What's your goal length?? and why?

Goal Length

  • Shoulder

    Votes: 45 3.7%
  • APL

    Votes: 120 9.9%
  • BSL

    Votes: 329 27.1%
  • Midback

    Votes: 365 30.1%
  • Waist

    Votes: 255 21.0%
  • Tailbone

    Votes: 75 6.2%
  • Classic

    Votes: 11 0.9%
  • Longer than Classic

    Votes: 12 1.0%

  • Total voters
My goal was never a particular length. After having broken-off ,fried, see-through hair for years, I only wanted healthy, thick beautiful hair at any length.

This is whats most important. Because for example if your hair is waist length and its not healthy you wont be able to retain the length.
I voted for waist. I want it that long because I want longer hair than my sister. My sister has 4a waist length hair as a child and as an adult she has BSL. I think she keeps it cut so it is not longer than BSL for maintenance. She relaxes, colors, and she does not belong to any hair boards, and she still has long hair. I even witness her go from BSL to nape (when some so-called friend cut my sister's hair) back to BSL.

My grandmother had almost BSL when she passed. I believe she had longer hair when she was younger. Several of my aunts and cousins had APL or longer hair at one point in their life and I want to join them.

So sibling rivalry is my M.O. for wanting long hair.
I am not sure anymore. :look:

Now, I don't think I have a set goal. I am enjoying my hair length right now, which is collarbone length (:grin: just realized this)/ shoulder length curled as I wear it everyday. But, I want it to get longer and I am still growing out layers.

I think in 2 -3 years I will be happy with BSL hair with no layers. But, I am not pressed or stressed about it. I will get there when I get there.
I voted APL but maybe, just maybe I'd like BSL. I really just want a respectable ponytail and I think APL is just about right! But if I could just get to SL, I'd be so appreciative! lol!
I want my hair to be hip bone length. One reason is because i've always dreamed of having hair thats super long. The other reason is b/c I want all the friends family and stylists who didnt believe in me and said that my hair would never grow "that long" TO EAT DIRT AND PICK THEIR FACES UP OFF THE GROUND when i reach my goal. Honestly if just get to waistlength their faces would drop but i really wanna stick it to them by going for HL hair.:grin:
Voted for MBL....
I have no particular reason why other than that's what I'm reaching for and I luv the way I look with long hair...
My goal is bsl or mbl (aren't they about the same:rolleyes:?). This is the perfect length for me. I think it would suit me nicely.:yep: Anything longer would be a bit much.
My goal length has changed sooo many times over the course of my hair journey.:drunk:

At first I wanted BSL; when I got BSL I wanted MBL; when I joined the forum
I decided I wanted WL, and now I want it somewhere between
MBL and WL.:spinning:

I'm tall and long hair has always looked good on me...But aside from
wearing long weaves, the longest my hair ever got was APL.
Now that my hair is getting longer and healthier I'm just getting
greedy.:grin: Hair anorexia has played a big part too. But I honestly
feel like my new goal length is the way to go.;)
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My ULTIMATE hair lenght would have to be WL....dont get me wrong midback is wonderful too...but I just love the look of waist lenght!!!! :yep:

Also I just want it because I always dreamt about having it when i was a child...and now I know that it is possible for me to achieve it....man listen it's GOING DOWN!!! :lachen:

4a Relaxed Thin /Fine/Color Treated
Current Lenght: APL ( achieved on 8/07 )
2ng Goal: BSL (3/08)
Ult. Goal: WL ( Thick and Happy)
Staples: ORS Replenishing Packs, Cream of Nature Shampoo, Vo5 Cons, Worlds of Curls Conditioning Spray, Honey, Castor oil, EVOO.
My goal is MBL, and the reason is because that is what I prayed for when I was 8 years old, because my best friends hair was at her mid back. (The Lord answers all prayers in HIS own due time!)

I also want to go into the salon where I used to get my hair done, purchase some Aveda products, and toss my hair on the way out as I say goodbye to the dumb stylist who said, when she saw my daughter's hair, "Who did she get her hair from?" :yep:
I chose WL because I've had sooooo many nay-sayers tell me that my hair would never get that long. Some of my friends and even family members doubt me and my hair goals. They say it's a waste of time, it won't grow that long, there's only 1 person in the family with hair that long. I say fiddlesticks. So, I'm on somewhat of a personal rampage to prove them all wrong.
I voted for tailbone length because that's my dream/long-term goal. That's tailbone length stretched, of course.

But as of now, my goal is WL. And that's simply because I've never had hair APL or beyond, and now I want it. :grin:
MBL. When i used to get hair weaves, i always got them MBL. This is my dream length for my hair! I don't think I can handle anything longer.
My goal length is waist length because it is something I've always wanted. My initial goal is healthy hair and maintenance but the length just goes to show me if I can really maintain it to the point where it continues to grow long and strong
I initially voted BSL now I want waist length, I like the look of it and if I don't like it when I get there (Insha Allah) then I can always cut it:grin: Why? To show myself I can set a goal and with dilligence and patience (I am the most impatient person I know) achieve it!
My goal is at least midback. I am tall, so shoulder length hair doesnt do me justice, even though its thick. I had midback hair in junior high but due to try to" keep up with the fads"of the early 90's alot of it fell out and it was never quite the same again. Time to go back to my roots..literally!!
I would LOVE for my natural hair to be MBL. So once it was pressed it would waistlength or longer. Right now I am at the Neck (still in transition mode) and wont chop until my natural hair AT LEAST grazes my shoulders. I need about 12-14 inches for my goal, so I am trying to do it in 2 years. :gorgeous::fairy: <----------- I need some magic dust
i want about an inch past my brastrap (stretched)
(which i voted in the poll as 'midback')

i dont know why? i just like that length.
My goal was never a particular length. After having broken-off ,fried, see-through hair for years, I only wanted healthy, thick beautiful hair at any length.

We are on the exact same boat! For once, my hair isn't straggly and dry looking. I would be happy with healthy, full SL hair for the rest of my life, but that doesn't mean I want to stay here. I guess ideally BSL would be the ultimate, but Im not even on that radar yet. Havent really even thought about it until now.
My ideal lenght would be mid back, just because I would love to think I can do it., I have always loved long hair and I know i look better with long hair.

I have never had long hair ever, I glued my hair between 19998-2003, when I decided to go natural and who know my hair could grow out thick and longer. I was always told as a child I had a lot of hair, but I never saw it in my teens and as a young adult.

Ideal goal -->
Just below BSL would be great for me. I want long, healthy hair, but because I work in a corporate environment, it can't be too long, otherwise it doesn't look professional.
Den1, your hair is beautiful. I like the texture and the way it shines. I have no doubt that you'll reach your selected goals.
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My goal is really midback, but I would like to have waistlength, so I can be like my grandma and wear it in a braided bun. I have a lot of her other physical features, and I woud love to have her hair length which was waist.
Somewhere between WL and midback. I have always had hair that was between shoulder length and APL and I think that long layers of with that kind of length would be the best look for me. Besides I like the challenge :look: