What's with the Taurus man?

wow, i dont know but i have dated two men under this sign. and no luck with both. in my experience, they have turned out to be pathological liars, very selfish and self centered, disloyal and dishonest, and just pure b**tards. never again.
My brother is one and I hate him. I have never hated someone as much as I have hated him.

I have other taurus men in my family and for the most part they are cool and the things stated already pretty much describe them good and bad.

My brother on the other hand is a lying cheating stealing arsehole. He's 24 and has absolutely nothing to show for it. He took 5 years to complete high school (barely finished) and declined going to college. Nothing is wrong with declining to go to college but you gotta find your niche in society find something you love and are good at and find a way to make a good living from that.

He makes excuses for everything. He's EXTREMELY lazy and will always find a way out of things. He steals from his own family members including me and our mother. Earlier this summer he stole $240 from me b/c he had to get his car out of the shop. How do you steal that kind of money from someone and not expect them to notice?!! My mother gave me $$ to replace that but he hasn't paid her back even though he's been paid. And btw he still lives with us pays for nothing nope not even his own toiletries or food.

He's very dishonest and not trustworthy. He's raked up thousands of dollars in bounced check fees, taking out lines of credit, and defaulting on loans. He KNOWINGLY writes bad checks to people and doesnt care. He takes out loans knowing he has no intention of paying them back. How does someone who lives with their parents have credit that is shot only after a few years?

He started a "business" in 2005 but has nothing to show for it almost 4 years later. He thinks a successful business is something that comes overnight. He doesn't have the patience or intelligence to take on something like that. If you can't work for someone else and stay employed longer than 2-3 months what makes anyone think you are capable of owning and running your own business which comes with a lot more risk and work?!!

He's a "good christian" and I'm an atheist but judging by his actions you wouldn't think so. He goes and sits and reads his bible and preaches to everyone about god saying this and that but can't even treat his own family members with the kindness and respect he preaches about. Everything that comes out of his mouth and a lie and often times cannot be believed. My parents gave him an eviction notice last month he was evicted on the 9th but is back 1 month later. I wish they would grow a back bone and cut him off. He's done nothing but use them and has contributed nothing to the household even to support himself (food toiletries share of rent) but he still gets to live here.

That is my rant for the day. I don't like him and don't care for him and that is something that is not going to change as long as he acts the way he acts. Its one thing to be selfish, lazy, etc its another thing to steal from and use your family who's done nothing but be helpful to you.
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I am Aries and I have NO problems with Taurus Men This is all I attract. My EX/FH of 4 years is a Taurus. With me they are the most dependable men, also they can cook keep a clean house always making money. I will marry a Taurus man. They know what they want. They do not let go.

This was true for the Taurus men that I have known. I remember one of them told me he wanted to start a family (at the age of 21) and another one told me " I'm tryin' to hurry up and put a baby in you" after dating for two months. I was done after that and, No, neither of them let go easily.
My first true love was a Taurus and he was awesome. Very musically and artistically inclined ... he was very funny, and loved to talk and be social. He was very into the arts ... very affectionate, very caring, sweet and patient.
He had his stuff with him too though... he liked female attention.
My brother is a Taurus. He's a very sweet guy, super intelligent but lazy as a lima bean, loves his money and is good at saving, anal retentive but still sloppy, introverted. A slow moving vehicle, slow as honey, it takes him forever to get ready, to make a decision, to complete a task..just SLOW!

My sis SO/future BIL is also a Taurus. He's essentially a bigger version of my brother.

This was true for the Taurus men that I have known. I remember one of them told me he wanted to start a family (at the age of 21) and another one told me " I'm tryin' to hurry up and put a baby in you" after dating for two months. I was done after that and, No, neither of them let go easily.

Yes this is the same thing that happened to me. They are planning and still planning babies with me:blush:.

No, the Taurus men I attract which is two of them are very possessive of me. I do not mind. I am Aries I am very fiesty and playful and can be very serious at times. The funny thing is my Taurus men want me to RELAX more. I can be instense at times. :yep:

Some say oil and water do not mix. Well, all the expericences I have with Taurus men are very pleasant. So, for me they do mix.:yep:

Again I am going to Marry a Taurus Male :yep:
I'm a Taurus female, but I'm kind of a progressive version of our star sign in that I don't suffer a lot of the negative ills we have.... (Mostly I think because there's a LOT of Gemini and a bit of Scorpio, Aries, and Virgo or Capricorn in my charts too)...

