortable with me.
How he kisses my hand like I'm his queen......:cry2:
And how he calls me "lay lay" but he doesn't know that my late grandmother used to call me that when I was a little girl....
When I catch my hubby staring at me....he's has this boyish grin and all that twinkle in his eyes.

I'm always like "what you looking at?" and he simple says "you" and starts grinning.

Sure, we like when men look at us admiringly, but man it feels good when he stares at me with so much love in his eyes, its intoxicating.

He'll eventually come over and start hugging and kissing on me and say "you know I love so much", and honestly.... I do know :grin:
How he talks and answers in his sleep and actually makes sense!

One night he was sleeping next to me with his arm draped around me.
I rolled up his T-shirt sleeve to expose his upper arm, and then i started to gently rubbed the area.
Nexthing u know i heard him say " Are u gonna give me a needle?"

LOL, I looked at him, and he was snoring... the next morning, he had no recollection about it.
He has full blown conversations with me in his sleep and actually gives good advice, but doesnt rmbr nary of it, in the morning.

I also find it cute the way he stands. So wide, i swear I can pass my whole body thru it sometimes. LOL

I think its so cute how he finds a way to use a figurative expression in to describe almost every situation.
i.e. Hot under the collar, happier than a clam, hot as Hades, Fit to be tied,

LOL, I lubs him.
Love this thread!

-I love how I can't stay mad at him...it's impossible. There's just something about him. He does the same thing. It's like we'll have an argument (well disagreement because we rarely argue) and less than 5 minutes later were hugged up

-I love that he turns down invitations to hang out with his boys in a second and do something really exciting (like eating out,movies, watch the game, playing the game) to be with me and do something simple like watch TV, lol

-I love it when he randomly grabs me, or hugs me, or kisses me with no warning whatsoever

-I love that he doesn't fuss over the fact that (and ladies I know this may be really bad but...) I have fallen asleep on him and slobbed :lick: (lol) on his clothing. Haha. Real love.

-(Laughing while thinking of this) You know how everyone has a certain noises or facial expressions they make? Well my bf makes some really interesting ones and will sometimes even deny that it's a habit of his. But I love him anyway.

-How his voice is a slightly higher pitch when talking to me, my mother, or his mom. But with friends or my dad it's all Barry White, j/k, but you get what I'm saying. (he'll never admit this though)

-I love his mind and his never ending optimistic spirit even when mines sometimes turns negative

-He is soooo funny and makes me laugh everyday. AND he knows exactly which places to tickle me that can get me laughing until I am in tears.

-Oh yea, I love the fact that he is ticklish! It's soo funny knowing that you can disable someone just by messing with the right spot. :grin:

-I love that I can honestly say that since the day we started going out...about two years ago... that I have never met a man so humble, caring, and loving as my bf. I mean it was amazing to me. He has always respected me, mind, body and soul. I feel like he's a rare kind. I feel like a queen being with him. I believe every female should feel this way and if you don't you need to find someone who will (treat you as one) because it's a great feeling. I've cried happy tears just thinking of how amazingly good he is to me. Because of him I feel like I know how a man should treat a woman. And I will never except anything less.