when joining LHCF what was your main focus...and what is your focus now?

When I first came, I was a transitioner, so I was trying to figure out how not to lose my mind with the two textures...

Now, it's about growing my hair as healthy as possible to TBL...
When I first joined, my main focus was to grow my hair long, in its relaxed state.

Now, my goal is still length but, I want length (and fullness) in my natural state.
My main focus was just to learn to better care for my hair in general. Not sure I have main focus now because I'm a bit busy with everything else. I just come on b/c I enjoy the forum...
My inital focus was on taking care of my hair without having to run to the salon for everything esp since I was a natural with bald spots and thin (and thinning) hair.

Now, since my hair is healthier and growing past my longest (to date) length, I feel confident that I can take my hair to the next level and grow to APL and beyond.
I had long hair prior to LHCF, but I had a minor set back and felt like cutting my hair.
I had been boring my husband to death with hair talk, so I thought that I would lurk and not feel alone in caring for my hair. So, in summary "Hair Talk".
When I first Joined LHCF in 2005. I had MBL/WL hair and it was constantly breaking but was very full, fuller than now. The breakage was more bothing me then showing on my mane.

I think now it was OVER proteined. LOL
i really didn't have a focus. i just love all things hair related! my focus has changed since i became natural. now i am focusing on growth and keeping my hair in optimal health.
Then: To learn how to take care of my daughters hair. How to make her curls pop without all the frizz. How to go natural and take care of it.

Now: To retain length and keep my and my DD's hair healthy.
First: It was for healthy hair and length
Now: It's just length.

Used to laugh and participate in the drama but, I don't have time for much of that anymore....RIP ratchetness.
To grow longer hair. It was already pretty healthy and I never relied on salons in the first place. I'm glad my focus hasn't changed because I've reached lengths I've never had before :).
I wanted to learn about LONG healthy relaxed hair

I learned how to care for both natural and relaxed hair so now I'm transitioning to grow my own natural hair to WL
I don't even remember. It's been 5+ years since I've been on here and I have only 5% more knowledge about hair then when I first started. :perplexed
When I joined back in 2004, I had BSL relaxed hair that was breaking and weak. My focus was getting my hair healthy again.

But then in 2007, I decided to go natural, so I had to learn about growing long natural hair instead.

Now my focus is purely retention.
When I first joined hair boards I wanted to figure out what product grows black hair...cause I knew it was possible but I thought it was a secret or something..

so now I know there's no secret product, it's all about technique. so now I'm all about retaining length by keeping it moisturized and keeping it simple
(waves) HI! i'm new on this site. brand spankin new. i'm not so new on "that other site" but i wanted to be over here... jus cuz. anyway.

i'm a neck length natural thanks to a cut this jan and again in feb. i was also a frustrated natural, but now i think i've gotten it together. i know now how to respond to it when its doing something annoying. i hope to be inspired to stay natural and keep growing my hair (i often cut it).
I joined another hair board a few years ago when I first BC'd and that helped me get to know my natural hair. By the time I found this forum I had locs and really just joined because I enjoyed lurking in the fitness forum while I was trying to get in shape after I had my son. I didn't even start reading the hair threads until a month or so ago when I decided to take my locs down.

So now my focus is figuring out a regimen that works for my loose hair and doesn't take up too much of my time. I can't really relate to the vibe on the other board, so this is my new home. You ladies have been very helpful. :yep:
When I first joined here (heard about y'all through BHM) my focus was healthy hair, natural products, & retention. I've gotten soooo much more from this site than I could've even dreamed about.

I found my passion for doing hair as I am now in Cosmo school.

I found out the true keys to losing weight (proper diet) and began running. I lost almost 60 lbs with the help of the ladies in the Health & Fitness Forum.

My hair is longer and healthier than it's ever been and so is my dd's (we're both APL+).

I learned about makeup and how to grow my own nails.

I have learned so much about the diverse world we live in from the international ladies.

The list goes on....

This is the best $6.50 I've ever spent!!

Sent from TopNotch1010's iPhone using LHCF
I lurked for years before joining. I joined because I wanted to make some women friends in Atlanta by attending a meet-up. Ironically, I never attended one:lol: My focus now is to grow hair and gossip.:look:
when i first joined my focus was on growing long relaxed hair. instantly i started transitioning and my goal was to grow long thick natural hair. it still is to gorw long healthy natural hair.
I wanted to find out what techniques can I apply to help the breakage of my ear length, relaxed hair. I googled "long African American hair" and this site was the very first one to pop up. I paid the subscription fee once I got tired of not being able to see the d*** pictures! (It was a thread with pics by BostonMaria that sent me over the edge)

By the time I found out what was causing my breakage, I had less than 1/2 of hair and was starting my natural journey.

Sent from my Desire HD using Long Hair Care Forum App
I was lurking at first to learn how to properly take care of my hair and grow it back to sl since I cut it to above el at the time due to damage. I never thought that I could possibly grow any longer than SL because irl I hardly seen AA women with hair longer than SL but then I looked at some of these fotkis and was like :blush:
Its always been length but since my cut last year I want even hair with minimum splits on the way to my goal, rather than chopping off a bunch at the end.
When I fist joint my focus was only hair. I was focused on the health of my hair and growing it longer.

I'm not sure of my focus now lol. I've ventured to other parts of the board finally. I'm all hair'd out, lol.
Then: Learn how to do my hair without be salon dependent (everything except chemical services). Recover from a hair setback brought on by stress associated with my husband having cancer (Praises to God he's healed now).

Now: Continue expanding my knowledge about healthy hair. Learn how to do my own chemical services (relaxer). Grow to MBL.
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When I joined, my only goal was to achieve shoulder-length hair again. I had just gotten a lot of damaged hair cut off. I originally found the site after moving to Maryland. I wanted to find out more about Dominican blowouts.

I surpassed my original goal...and then I wanted waist-length hair...and now I just want healthy hair that's APL or longer.
I just wanted to get my hair healthy and grow it long to WL
Now I just want to keep it healthy and grow it longer
when i first joined i wanted to learn to take care of my relaxed hair better and my goal was healthy, relaxed BSL hair

Now my goal is to grow my NATURAL hair long and healthy