What's with the Taurus man?

I'm dealing with a Taurus now and he seems wishy washy. One minute were texting everyday but then I haven't heard from him in weeks. They seem sweet though and affectionate. Mine texted me yesterday and I told him like if you want me you have to be consistent!
I'm dealing with a Taurus now and he seems wishy washy. One minute were texting everyday but then I haven't heard from him in weeks. They seem sweet though and affectionate. Mine texted me yesterday and I told him like if you want me you have to be consistent!

Taureans are very sensitive and do not like confrontation. They also need space. I wouldn't have even mentioned it. Let him miss you.
DH is a May Taurus - Giving, protective, procrastinates but once he has truly set his mind on something and works towards it he won't quit.

Cheap - difficult to say. When deciding where to go out to eat, he'd much rather go to a fast food or less expensive restaurant, while I'm trying to paint the town red, but when it comes to electronics, he's all about spending the dough.

Stubborn - yes. Because we've been together so long, its gotten to the point where he'll concede on a lot of things, b/c he'd rather just avoid an argument (I think that was one of the traits too right?), but he still has many (annoying and irratating) habits and ideals that he is not willing to budge on at all.

Oh and he can definitely be an a$$hole. As he's gotten older, he's gotten better. Maybe as a pisces, I helped to curb that some, but when he's angry he used to be such a d!ck. When I'm angry, I like to be by myself and away from the person whom I'm angry at. Not him. I he wasn't to be all up next time, so I can see that he's angry and he's liked to do things just to further anger me.

We met and used to work together at Burger King when we were in college. So we got into an argument (about what, I couldnt' tell you) while at work. I just started ignoring. I didn't act like he didn't exist, but I did my job and only talked to him when necessary. Guess he didn't like that to tough, so he started getting slick at the mouth. I couldn't take it. Rather than stay there and continue to fight with him, I left. I told the manager, do what you got to do, but I'm out of here. Luckily I didn't get fired and not too long after that, we both got different other jobs, working separately.

I used to be at his apartment constantly. Well, we had an argument, I threw some food at him and left and went back to my apartment (which was in the same complex -didn't plan to stay in the same complex, just a coincidence), which of course I thought was the right thing to do. Silly me. Well I get back to my apartment and it is late and my roommates are asleep. Well this fool starts blowing up my cell phone. I cut it off. So then he calls the house phone and said he would continue to do this if I didn't come back. So I go, b/c I don't my roommates sleep disturbed and angry at me b/c of him. I go back and threw my clothes on the front of the door. I picked them up and go in the apt, where he proceeds to ignore the **** out of me. So he bugged the hell of me to come back, not to talk or even argue it out. He did that just so he could have the pleasure of ignoring me. That is why I call my DH an *******. We laugh about it now. :lachen:

And one of the things I love and hate about my Taurus husband is how much he likes to help others. He'll give and help others out even if he's getting a raw deal (i.e. being used). He's a coach for little league football. Many of the kids don't have fathers in the their lives so he tries to not just teach the football, but also what it means to be a man.

Well this post is long enough already, so I'll just stop there. I'm sure eyes of glazed over by now. :grin:
this is a great blog post about Taurus men

Taurus males. . .smoldering, sexy and attentive. But can it really be that good? Well, based on my personal experiences of 13 years spent with one, I can say yes - and no. I guess it just depends on how "progressed" your Taurus male is and how submissive he may be to the stimulation of his five senses.

So before I begin, I'd like to state that there are many, many Taurus males out there that are wonderful husbands, lovers and friends. That being said, I'm sure that you are now guessing where I'm headed with this. . Yep - I'm delving into the "dark side" of the Taurus nature as many of my personal observations over the years centered around such activity. So my apologies to all you wonderful Taurus males out there. Taurians, as many already know, are all about the stimulation of the five senses. When these stimulations are of a positive nature, they love music, good food, the outdoors, sensitive touch and all things sensually related.

However, should a Taurus, males in particular here, fall prey to the stimulation of his darker senses - lookout. It's a folly of gluttony, abuse and self indulgence. Taurus males can become steeped in drugs, alcohol, casual sex, gambling and the like. He may cultivate relationships, both sexual and platonic, outside of a committed relationship as a Plan B of sorts.

Taurians are passive by nature and, being ruled by the planet Venus, that of love, romance and money, have a natural tendency to draw people to them rather than seeking people and relationships out. Taurians are all about security, I should know - I AM one. Nothing pleases a Taurus , male or female, more than stability, a cushy living situation, and security, both financial and emotional. Due to that nature, a Taurus generally will not act aggressively towards people or situations that secretly they wish to attach themselves to. Rather, a Taurus will somehow manage to draw those people or relationships to them. And our Taurus males in particular are very good at doing so. Sextrology refers to the Taurus males motto being one of "I WILL". . . .have you in the palm of my hand.