But as far as the extreme negatives I know from studying my male Taurus friends especially, we can be so possessive it takes over our minds and we become stalkerish (I honestly would not be surprised if lots of Tauruses are stalkers), we can be super stubborn... good thing is it makes us loyal until you get on our bad list... most take a lot to change their minds... most people THINK they have seen us angry but never reaaaaally have. Or if we raise our voices, since we are no longer calm as a lake, we are now "angry." Noooooo sirreee Bob - few people have the privilege of seeing us truly angry, but once it happens, you know. It is scaryyyyyyy.

Like some people hinted at, some of us aren't as susceptible the the negatives that we're prone to. While a lot of us are slow and stubborn, some, like me, learn quickly and don't mind changing their minds or adopting new opinions. The plus is that it makes us less stubborn and more open minded. It can also make some adapt better to being other more atypical things for us, like passionate. I think for the Tauruses that aren't as slow, it does help us learn quickly in a number of ways. I know for me, the biggest thing is I've learned about myself, and have learned to prevent the worst of me... an example is now that I fear / loathe my anger, so when I know it's coming (the buildup) or I know a particular person always takes me there, I change things in a hurry or cut people off... but I know that requires not being resistant to change.

Just as a service announcement though, like with any sign, don't just judge based on their sun sign. I'm April 25, but I'm verrrrrrry multi-faceted and have lots of traits that just aren't Taurus-like. I can be slow but if I am excited or very cheerful, people ask me to slow down because they can't keep up, especially vocally. I get bored with things being the same for too long. I hate living in one place. It USED to be hard to get back on my ride or die list once you got off, but I've learned to move past that a bit, so now my loyalty tends to trump it and you can get a least a second chance... not a third. Also I am not slow AT ALL when it comes to business or future planning... especially money... and I am not frugal or thrifty AT ALL but am learning to get better at that because I need to save... but all I do is plan for the future... I think that makes sense because we like to make sure everything is on lock and secure. And so on and so forth...

This is all coming from someone who's only dated Aries and Gemini.
Good side: sweet, loves to cuddle, loves to talk, thinker, passionate, great in the **you know what**, loves family, loves kids, loves the finer things in life, love to travel, love beautiful things, over achievers, dont half a$$, they go hard at everything!

Bad side: super emotional, internalizes everything, can be selfish, temper, control issues, wears the skirt in the relationship...
Almost like Starian, almost. I'm a Cancer and he's a Taurus.

I will co-sign on the temper. Jekyl and Hyde-I've called him that many times before. Could be peaceful one minute and then angry like a storm out of nowhere and sometimes over the most smallest things.
Wow @ "He won't discuss something until he is ready. I can't function until the cards are on the table so I pick at him to discuss our issues until he explodes. I think that trait of his is BS. If we have a problem, I'm not waiting until 2 weeks from now for a half-azzed apology." That's my DH as well and it gets on my nerves! I like to have it out right then and there but he loves to drag it out and wallow in his temper. That only makes me more pissed off.
We may need consulting as well because I've threatened to leave too if he doesn't fix that.
He is also very dependable, that's something I do appreciate. Can be lazy yet will get off his butt to do some labor and his "manly duties"

But he'll spend every dime he gets whereas I'm the cheap one and believe in putting it away. I wouldnt bet on his loyalty (though he hasnt done anything, that may be me being cynical), and he's not very affectionate.

Oh and to note= My brother is also a Tarurs, he and DH have the "what have you done for me lately?" factor going on. Neither in them are big on charity (not to say they are inept at compassion) and both can be very insensitive and inconsiderate. I call myself a bleeding heart Cancer and Im pretty empathetic-it can be very frustrating explaining to DH why I care about others or why Im doing something from the kindness of my heart.
And another observation about DH and my brother-they tend to be ungrateful and whiny.
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My brother is one and I hate him. I have never hated someone as much as I have hated him.

I have other taurus men in my family and for the most part they are cool and the things stated already pretty much describe them good and bad.

My brother on the other hand is a lying cheating stealing arsehole. He's 24 and has absolutely nothing to show for it. He took 5 years to complete high school (barely finished) and declined going to college. Nothing is wrong with declining to go to college but you gotta find your niche in society find something you love and are good at and find a way to make a good living from that.

He makes excuses for everything. He's EXTREMELY lazy and will always find a way out of things. He steals from his own family members including me and our mother. Earlier this summer he stole $240 from me b/c he had to get his car out of the shop. How do you steal that kind of money from someone and not expect them to notice?!! My mother gave me $$ to replace that but he hasn't paid her back even though he's been paid. And btw he still lives with us pays for nothing nope not even his own toiletries or food.

He's very dishonest and not trustworthy. He's raked up thousands of dollars in bounced check fees, taking out lines of credit, and defaulting on loans. He KNOWINGLY writes bad checks to people and doesnt care. He takes out loans knowing he has no intention of paying them back. How does someone who lives with their parents have credit that is shot only after a few years?

He started a "business" in 2005 but has nothing to show for it almost 4 years later. He thinks a successful business is something that comes overnight. He doesn't have the patience or intelligence to take on something like that. If you can't work for someone else and stay employed longer than 2-3 months what makes anyone think you are capable of owning and running your own business which comes with a lot more risk and work?!!

He's a "good christian" and I'm an atheist but judging by his actions you wouldn't think so. He goes and sits and reads his bible and preaches to everyone about god saying this and that but can't even treat his own family members with the kindness and respect he preaches about. Everything that comes out of his mouth and a lie and often times cannot be believed. My parents gave him an eviction notice last month he was evicted on the 9th but is back 1 month later. I wish they would grow a back bone and cut him off. He's done nothing but use them and has contributed nothing to the household even to support himself (food toiletries share of rent) but he still gets to live here.

That is my rant for the day. I don't like him and don't care for him and that is something that is not going to change as long as he acts the way he acts. Its one thing to be selfish, lazy, etc its another thing to steal from and use your family who's done nothing but be helpful to you.

My brother used to steal too and we'd have some drag-out fights. Nothing on the scale you're talking about though. He has matured in the past 4 years and I'd hope he's above that now. I hope your parents find some way to handle him, I know it's tough but he needs to step up and learn to stop thinking about himself. *Hugs*
Im a Taurus you ladies are very accurate.

I do think we are mean by nature as well.
Also think some of us detect even the slightest emotion, good or negative, and its all about the same to us.
I think we know how to controll the "mean side", and treat people as nice was we can, learning them and how they react to things, and trying our hardest to make sure that they are always happy, never feel disrespected or angered...

And the same thing is expected back.

When its not, it feels like a major slap in the face, and like they are just asking for you to give them that other side or unleashing it. I think alot of us know that we have a horrible temper, but there is no middle ground really between happy/nice and angry, and also because some of us may not be too good at seeing the difference between slight annoyance or attitude to full on, then you get that other side and its like "whoa :nono:"
And its even worse when someone knows how angry you can get, everything gets back to normal, and they do something to anger you again.

Thats why probally for alot of Taurus's, once you get on the sh*t, list, you will stay on, because you cant keep dealing with people that ignore how you treat them, disrepsect you or your trust, and you have to get that angry. And I dont know many Tarurus's that treat people so-so, its either they treat you well, dont deal with you, or your treated horribly.

So in the end, I think if your involved with a Taurus that treats you good, then you have a great friend/SO whatever, because they are really serious about how they treat you and your relationship, there is nothing fake about it...they wont get tired or bored of you or anything like that.

(One way to get a attitude though, is bother them when they want their time to think/be alone, or rushing them when they are doing something.)

A good way to keep the anger thing away is
-Try to treat them really good, if they dont treat you the same back just tell them and Im sure they will work on it
-Get them to lighten up on themselves and their anger
-Really let them know how you feel about something if they are taking it too far, not like your sick of them and how sensative they are either...LOL

Im a Taurus, and I could not deal w/my kind of stuff from a man LOL, Im very happy that I am a woman version of this.
Ok Aries ladies! I am currently dating a Taurus man and he is driving me insane. Please drop some knowledge on a sista. I am serious thinking about telling him to kick rocks.
Ok Aries ladies! I am currently dating a Taurus man and he is driving me insane. Please drop some knowledge on a sista. I am serious thinking about telling him to kick rocks.

