What's your goal length?? and why?

Goal Length

  • Shoulder

    Votes: 45 3.7%
  • APL

    Votes: 120 9.9%
  • BSL

    Votes: 329 27.1%
  • Midback

    Votes: 365 30.1%
  • Waist

    Votes: 255 21.0%
  • Tailbone

    Votes: 75 6.2%
  • Classic

    Votes: 11 0.9%
  • Longer than Classic

    Votes: 12 1.0%

  • Total voters
SweetCaramel1 said:
it's a personal challenge of mine to get to waistlength. i like the look of it and my hair has never been that long before. that goal may change though with the extra challenge of taking care of so much hair
I love your hair, SweetCaramel!;) Oh anyway, I want BSL hair, because I think it would be an attainable goal for me. Im almost at APL.
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I used to say Bra strap, but I think APL will be my goal. I just feel like my hair will have more life if I stop there. I dunno. We'll see once I hit that goal.
Mid-Back Length. In all honesty, I'm not exactly sure as to why i want to have long hair. Maybe I played with too many barbie dolls as a child. I have just always associated long hair with a woman at her peak femininity. It has been my dream to have long hair again since i ruined it when i was a thirteen. i've had long hair before so i know i can have it again with a little bit of tlc.
Waist length because. I want to see if my hair will grow that long,I love long hair especially indian hair. I also got sick of the stereo types that black women cant grow their hair.
At this point, I want waist length when fully stretchd and I am suddenly very impatient. :( I am bored and I want a hair cut! Waist length would give me a safety net to cut really long layers and perhaps end up mid back.
My goal is tailbone. I just want to see if that goal is obtainable for me. I am a dark skinned woman who has always had pretty long hair. I didn't understand or know some of importance of clarifying, pre-pooing, etc until I cam here. I just want to see if I can make it to my goal. I am at BSL now, so I only have a few more steps.
My hair was midback & natural as a child, and I want it back. I don't know if I'm transitioning or if I'll get another relaxer, but whatever length I get I want it to be healthy
oduwu said:
I'll be happy if I get can thick, healthy APL hair. I'm almost there, so anything more than that is icing on the cake.

Co-signing....main goal, thicker, healthier hair, APL. Anything between APL and BSL is a bonus. :)
I would love to have mid-back length hair, because I feel that it will be easier to manage. I have had short hair, mid length and long hair and I just feel like I could do more and manage the longer hair better.
I chose WL! Its what I always wanted and until LHCF it was just a dream! Now its an obtainable goal. I just love long, strong, healthy hair on a Black woman! Its just beautiful I tell ya! Beautiful!

My goal is mid-back length. However, if my growth stops at an earlier point as long as my hair is healthy I'll be happy. My hair is currently at the bsl and healthy. My hair was at the mid-back level before I got the major chop, so I'm just hoping to recapture the length for my own personal reasons. Having long hair affords me flexibility in hair styles that I may not have if my hair was shorter.
My original goal length was armpit, but after reaching it, I've decided to go for bra-strap just because I can.
my goal is midback or greater, because although short hair is sexy as heck on some people, i love having long hair, and it seems to stand out for a black women to have long beautiful healthy hair!:)
My goal is midback or longer. For as long as I can remember my hair has been shoulder length and I've always wanted it longer. When I was a little girl I would tie a long towel around my head like a ponytail and pretend It was my hair, so to know that I can actually grow my hair that long is a great feeling and then I won't have to use the towel to pretend anymore.:lol:
My goal is 25 inches, which on me is about an inch below my brastrap. I think this length would let me acheive whatever style I want, but it wouldn't overpower me b/c I'm so short.
i picked waist length just to see if I can get there.

but realistically, BSL. I know I can get there. I have had parts of my head grown to the length inch wise to equal to that length. But I don't know my terminal length> i just know 2 yrs at least( for my growth cycle-it could be longer i don't know)
I picked BSL b/c based on my height and the type of styles I like. Not to say if it gets longer I'll cut it, but I'll be content at BSL. I surely wouldn't go past tailbone, though!
I really just want BSL because I think anything longer would be too hard to take care of for me. But if I make midback inadvertently then so be it!;)
I voted for APL. I haven't had hair touching/past my shoulders since my grade school days - for a variety of reasons. That length is long enough (and reasonably realistic) for me. Besides, I'm fairly tall (about 5'8"), so it would take me forever and a day to grow waistlength hair. And I'm so accident prone, I'd probably be getting it caught in doors and stuff.
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soun said:
My goal is Mid back.
Why? Because that's long hair to me with less work than WL and longer lenght, I guess :look:.

What she said. :lol:
I'm short with short legs, regular torso. I just think of Mid-back as the first stage of really long hair and that's what I want. I don't think I'd go far beyond that unless it's waist length. I plan to wear my hair down and enjoy styles so I don't want it too long.
My goal length changes everytime I reach another goal...so for right now Ill say my goal length is Waistlength. That should make me happy enough, Tailbone may be TOO much hair for me!
I want to reach APL. It seems like at that length I can pretty much do whatever I want. However, when I reach that I'm sure I'll keep going to see if I can reach bsl. But goodness forbid if I go longer than that. I can't imagine having all that hair to deal with.
I thought my goal length was waist length but I keep cutting it to brastrap so now I am going for midback length. I haven't had my hair that long since I was in the third grade.
I am shooting for bsl.. I think it would look great on me. I have tried on my mother's wigs :lol: and hair pretty much past that length didnt do me justice. I actually love my hair short because it shows of my face really well and I look quite "sexxx-ayyyy" (in a modest way). When it was shoulder length, I got "oh, your hair is pretty!". When I got the halle cut, people were like OMG! Your hair cut is sexy and just is beautiful. I turned heads everywhere I went to a point that it really became uncomfortable. I never got reactions like that when I had long hair. As for people hatin, :orders: let the haters hate! It's just a sick inadequate form of flattery as I see it and comin up short all the time! :lol: I really am never concerned what others think, especially those I dont know. In no way can their "hatin" affect my life or change anything sooo.. that's just me. I would like to get waist length just in case I do sumthin' stoo-pid and need to loose an inch or four, I can ! With me, ya'll, you never know! I get daring at times.. i'ts just no tellin' what i'll do. :ohwell:
My goal is for mid back... The weave i have in now is mid back and i like that length. i think waist length is a little to long for me to care for but i would like the length of mid back.... long enough to rollerset or to wear in a bun, but still be healthy