And for Taurus males - that's it in a nutshell. Strong yet quiet, masculine yet sensitive, sexual yet unaggressive, these guys have mastered the technique. And once he's caved to stimulation of his darker senses this becomes one of his favorite pastimes. He'll spend many a day and hours of time cultivating "situations" that he will ultimately reap rewards from at a later date. Thus making all his time and effort worth it.

He'll place himself into environments where these situations are more likely to happen and he'll simply sit back and wait. He'll show up time and time again and do this repeatedly until he finally achieves the rapport he's been attempting to build. All the while, he'll be acting coy and clueless in an attempt to disarm you of any agenda you may think he has. You see, for our Taurus males, that IS his agenda. . . .to disarm you (especially women) and make you think he has no agenda. He wants you to relax and feel comfortable around him, not threatened. And in order to do this he realizes that he must repeatedly make his presence known time and time again so that those around him drop their guard. And once your comfortable and your walls are down, that's when the real work begins. His plan is now in motion and it'll brew at such a slow and steady pace that you'll be none-the-wiser.
Here's a Tidbit From a Taurus Male Profile Based on Sextrology That I Previously Wrote Regarding This Very Subject:

"He operates behind the scenes, always keeping his intentions guarded and others in a constant state of guessing. He is a man of reaction - not one of action. He forces others to play their hand before revealing his own, all the while, he's working his angle behind the scenes. By doing so, our male bull leads a rather stress-free life. He hangs back in situations, being the master of all he surveys. This ones like a kid in the candy store of life. A huge appetite for pleasure, but lacking the inability to exert abstinence or self-discipline, he's all about the stimulation of the five senses. A come hither kind of guy. His lifelong goal is to be idolized, idolized, idolized - and worshipped by others.

Therefore, he plays a rather submissive role in life and in relationships. If you ask the Taurian male where he'd like to go for dinner that night, most likely, his response will be, "Wherever you'd like to go." He's not much of a decision maker and, honestly, doesn't prefer to wear the pants in a love relationship. This behavior gets the male bull farther in life and without much effort having to be placed into it. He finds that he usually doesn't have to fight for that which he wants. He waits, he watches, he evaluates. He's a strategist. Once his goals are securable and within his reach - he charges straight for them. He's not a risk taker by nature. He plans and plots, waiting for his desires to ultimately reveal themselves to him. Our male bull tends to build his own small harem of worshippers in life.

He may pal around with younger individuals that look up to him in some way. He may develop a harem of female admirers on the side, of whom he will always refer to as only "friends. A dating pool of sorts, from which he can pull from at his leisure, if need be, or if his preferred stable relationship should happen to sour in his eyes. And by souring, I mean - if you stop worshipping him and the idol that he envisions himself to be."

So ladies, if you find yourself involved with, or gunning for, a Taurian male you may find one of the nicest, most attentive and sexual guys on the planet - or you might find yourself trapped in a sea of confusion and self doubt. So when dealing with a Taurian male it might pay to ask questions and study body language.

Most important of all. . . .find out where's he's spending most of his time. That will give you a glimpse into his motives and the situations that he's attempting to attach himself to. I'd like to hear from women who have had experiences with Taurus males. Where they positive or negative? Can you relate to any of this?

Experiences With A Taurus Male | The Mirror of Aphrodite

After reading this blog post I was like Yesss (the red text) is so true. the Taurus males plot and scheme to get what they want I feel like from point of contact he was plotting each of his moves to get together with me,it was kinda disturbing once I look back at everything, me being a Pisces they say Taurus is a perfect match but I dont think so. The only thing I like about them is there dominance and sex:look: they are very sensual but the other parts of their personality just ruin the good.

Oh and he needs to stop trying to contact me Im not interested:perplexed

Anyone else have any experiences?
After reading this blog post I was like Yesss (the red text) is so true. the Taurus males plot and scheme to get what they want I feel like from point of contact he was plotting each of his moves to get together with me,it was kinda disturbing once I look back at everything, me being a Pisces they say Taurus is a perfect match but I dont think so. The only thing I like about them is there dominance and sex:look: they are very sensual but the other parts of their personality just ruin the good.

Oh and he needs to stop trying to contact me Im not interested:perplexed

Anyone else have any experiences?

I found the best earth sign match for Pisces is Capricorn. Based on what I read Taurus and Pisces is a difficult match but workable. Also depends on the rest of the chart. If a Pisces has Taurus strong in thier chart perhaps they are more understanding of their ways. And vice versa.
Ok so clearly Mr. Taurus and I are a match physically. Not ready to go all the way yet if at all. He requires more patience than I'm willing to give. I have fire strong in my chart and patience is not a strong point when it comes to men. Time to open the door to other boys of the zodiac. :yep:
How do you go about doing your chart? I'm a taurus and I'd like to know more about my sign and the best people for me to be around.

I'm April 25, 1981 if that helps.
I need to be up in here!! Current SO is a Taurus and so was the last long-term relationship. SO and the Ex actually have the same birthday - weird!

Anyway, I seem to love them BUT they also seem to annoy the crap out of me - arguments, butting heads, etc. Well I guess men in general annoy the crap out of me :look:

But current SO and I are very serious, the only thing that is really bothering me right now is that I'm much more of a go-getter/multi-tasker, side-hustler than he is. I mean, he can focus on something and pour his heart and soul into it and do an amazing job but I would have done 4 things probably just as well in the same amount of time. Like right now it's taking him weeks just to start the process of looking for a new apartment. I'm like I would already been moved in and chilling by now, wtf :lol:

So I guess I would like someone that was as much of a hustler as I am and maybe it's just a difference in upbringing than anything else - I'm an African immigrant; he's a white dude from Connecticut. I've seen my parents and family members have to hustle to make it in this country and well yeah, his grandparents paid for his college eduction. Eh, I guess I'm just venting more than anything else. I don't want this to be a dealbreaker but I would really like him to step his game up - I want to retire early ya know, now's the time to hustle or go home :yep:

Btw, I'm a Pisces - well born on 2/19 so I guess Aquarius/Pisces if that matters :)

Any advice ladies??
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I'm in love with a Taurus. We haven't held hands. We haven't kissed. We haven't even been on a date yet. But he's a constant figure in my life and has been for over a year now. We do business together. Looking back over that time I can see so many things indicated he was crushing on me, genuinely cared for me but I was clueless at those times. Maybe being in a relationship for half the time had something to do with it. It wasn't until the past month..God has opened my eyes to him. And OMG I am on cloud nine over him.

I'm a Libra sun (with Taurus rising). Libra and Taurus are the only signs of the zodiac that is ruled by the planet Venus so cosmically speaking, we're from the same planet..lol. We can communicate with eye contact. We have a code language that only he and I understand. It's almost like something we had to develop because of the nature of our business and the other individuals around us but I feel like they are even beginning to see it. It's becoming too strong to hide.

We don't see each other a lot, a few times a week maybe but each meeting is getting more and more intense between the both of us. Whenever we do consummate this cosmic love that we have for each other and bring it down to earth...lawd have mercy!

My very first boyfriend, first love, which was also my very first kiss, and also the one who I blessed with my virginity was a Taurus. I have a strong feeling my happily ever after will be with this Taurus.
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my best friend is Taurus,she s very loving and emotionally giving (otherwise very stingy) ,likes drama but not in her life ,she hates confrontations and she thinks she s always right and love with complete passion ,doesnt hold anything back ,main source of her disappointments in love ,she s a thoughtful person who driven by passion can become trifling .
eta :I must have been mad :blush:
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My Taurus is an aries/taurus cusp.
He is a very sensual person. He is extremely loyal. Yesterday a friend of mine came over and he looked me in the eye for our whole conversation. He said he didn't mind chillin with her but he wanted to me to know that he was only interested in connecting with me during the conversation.
He is very defensive of me.
He is very VERY touchy-feely... I am too.
He prefers to sit with me on the couch rather than to go out. If we do go out, he lets me pick because he knows he is stingy with the tv and he wants to make sure he compromises. :lol:
He has told me he has no issues with providing for me... Its soon for all that but he wanted me to know that he would be here for me in that way.
He is very shy and hates large groups, as do I, unless I have some drinks.
He keeps in close touch with his family members and takes genuine interests with the concerns in their life. This is what I love most about him.
And his mommy is his boo for life. They are literally best friends.
He loves to be the leader at work and between the 2 of us. Which I like.
He is very ambitious but I think that we both are this way do to the abuse sustained while being the child of a Carribean immigrant :lachen:
He is CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN. He has no problem with me being a mess as long as I cook for him. Cleaning makes him feel good.
He takes pride in buying me lunch, buying me food to practice my cooking, paying for my smart trip card... he loves to take care of me. And I love to be taken care of.
He is very rooted in his values and he thrives off of fairness. He is not afraid to admit his mistakes, but if he is right he makes sure that I know that for sure.
When he doesn't like something I did, he tells me right away, but not without telling me why. And he also asks for my perspective, which I've never had someone say to me during an arguement.
He also wants a family soon. Hopefully this is it for me! I love him so much!!!!
I am involved with a Taurus. The chemistry is amazing! Actually the best I've ever experienced. When we are together everything else disappears. Don't ask me who was dancing next to us, I don't know. Don't ask me what time the waitstaff started cleaning up the restaurant because we don't know either, LOL.

He did tell me he was stubborn. I can already tell. I can already tell he does not apologize. He said some not-so-nice things a while back and I did not respond to what was said. 25 minutes later he told me how much he loves being with me and misses me. I can tell, "I'm sorry," is not his thing, LOL.