Hi fellow ram, I was engaged to a taurus man for 4 years. We had some ups and downs. However, no matter what this man is and will always be in love with me. Most of my friends are tauruses matter of fact the females are my best friends. However, you do have some taurus men for one reason or another who are just so immature and just love to play mind games:nono:! Those get kicked to the curb b/c in the end, they realized that the way they are treating you know will come back to bite them in the end. As a ram I had encounted this 2x with them they both got kicked to the curb so funny:lachen:. Now, I still deal with Taurus men one of the ladies summed them up the best read the posts.

The ones I hook up with are very loyal, hard-working, loving, giving they love to treat their woman good (not all however, for the most part they do) they are honest and up front (again the ones I dealt with)

At times they can be very argumentive:wallbash:, sullen, moody, a pity- party. stubborn. Good and bad. However, this is all I attract to me and again I almost married one :blush:. He would of been the man of my dreams just could not take the Name calling and the arguments that gets real old!:nono:
Ok your last statement is what I am dealing with right now. But i am the one angry. He has a lot of stress in his life right but he is shutting me out. I am not very patient and I am not sure if it is a him issue or a me issue.
Ok your last statement is what I am dealing with right now. But i am the one angry. He has a lot of stress in his life right but he is shutting me out. I am not very patient and I am not sure if it is a him issue or a me issue.

No matter what sign a man is when a man is like that towards any woman then back away, set him free b/c he will come back to you correct or he can take the high road. In the mean time live your life and focus on you. Just back away.
I kinda dated a pro athlete who was a Taurus. I say "kinda" because we moved so slow that I never knew what we were or where I stood. We were friends + for a few years. We were truly friends and never fought. He was a peace loving soul and very private.

One year for my b-day he bought me a 13 inch TV w/ attached VCR for my bedroom. :look: I found out later he made about $600k that year. :ohwell:...CHEAP! We are still great friends to this day and he has not changed much over the past 10 years I've known him...consistent, consistent, consistent (or boring/predictable). He's married now, though.
Let's see:

Taurus men: stubborn, very patient, CHEAP, loyal, cautious, sensual and wait for everything..Taurus is not impulsive with ANYTHING.

Oh and BAD temper!

I agree with all of this, except the temper. I think because I'm a Capricorn I know how to soothe an irritable bull...y'all be waving red capes in their faces and be mad when they go off! :lachen::lachen:
Me being a taurus myself, i guess i should say they're great... but i've dated 3 taurus men and OMG!!!!!! Never again. We bumped heads like no other. And its true, we are slow to move on things. We were too much alike and it just didn't work out. He was stubborn ,i'm stubborn. Its hard to tell us things at times. They are nice deep down, but its hard for them to get over the little things.
I've never dated a fellow Taurus and never will, we are TRULY a piece of work. What would bother me the most is how private we are and you'll never know that you have crossed the line or offended us until we're so full of anger that it has prolly manifested to resentment and then we x-plode on you for something as simple as leaving the ketchup open. :lachen:

I'll suggest you check up on us from time to time, to ensure there isn’t anything that we are holding on to, b/c we don’t do it just for the sake of holding on to things, at the time of said event, or remark, we assume we’ll get over it but we won’t. :ohwell:

Our rage is fierce, b/c once we let it out, we xpress all of our suppressed emotions from a variety of events. So when we unleash don’t attempt to hold your own b/c this is our form of communicating the difficult things. Now if this happens often then woo-saahh, b/c usually we have these moments about 2wce a year. Whatever you do, don’t laugh at us about something we are sensitive about b/c we’ll never forget it. :nono:
On the flip side to this. We are xtremely loyal and we’ll ride w/u to the end. We are big on commitments and are very dedicated people. Once we love you, we love you forever. :yep:
You know what's SO wierd? I don't even follow the zodiac like that, but these post about Taurus' are DEAD ON!! Wow!!!! Crazy!

My fiance is a Taurus (April 26 1978). We met in November of 2001 and he JUST proposed a minute ago:lachen:. He's hot and cold like a mug, but for some reason, we just WORK (I'm a Scorpio).

