I used up a bottle of hair dew a couple weeks ago and gave away a half used bottle of honey hemp condish.
I will be doing a stocktaking next week and will be getting rid of all those half used bottles of VO5, suave and other products I no longer use. under the bathroom sink is chock full of stuff I havnt even seen or used in abt 6 months, I rlly only use the first 2 rows of things
My hair is ultra thick so I go through products about every week. I dont know how people are affording those little bottles of certain products because on my hair they'd only be good for 1 and a half of use.
knocked off large bottle CON, one conditioner, one deep conditioner, one ayurvedic infused oil. It helps to put staples in or near the shower and replace/refill as necessary.
Last week- Aphogee two minute. I've been doing well with finishing my products. Infact I can't replace things unless I've finished all the products in the category (eg no more moisture DCs till I finish the one I have)
Finished a KBB dc, Beemine Dc, 24-7 hv (giving one to sis)... I am down to my stash will not let it pile up again like that. I hate piled up hair products.
I always finish up my YTCucumbers as well as my EcoStyler, I'm sure there are other products I use up to the last drop but needless to see there are still plenty of space savers in my bathroom too.
Finish Shea Moisture Curl and Style milk yesterday. A few weeks earlier I finished SSI Okra Hair Recon. I should finish another product in the next week or so.
I just finished KeraPro Moisturizing Treatment.
I love that stuff, but I cant continue to buy it, it goes against everything I stand for in hair care purchasing, lol