
Well-Known Member
Hi ladies...just wondering when is the next time you guys are planning on relaxing and how much growth are you expecting????.....sometimes it feels good to speculate (to crazy hair obsessed folks like us!)

I'll go first:

I plan to relax on FEB 1st (My B-Day)

I'll be 5 months post

I expect to gain 3-3.5 inches (with the help of megatek and coffee rinses)

I think that sounds reasonable!:drunk:
It's supposed to be December 19th, which would make me 13 weeks post. I might do it this Friday night at 12 weeks post instead.

I expect 1-1.5 inches of growth.
It's supposed to be December 19th, which would make me 13 weeks post. I might do it this Friday night at 12 weeks post instead.

I expect 1-1.5 inches of growth.

Looks like you got some good growth going on in your siggy. I'm at 5 weeks post and am gonna try to make it to 12...hopefully I'll have 1.5 inches too :spinning:
It's supposed to be December 19th, which would make me 13 weeks post. I might do it this Friday night at 12 weeks post instead.

I expect 1-1.5 inches of growth.

Yeah I always get real antsy at the end to......girl you can wait another week...I believe in You!!!!
It's been a year and a half since my last relaxer. At the time i was arm pit length. I have not straightened or used heat in over a year and my shrinkage is horrible, so...i have no clue where i will be, lol. Hopefully at least bra stap. My new growth is just about shoulder length, i will be relaxing this friday :grin: I'm sad but kind of excited for the relaxer.
Mine was supposed to be last week, but I think it will be this week. I will be 10 or 11 weeks at that point. I hope to have an inch of growth...hopefully!
I will be relaxing in a few days December 11th,

will be about 19 weeks post at the time.

I hope to have 2 inches of growth, maybe more. It seems that the right side is growing faster, why, why, why. So lets hope i will at least be brushing APL, as that was my length before BC in the summer
I actually relaxed with Gentle Treatment on Saturday evening for my Christmas party. I didn't leave it on but maybe 5 minutes on my 4b newgrowth and surprisingly it smoothed pretty quick. I used to break the timing rule by a long shot til LHCF veterans showed me that the burning/tingle is NOT good and neither is bone straight. I did it with only a 4th of the mix too. I like that relaxer because its gentle of course and it works, especially for the price. I live in alaska and prices are not cheap up here by ANY means, plus I'm not the one to splurge on things for my hair. We are a tax free state, but you can't tell with the high prices of everything. I'm not even gonna begin with some of these expensive "stylists".....whew- I was about to start a rant.
Feb 19, 2009
I will be 16 weeks=4 months post.
And I am aiming for 2+ inches. I say + because I am using MTG/MN, of and I need to finisg this Surge LOL.
My next relaxer is Jan. 19th, I live outside of DC so I have to get right for Inaguration week..lol. I will be 27 weeks and 5 days post. I hope to have 4-5 inches thanks to MT/OCT.
It's been a year and a half since my last relaxer. At the time i was arm pit length. I have not straightened or used heat in over a year and my shrinkage is horrible, so...i have no clue where i will be, lol. Hopefully at least bra stap. My new growth is just about shoulder length, i will be relaxing this friday :grin: I'm sad but kind of excited for the relaxer.

Wow...girl your hair is gonna be super long...I wish I had the strength to do this!

My next relaxer is Jan. 19th, I live outside of DC so I have to get right for Inaguration week..lol. I will be 27 weeks and 5 days post. I hope to have 4-5 inches thanks to MT/OCT.

Thats Great...I'm excited for you.!
I am 3 months post. I plan on texlaxing on Dec 23rd. I hopefully gained 2.5 inches with the help of MT and scalp massages.:grin:
Dunno....I'm trying to baby my ends which requires low man. so....as long as I can stand the ng. I usually go about 10 to 12 weeks. This time I'm going to try new methods to make my new growth a bit softer and I'm bunning so maybe I'll be able to go a bit longer.

I've never measured my ng before so I'll say I'm hoping for an inch?...2 if I keep up with my updated reggie.Happy growing ladies!
I'm finally getting my touch up next Saturday (Dec 20th)after my very first stretch...12 weeks:woot: ..... I have a good 1 in to 1.5 in of ng so hopefully I have done my ends well and won't need to trim.
I am going to relax on 1/30 (my b-day)and I will be 15 weeks post then..I hope to have 2 inches of growth. I'm crossing my fingers.
Well, if I am able to keep at it, I won't be relaxing until April which will make me 6 months post. That is when I will decide to relax or go a little longer and possibly transition.

If I relax, I expect 2.5-3 inches of new growth.
I'm only 9 weeks post. I'm not sure when I'll relax. I wanted to do it at the end of 10 weeks but I haven't had horrendous breakage and it's moist (THANKS HAWAIIAN SILKY!!!) I might see how far I can go. I have more growth in the crown than anywhere else.
I relaxed today. I was 12 weeks post. I was going to try to wait until New Years but with finals going on I couldn't deal with the styling and maintaining.
My hair grows at different rates in different places (i think it's due to damaged hair follicles and the way I sleep), so i got about an inch of growth in the top of my head, half an inch at the front of my head and about a centimeter at the back of my head.
First week in February would bring me to 12 weeks. I don't know how much growth to expect. I never really measure or go by inches.

I'm still trying to decide if I want to transition or not anyway.
I plan to relax January 10. I guess maybe 2 inches, IDK a little less. My hair grows uber slow.
ETA: I will be 10 weeks on Friday.
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I just got a touch up on the 4th after a 15 week stretch. I'm thinking the next relaxer will be March 29th which will be 16 weeks.....although I'd like to go until May 1 to relax in time for my birthday.

We shall see.
It's been a year and a half since my last relaxer. At the time i was arm pit length. I have not straightened or used heat in over a year and my shrinkage is horrible, so...i have no clue where i will be, lol. Hopefully at least bra stap. My new growth is just about shoulder length, i will be relaxing this friday :grin: I'm sad but kind of excited for the relaxer.

I would love to see your progress. Do you mind doing a before and after relaxer pics?
Either this Saturday/Sunday - December 13th/14th (26 weeks) or
next Saturday - December 20th (27 weeks).

Just happy I made my goal of a 6 month stretch...

and with my slow hair growing self, probably just got an inch or so :ohwell:.
I'm planning on getting my next relaxer on March 3rd ending a 12 week stretch. I'm hoping to get average growth of 1 1/2 inches. I also plan on getting a trim since I haven't had one since December 2008.