I won't even talk about our through the roof, ahem, sexual chemistry, but although he and are are polar opposites, we just cannot get enough of eachother. Do you know how many times I've been fussed at for my disorganization? When my fiance and I broke up for a month (way back in '02), I told him that I couldn't deal with the fact that he made me feel like I was staying at a strict Aunt's house--in my own damn apartment!!!!!!! He would be like, why is this sock laying on the floor? After making wild, passionate love "Why are your panties on the floor?" Um..cuz you ripped them off in the heat of passion:look::lachen:

But MAN. when I would come home from my trips, a full on dinner would be cooked, and the house would be CLEAN. And I don't mean a fake arse clean, I mean CLEAN. Scrubbed down, nothing out of place.

Lol at this thread:grin:

I soo believe this. I've been talking to a taurus man, (I'm scorpio) and it really is/was like we can't get enough of each other. I kid you not it was like love at first sight. Just an instant connection. And he is HELLA sexy!!! But we both just got out of relationships 3 months ago. I'm divorced and he just broke up w/ a girlfriend. I decided to seperate myself because hes not over her. But I have never connected w/ ANYONE like that, and I was married for 7 years. I think I have found my zodiac match, and will continue to see Taurus men.
I love me a Taurus...Mostly because I am a taurus and I've dated two taurus' and they were the best. NO problems what-so-ever. Also I get along with fellow female Taurus'..I think its because we think alike most of the time...
I agree with Starian about Taurus men, but hmm I'm a Taurus woman and we are considered very materialistic. We are known for liking the finer things in life. But yeah the men for the most part are very frugal. My dad is one and I had a few ex's that were Taurus's too. LOL, even though they are cheap the will buy you lots of expensive gifts and give you money to get back on your good side. I use to always get mad at my ex just to get expensive gifts and cash. Dude had money but he was cheap most of the time.
I was with a Taurus man for 10 LOOONNNG years, before I called it quits. There are many pros about them. He was very very honest, patient, fun to talk to, and very loyal. I realy didn't worry abuot infidelity with him.

The con, well he was slowww. They are fixed people and to get them to move was hard. Although he was loyal, he was not committed. He made no rush for marriage, he moved miles away. He was also very selfish and his temper was borderline abusive. 70%he was calm, but the other 30% he was "fired up".

What makes them tick? They are DETAILED oriented people. They pay TOO much attention to the details in life and not the big picture. While I was trying to build finances and our lives together, he was too worried about the stain on the carpet. Overall, if you can deal with their outburst and can be patient with them then they make good mates.

Girl you are talking about my husband:lachen:. My husband has never had an outburst unless he did it while he was alone in the bathroom. I'm always asking why he so slow about doing stuff. It pisses me off and I always end up doing it. Girl I can leave 1 little bottle of conditioner on the tub and he be like when you gonna put that up? Being detail oriented pays off when it comes to the finances. I'll spend a grip on some hair care products and stuff, but he keeps me grounded. He's very calm and good natured. When he gets mad he gets real quiet. I have pick at him to make him tell me whats wrong. He has a quirky sense of humor. I have a straight stupid sense of humor any and everything makes me laugh.
I was with a Taurus man for 10 LOOONNNG years, before I called it quits. There are many pros about them. He was very very honest, patient, fun to talk to, and very loyal. I realy didn't worry abuot infidelity with him.

The con, well he was slowww. They are fixed people and to get them to move was hard. Although he was loyal, he was not committed. He made no rush for marriage, he moved miles away. He was also very selfish and his temper was borderline abusive. 70%he was calm, but the other 30% he was "fired up".

What makes them tick? They are DETAILED oriented people. They pay TOO much attention to the details in life and not the big picture. While I was trying to build finances and our lives together, he was too worried about the stain on the carpet. Overall, if you can deal with their outburst and can be patient with them then they make good mates.

Wow. Good way to sum them up.
My SO is a Taurus and most of these points are true in his case. 2 weeks after we started dating, my car got totalled and he drove me to and from work for the next month and half till i bought my car. He lives 40 mins from me and Im just amazed by that man.

Now his temper, OMG, its out of this world. I agree with the Dr. Jekyll and My Hyde thing. He is sweet most of the time. He is also very detail oriented but can be controlling. He's not as OCD with cleanliness and he is NOT CHEAP thank God!!! :lachen:

He likes the finer things in life both for himself and for me. :) BTW Im a cancer and supposed to be a homemaker but Ive only cooked for him once :ohwell:
Ladies, first let me say I am an Aries and me and my bull are butting heads. How do you ladies handle your bull when he shuts down?