When I joined LHCF.........

MTG,V05 Strawberries and creme, baggying, cowashing, MSM, Hello Hydration, Liso Straight (wasn't that long ago), Giovanni Direct, and ORS Mayo pack ( still IT if you ask me) and Miss keye

I even bought some didn't notice nary a difference.

Oh and Mane and Tail and Mega Tek, the horse products before MTG.
Pantene smooth and sleek conditioner
Seamless combs
Goodhair days pins
Suave coconut conditioner
ACV rinses
Pantene smooth and sleek conditioner
Seamless combs
Goodhair days pins
Suave coconut conditioner
ACV rinses
Same raves with a few to add:
Aubrey's GPB
Lanza Protein Plus poo
Salerm 21 Wheat Germ Mask
Elasta QP Mango Butter
CO Washing-which blew my mind
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I remember ladies raving about Lust.

Also, the term "texlaxing" soon started. I was already doing it before LHCF by underprocessing.
Lenzi's Request
Surge and
LUST... none of which worked for my hair type.
Months later I found plenty of things that did work.
I remember the MTG was a big rage when I finally wandered to the hair forum after being a member for years.
I remember...
and I still don't know what that is:lachen:

Suave Milk and Honey Condi
anything Sistaslick wrote
cheapie Vo5 and Suave condi's
co-washing daily or every other day was all the rave too
When I joined, ladies were into:

MTG and the baggy method.

oh yeah and the suave milk n honey conditioner:lick:....I luv this conditioner...it worked wonders on my sahara desert crown area!
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Let's see:

Flax seed oil
Hair vits

I jumped on all except MTG :nono:. Still using all of the above!
I joined a year ago(I know b/c my subscription expired today, haha) and all I header about was MTG and Biotin...so of course that's what I started using!
This is really taking me back!!!

No heat at ALL
No 'cones
no manipulation
no combing/no brushing
Lacio Lacio
Miss Key 10 en 1
all things Dominican... including the blowouts (except for the zero heat crowd)
Saw this in my bathroom this morning...Dove Sheer Moisture Mist

Oh my gosh, how could I forget about my love? Moisture Mist was the first thing I fell in love with after joining, and it was soooo popular when I joined!
When I joined LHCF it was all about Ayurveda, Pibbs, MSM, and micozonol nitrate. I haven't been a member here for very long :drunk:.
Since I recently joined, the big things were and some still are:

Chi Silk
ORS Replenishing Packs
Coconut Oil
Castor Oil
Herbal Essences Conditioners
Co washing
Lo Manipulation
No/Low Heat

I know there's others...
When I first joined I think it was S-curl and MTG. All of these "bandwagons" go to show you that there are so many ways to grow healthy beautiful hair.
When I joined LHCF, these were popular:

Hide Your Hair Til _______ Challenges
Boundless Tresses
Lenzi's request
Baggying your ends and sleeping with your whole head baggied
Drinking carrot juice daily

ETA: Dove Sheer Moisture Mist
Mane N Tail

I remember thinking oh my gosh these girls are serious, they're putting stuff for horse's in their hair :nuts: .
I thought if i joined im gonna be just as mad, but joining LHCF has been the best thing i've done for my hair.