When Did You Introduce Your Parents To Your So/dh's Parents

When did you introduce your parents to your SO/DH's parents?

  • As soon as we were exclusive

    Votes: 3 8.1%
  • 6 months to 2 years after we became exclusive

    Votes: 11 29.7%
  • More than 2 years after we became exclusive

    Votes: 3 8.1%
  • After we became engaged

    Votes: 13 35.1%
  • Not until the wedding

    Votes: 4 10.8%
  • We're married and my in laws still haven't met my parents

    Votes: 3 8.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I'm curious about this and I honestly don't know what an acceptable time is. I understand if sets of parents live states apart or beyond driving distance. But what if parents are all in the same place?
I’m having this same dilemma. However, my bf and I became official last month. We started dating in January.

He’s already asked me when he’s going to meet my mother. I was thinking maybe the end of next month.
WE haven't done this yet. We've been dating for a year...i would say at engagement. His mom lives out of the country and visits once a year.
We're going away this week. I may or may not bring it up..his mom is coming to town soon.
They met just before we were engaged/ married. My parents flew over here from the East Coast. We were engaged/ married about 6 weeks later
I met his parents after we were married for a year. He met my mother after we were married for 3 years...:look:
I think it depends on the level of parental involvement you already have and what level you’re hoping to establish for the lifetime of your relationship.
Our mothers met after our engagement, probably a couple of months before the wedding. The fathers weren’t meet by either side until the wedding. I’m very close to my parents. My DH isn’t, seemingly, and so I thought “well he rarely sees his family and so it’s not that important that our parents meet because it won’t be a big issue.” Wrong. If done again, I’m not sure exactly when they would meet or how much time I would spend around them but I think it’s very important. Now, with the same group of ppl, I don’t think we would have ended up married :look: but it’s good to shed light on things and we would probably be good friends :lol: in all seriousness, I think it’s important to have an opportunity to see how families interact and what values they hold. No matter how rarely they interact, when you a marry a person you marry their family.
The wedding rehearsal. My in-laws live out of town. I'm pretty sure my parents and in-laws spoke by phone prior to the wedding.
I created this poll because SO and me are dealing with this as we talk marriage and children more. We've been together over a year. Both sets of parents are local. An engagement isn't happening this year but I'd like our families to have some familiarity before then especially since both sides eagerly await grandchildren. The hold up is SO's mother. :look: Our dads met and are cool but SO's mother is hesitant, mostly because she's not ready to let her children, particularly her son go. For context, SO is 32. I'm also very different from SO's previous partners and our families are very different.

The same day I created the thread, we decided our moms will meet in June. I was curious how other couples addressed this.
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He met my parents about 6 months after we became exclusive, but that was because we were dating long distance. He wanted to meet them right away, but I wanted to wait a while. He gave his mom my email and she added me on yahoo messenger (LOL) the night we became exclusive :lol: I wished he had asked me first :look:
My Mom didn’t meet DH’s parents until we had been together for about 2 years. We were engaged at that point.

They live on opposite sides of the country, otherwise they likely would have met sooner. I don’t believe in parents meeting until things are really serious.
Update: My parents met SO's parents over lunch a couple weeks ago. It went very well. My parents want to do it again before too long. It was originally supposed to be just the moms, because SO and I already know our dads are cool but things changed. I'm so glad I made this happen. :yep: My worst nightmare was a clash happening while we're planning a wedding.

I also wanted to send a message to SO's mom. :look: