Relaxed Heads: How many weeks post relaxer are you and when is your next touch up???

Wow this is big for you because you don't use heat do you. Why are you wanting to use heat now is it just to manage the NG?


Times change and my hair has definitely changed. Now that I'm in my 50s, my newgrowth is so resistant! Relaxing doesn't straighten like it used to. I've been under-processed the last few relaxers.

I've tried multiple relaxer brands, all with the same result. So I've reduced my relaxer cycle from 16 weeks to 12 weeks. And, I'll do a light blow dry after airdrying for a while. That's another thing, my hair isn't airdrying like it used to.

Just keeping my newgrowth from matting up on me!

Times change and my hair has definitely changed. Now that I'm in my 50s, my newgrowth is so resistant! Relaxing doesn't straighten like it used to. I've been under-processed the last few relaxers.

I've tried multiple relaxer brands, all with the same result. So I've reduced my relaxer cycle from 16 weeks to 12 weeks. And, I'll do a light blow dry after airdrying for a while. That's another thing, my hair isn't airdrying like it used to.

Just keeping my newgrowth from matting up on me!

I am with you completely. Relaxing doesn't straighten my hair as it used to like it used to so my hair is looking a bit more textured. I mean it's okay and I'm alright with it but I would have preferred to have had some say in the matter! :lol:

I've reduced my cycle for exactly the same reason; I can't go to 16 weeks now which was my preferred stretch but 12 weeks is perfect.

Aging is not for the faint of heart man! :look:

A gentle blow dry after washing is fine imo, I air dry until at least 60/70% and it only takes a few minutes.
@LushLox maaaannnnn! Let me tell ya! I don't mind aging at all. Just would be nice to have some warning about all these changes! I was fine when I turned 50. Then hit 51 and everything happened THAT day! Hair, skin texture, bones, joints, muscles, sleep cycle....alllll of it was like, yeah, we acting old today!! :lachen:

It's been 13 years or so since I've used direct heat. I don't care about showing some texture either. Folk stay thinking I'm a straightened natural. :look: But like you said, can I have a say in the matter??? Dang! When I relax, be straight!!
If I may I’m not mad at aging but being under 40 and all the above hit at once like could I have a lil time to be cute before being assaulted by greys, sleep that’s like I’m not doing my job and body that’s in a terrible 2’s stage.

I’m happy I have hair tho but that straight box relaxer results are going. Cues good times theme song.
I'm a few hours post. From the looks of it, you wouldn't be able to tell unless my hair got wet :laugh:

That's probably my fault cause I don't leave the relaxer on more than 8 minutes. I gets the scary cat. If I could figure out this sweaty, itchy nape situation I'd be ok cause I could wear buns. I might have to start leaving some hair out or something in the buns.
This is annoying me so much. Like I literally can't stand it. I might have to switch relaxers or something. I don't mind looking natural if that was the look I was going for. But it's not anymore.
Praying my Stylist returns to work. She has Can**r and was in a Can**r Treatment Center for several weeks recently:cry3:

I pray she recovers:pray: Her family really needs her as the backbone of that family.

*In May, her 26 year old son was fatally killed in a car accident on his way home from work.

Between that and her health issues, she has been going through.

The last time I was in, she was smiling and laughing and pressing on in spite of.:(
Relaxed today, 18 weeks post (not intentional). Second time with this new stylist.

My hair stylist likes using every product and is trying out new ones, so I got Affirm relaxer, K18 serum and leave-in, Affirm 5 in 1 and Olaplex 1 and 2.

Last time it was mostly just the Olaplex, so I won't even know if the K18 was any real good. It was $75 USD+tax when I went to the US in January and she paid £68 trade ($88 USD) tax included.
Struggling right now about contacting my Stylist for a t/u after Labor Day (since her recent hospitalization):sekret:

All of her clients are relaxed, but I think her sister was giving her the blues about messing around w/relaxer products.

I was piecing their phone convo together a while back :look:....:callme:

I really do need a b/up plan. But most importantly, I just want her to get better.

I'll wait another week and then reach out:nono:
I usually put up our outdoor Halloween decorations on Oct 1st and that's also my relaxer anniversary. So I plan to relax on that day or within a week of it. Thinking of doing it early so that I can let my hair blow in the wind while I hang our decorations. :gorgeous::bdance:

My last relaxer was Dec 2023 so at this point I just count in months. :giggle:
Struggling right now about contacting my Stylist for a t/u after Labor Day (since her recent hospitalization):sekret:

All of her clients are relaxed, but I think her sister was giving her the blues about messing around w/relaxer products.

I was piecing their phone convo together a while back :look:....:callme:

I really do need a b/up plan. But most importantly, I just want her to get better.

I'll wait another week and then reach out:nono:


Man, that's a tough spot to be in! I hope it all works out for you as your stylist works on her healing! <3
I am kinda thinking out loud but since my new growth is slow it makes me feel oh I can wait and I rock wigs or if I do wear my hair it’s never styled it’s just a straight back bun possible covered with a cap. Now if I wore my own hair full time heck part time then I think it would force me to be on track.
I am kinda thinking out loud but since my new growth is slow it makes me feel oh I can wait and I rock wigs or if I do wear my hair it’s never styled it’s just a straight back bun possible covered with a cap. Now if I wore my own hair full time heck part time then I think it would force me to be on track.

This right here is why I stretch so long. I RARELY wear my hair out.
But I want it straighter than my natural hair so that when I do wear it out, it keeps my style.
This right here is why I stretch so long. I RARELY wear my hair out.
But I want it straighter than my natural hair so that when I do wear it out, it keeps my style.
That’s how I ended up going 9 months esp winter like braided up and wig. This has been the first time in yrs I was hyper diligent with washing twice a week and daily moisture. My hair products now are good vs not being aware.

I saw my calendar and was like let me wait til Oct then I was like go take this to your sisters you not about to do another 9 months.
That’s how I ended up going 9 months esp winter like braided up and wig. This has been the first time in yrs I was hyper diligent with washing twice a week and daily moisture. My hair products now are good vs not being aware.

I saw my calendar and was like let me wait til Oct then I was like go take this to your sisters you not about to do another 9 months.

Did your hair suffer from the long stretch?
If not, I'm a firm believer in going with the flow. If she's not complaining and you can handle it, I don't think there's a need relax until you and she are ready. lol.

I used to relax every April, Aug and Dec like clockwork. Then I realized, I really don't have a ton of new growth after 4 months so there's no need for me to relax that often. Also, I don't even wear my hair out that often. And I prefer to wear it out flat ironed after a relaxer for a least a week or two. The fall is the best time to do that for me. I decided to try relaxing every 6 months just to stay ahead of the new growth and also not too often so that I'm not overlapping due to too little new growth.
Did your hair suffer from the long stretch?
If not, I'm a firm believer in going with the flow. If she's not complaining and you can handle it, I don't think there's a need relax until you and she are ready. lol.

I used to relax every April, Aug and Dec like clockwork. Then I realized, I really don't have a ton of new growth after 4 months so there's no need for me to relax that often. Also, I don't even wear my hair out that often. And I prefer to wear it out flat ironed after a relaxer for a least a week or two. The fall is the best time to do that for me. I decided to try relaxing every 6 months just to stay ahead of the new growth and also not too often so that I'm not overlapping due to too little new growth.
Yes my hair was webbing and just a mess. I remember coming here bc I was going to buzz it off. Now my hair is ok I may push it a month more so Oct unless my hair gets hectic.