He is freaky and I will just get right off that topic, so I don't get all flustered. :D BTW, I am a Cancerian.
They are hard headed but have a sweet side underneath all that. Prepare for some arguments though...

This is dead on!

I married a Taurus who is the son of a Taurus (their birthdays are 9 days a part).

We don't argue as much as we used to...But Lawd....You can't be a weeping willow with no backbone with these guys.

he met his match in me.
I am involved with a Taurus. The chemistry is amazing! Actually the best I've ever experienced. When we are together everything else disappears. Don't ask me who was dancing next to us, I don't know. Don't ask me what time the waitstaff started cleaning up the restaurant because we don't know either, LOL.

He did tell me he was stubborn. I can already tell. I can already tell he does not apologize. He said some not-so-nice things a while back and I did not respond to what was said. 25 minutes later he told me how much he loves being with me and misses me. I can tell, "I'm sorry," is not his thing, LOL.

He is freaky and I will just get right off that topic, so I don't get all flustered. :D BTW, I am a Cancerian.

I'm a Libra.

So girl you know too!
I'm in love with a Taurus. We haven't held hands. We haven't kissed. We haven't even been on a date yet. But he's a constant figure in my life and has been for over a year now. We do business together. Looking back over that time I can see so many things indicated he was crushing on me, genuinely cared for me but I was clueless at those times. Maybe being in a relationship for half the time had something to do with it. It wasn't until the past month..God has opened my eyes to him. And OMG I am on cloud nine over him.

I'm a Libra sun (with Taurus rising). Libra and Taurus are the only signs of the zodiac that is ruled by the planet Venus so cosmically speaking, we're from the same planet..lol. We can communicate with eye contact. We have a code language that only he and I understand. It's almost like something we had to develop because of the nature of our business and the other individuals around us but I feel like they are even beginning to see it. It's becoming too strong to hide.

We don't see each other a lot, a few times a week maybe but each meeting is getting more and more intense between the both of us. Whenever we do consummate this cosmic love that we have for each other and bring it down to earth...lawd have mercy!

My very first boyfriend, first love, which was also my very first kiss, and also the one who I blessed with my virginity was a Taurus. I have a strong feeling my happily ever after will be with this Taurus.

Oh boy.

This was us.

I met and fell in love with my Taurus 12 years ago at the age of 18 (he was 19)....We were both in college. We got married 5 years ago.

It was difficult initially because we were still growing up! But This Libra is definitely living happily ever after with her Taurus.
Maybe I just havent read the other threads as thoroughly but I am gathering that the Taurean man brings out a whole lot of feelings in women.

I was talking to one for a minute. He was very sensual, attentive and loving. He was also a cheat. That whole loyalty thing did not apply to him and once I figured him out, I BOUNCED.
I had a tumultous, nauseating weekend with my Taurus man. MAN OH MAN ARE THEY POSSESSIVE!!! AND STUBBORN!!!
Run like hell i know so many taurus men they cant and i mean they cant keep their dingalings in their pants(every woman i know has this problem). They will have a tons of women friens but dont be fooled they sleeped with 90% of them.

I am a libra and there is this taurus man at work who has been laying it on heavily that he is interested in me. beside from the fact that he is corny as fluck and a gamer nerd i keep noticing that i am not the only woman in his prescence. also he is cocky and arrogant. i joke with him and tell him that he thinks he is all that and a bag of chips and he goes "well i am" :rolleyes: we work in customer service and its like there is always a female around him. i see women wispering and giving him the come fluck me eyes when they come in. lol i must admit myself that he looks great in a suit. i know a few coworkers who been trying to jump his bones for the longest as well. ive asked him and he keeps denying that he ever done anything with anyone at work but has been given many offers. has anyone else dealt with a taurean with playeristic ways?

i've never dealt wiht any other taurean men besides my father and this guy is nothing like my father. my father is super religious and a basic standard type of guy. he is stubborn but not frugal. if you feed my dad and give him a tv then he is a happy camper. my dad is very family oriented and doesn't have many friends. he has a great sense of humor that i "get" and we can spend hours on the phone goofing off. (im a daddy's girl) lol
My Taurean DH almost got his arse kicked this weekend.... But he figured it out quick and turned up the compassion....and um....we're good now.

Sent from my iPad 2 using LHCF....(thus the typos)
Lol! I'm a Virgo, and my DH is a Taurus. He can be stubborn & bullheaded, but he's also a loyal and faithful friend. He puts his family's happiness first, and works hard to keep us happy. He can work my Very Last Nerve :pyro:, but he also Lays It Down :naughtycouch:. He's super possessive, which is fine with me cause I'm not going anywhere!

I've dated 1 other Taurus, and yea...this is the sign for me!