What's your goal length?? and why?

Goal Length

  • Shoulder

    Votes: 45 3.7%
  • APL

    Votes: 120 9.9%
  • BSL

    Votes: 329 27.1%
  • Midback

    Votes: 365 30.1%
  • Waist

    Votes: 255 21.0%
  • Tailbone

    Votes: 75 6.2%
  • Classic

    Votes: 11 0.9%
  • Longer than Classic

    Votes: 12 1.0%

  • Total voters
I am aiming to have midback length hair (stretched). I have never had my hair that long, because when I was a child, my parents cut my hair so many times, because they didn't know what to do with it. When I was relaxed my hair never grew beyond shoulder length, because I didn't know what I know now (protein or deep conditioning treatments, baggy, etc.).
I think I will get there. My nape is longer than it has ever been and is now just below my shoulders (stretched). I'm looking forward to it :)!
I'm ultimately striving for BRA STRAP length.
My hair was always long as a child
until I was 13 and got my first relaxer.
I believed a lot of the hair myths.
Got my hair trimmed every 8 weeks.
Listened to whatever my stylists said.
But, none of it worked for me.
Everytime I got my hair trimmed
people would ask if I got a hair cut...
I just want to see if I can do it without
going to a stylist feeding me with bad information.
Longer would be too much.
I think bra strap is the perfect length for me.
I copied this from Lucia's link.


InsatiableMe said:
By the way, can anyone tell me what "classic" length is?

Im not sure why anyone would want to have their hair looking like this, what would you do with it:perplexed Remids me of the Waltons for some reason:confused:
Agreed. I don't want hair so long all it does is just sit there. If it can't be styled or worn stylishly then what is the point? Pony tails day in and out are boring and just wearing it straight down like this reminds me of wife beaters, lite budweiser beer and missing teeth.

love2alicia said:

Im not sure why anyone would want to have their hair looking like this, what would you do with it:perplexed Remids me of the Waltons for some reason:confused:
my new goal is 22 inches(about mid back). i had 22 inches before i bc'ed and liked my hair at that length.
My ultimate goal is BSL. I think that length would be really nice on me, but possibly too hard for me to deal with. If so, I'd be happy at APL.

I've never had long hair. My hair is thick and coarse so my mom would always cut it, not knowing what else to do with it. As I got older I used too much heat, didn't wrap it, thought oil was moisture, etc.
Well I am happy to say I am one inch from BSL so I want to go for broke. Why not? Never ever had hair this long before in my life so I am going to try for tail bone.
Never thought those words would come out of my keyboard!:lachen:

As Momma always said, nothing beats a failure but a try. So I will give it my all and see what I can really accomplish.

Can you imagine looong kinky coily hair?:eek: I have one friend who has hair like that and she is the one that started me on this journey she is my mentor and inspiration.:grin: The woman gets stopped everywhere we go. It is a sight to see. I don't want to stop traffic but I do want to be a walking billboard for other woman who want to go natural or learn how to have natural healthy hair.
For me, realistically anything longer than possibly mid-back length is unreasonable for my lifestyle and styling options. I have small children, don't have hours to spend styling my hair but want hair long enough for versatility with styling b/c just having long hair is not good enough for me - I want healthy big and long hair with style and practicality.

I want something that works with my lifestyle which is very active as I work out at the gym with weights, running (I want to train for another race) and spin class. Can't have hair all over my face and neck while I am getting my workout on. LOL! But I want to be able to pull it out of the way easily and then style it attractively so it can go from the office, to an evening reception with the mayor to a date with my husband. That is what I am looking for.
I picked midback because that was how long my hair was when it was at its healthiest, and I really liked it that way... this time when I get to midback I will learn to apperciate it, and it will be thicker not so thin, wich is ultimatlely why I cut my hair down to APL, now its almost bra strap again... on my way
love2alicia said:

Im not sure why anyone would want to have their hair looking like this, what would you do with it:perplexed Remids me of the Waltons for some reason:confused:

Even if i did grow my hair out this long it would just be to see if I could thing, and who knows I may like it. But then again this length straight is much shorter natural, prob midback or WSL curly.
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I picked waist length because I've always wanted long hair and I like a challenge! I feel I have the knowledge to make it happen now so I'm gonna go for it :D
I would have to say I would love to have my hair meet my bra strap. I had brastrap length when I was little. Me and my mom went down south to visit my family and she dropped me off at my aunt's house. When she picked me up she noticed my hair was shedding really badly. She found out that my aunt had put a relaxer in my hair. Since then my hair has only been a little past shoulder length. Oh and of course I would love the stares if I was at BSL, lol!
I like how longer hair frames my face. I'd stop at bra strap length but anything between armpit and bra strap is welcome to me.
apl or bsl because I think those would both be really good lenghts for me. I aim to have my hair be full and layered. I don't want length just for the sake of length, but I want it to look great also.
My ultimate goal is hip length. That has always been my favorite length. Also, once my hair reaches HL, it was actually look WL because I have shrinkage even though I'm relaxed.
Right now I am 1" from midback. 5 inches to go!!!
My goal is waistlength because I like to wear my hair in curly styles and have my hair still reach to about BSL to MBL.
I picked APL but I am aiming for collar bone length about 1 inch above the beginning of APL. I have thin fine hair so hair any longer than this will not look good on me, plus I am only 5'4''. I just want a versatile length that I can maintain with simple roller sets and look classic.:)
I would love for my hair to get somewhere between apl and mbl..:D I never really wanted extremely long hair until recently. Why not give it a shot since my hair has never been that long before..:grin:
I want my hair to grow as long as it possibly can. I dont really have a hair goal length, Im just happy that my hair has surprised me, especially when I think back to the days I would look at Wankee's site and think I could never achieve that. OK, I'd stop at some ridiculous length......like my ankles or something.:spinning:
I would like somewhere between APL and BSL. I have always had short hair. When I was younger my hair way natural so I have no idea how long it was but permed my hair has never been past mid neck. I think it is attainable but I can't really imagine it because I've never had it. Sometimes I think it's not possible but I know with some dedication I can make it happen. I do freak out about breakage and dry hair. It worries me.

I want that length because I want to be a black girl with long, beautiful, hair. Hair that grew out of my head. I want folks to stop thinking black girls can't have long hair, that it's a white thing.

Anything longer then that I don't think I would even be able to style so waist length would just be there for the sake of having long hair.
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I chose BSL. I think this would suit me best. I am not the biggest fan of real long hair. I would like some nice, thick, shiny and healthy BSL, swangin'!!!:yep: Then, I'll be good.
I voted for Tailbone because I simply luv long hair on me. I'm 2 inches from APL now, but I have calculated that I should be tailbone by Dec 2010, which isn't that far away!!!
Why Tailbone?
Well I want to wear my jeans and tanktops and feel the hair on my elbows. I like the look of extremely long hair and I think it is sooooooooo feminine. Also I want to be able to see the ends of my hair on my lap when I sit down. It will be soooo great. I can't wait...but the joy of working towards my goal will make it even better once I get there.
Guess in 2010 I will have the tailbone hair and a flying car? :lachen::lachen:
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My goal length as of now is full APL and once I reach that I'm going for full BSL. But my ultimate goal length would be waistlength because I think that would be pretty on me and frame my face better.

(plus I want to prove to some people that BLACK :grin: people can grow LONG hair :rocker: too! lol)​
My goal is full, thick, blunt MBL hair. I can just see myself with it. I think that length would really suit me. I've never had MBL hair before and I want to give my hair a a chance to see how long it could grow.