When did you start to date for marriage?

I was recently thinking about this...wondering if I would like to get married in 4 years, should I begin to date for marriage now?

To the married ladies, when did you begin to date for marriage?

For those of you who are looking for a husband, how long have you been dating for marriage?

Lastly, do any of you think one should always date for marriage? In your opinion is finding a permanent partner the only purpose of dating?

Every1 tells me just to date for fun, but when Im honest with myself...I realize I would not want to be in a long term relationship with someone who cant envision himself as a married man in 5yrs....
When I was a lot younger, I just dated for fun, but was not opposed to marriage, but now I'm dating EXCLUSIVELY for marriage. If dude is not looking to married, I K.I.M.

I probably started seriously dated for marriage at about age 25..still plugging along til this day. I'm starting to be ok with the fact that I may end up by myself though, so whatever...
In 2008. When I turned 30. I see myself married by the end of the year...

While I agree that one can date for fun when she's younger (I did), the danger can be if one falls in love with Mr. Wrong and wastes years on someone who's supposed to just be for fun. I say that it's cool to go out with all kinds of people, but don't get into a serious relationship unless you see it having longer-term potential.
I was recently thinking about this...wondering if I would like to get married in 4 years, should I begin to date for marriage now?

To the married ladies, when did you begin to date for marriage?

For those of you who are looking for a husband, how long have you been dating for marriage?

Lastly, do any of you think one should always date for marriage? In your opinion is finding a permanent partner the only purpose of dating?

Every1 tells me just to date for fun, but when Im honest with myself...I realize I would not want to be in a long term relationship with someone who cant envision himself as a married man in 5yrs....

I dated for marriage when I decided I wanted to get married for real. I dated guys but I would only seriously date men that I thought I would marry, had three bf's and was engaged to two, married one. I just think random dating and "having fun" past a certain age is a recipe for disaster. It can lead into a 5 year relationship that you wake up one day and realie is going nowhere. I think after about 24, you should only date for marriage. I would say even earlier than that, immediately after college but some people think that's too young. Basically any age is fine if you think you're ready.

Some people don't like empty relationships and random hookups. I did that at a time b/c I wanted to *shrugs* but I didn't let it consume me or get wrapped up into thinking that a FB was a 'boyfriend'. I knew what it was and KIM.

I called it directed dating or dating with a mission. This is why arranged marriages work so well. You should only date a person that is on the same page with you if marriage is your goal. You're basically dating that person to see if they are someone you do want to marry, after some months and you don't see that, KIm and head to the next man.
I started at around 23 and I'm 25 now with someone I would marry.

I would let a man know soon into dating what my goals were..not saying they had to want to marry ME but to know if they were marriage-minded. If they got scared off, obviously they weren't it so I didn't worry about bringing it up too early.

Dating for fun is good and I think it helps you interact comfortably with men. However at a point, if you feel like you want to be married in 2-3years you need to start weeding out those men and be more choosy in the ones you date.
Maybe I am not the norm but I always dated guys I thought were marriage material. If they didn't fit the bill, I didn't waste time. I was never the 'date for fun' type of person. I only wanted to date a good man and one that was potential marriage material.

*But I wasn't popping the marriage word on guys once I meet them. I would judge them and make my decisions according to their actions.*
I dated for 'fun' all through college - I didn't weigh their marriageability, at all.

Once I graduated, the men I dated were weighed for marriageability - if they 'failed', then they were 'fun dates'. If they 'succeeded' then I would consider them for something more.

I think I only dated like two or three guys before I met DH - who was originally in the 'fun' group because he was too short and too light-skinneded. :lachen: He moved up the ranks pretty quickly.

So, really, how and who I dated didn't change. My thought process around who I was dating changed, though.
i'm going to start dating for marriage this year... i think... i keep putting it off... we'll see
For those of you who are looking for a husband, how long have you been dating for marriage?

I have not been on any dates at all, but I guess I have been open to dating toward marriage for about 2 1/2 weeks :grin:..lol. I have been putting myself out there much more lately (before the post police pop up, I am not on here as much as it seems and I dont watch TV, and....awww shucks, forget it :lachen:)