What's with the Taurus man?

I'm not really into astrology but I'm a Taurus and some of this stuff is dead on. Cheap, loyal, stubborn, private. Wow.
Taurus men where should i begin.
Geeze louizzzzzee cry me a river never ever in life will i ever fall for another taurus man 5 yrs of hell. I still get mad to this day because its only been a year apart yikes. Run like hell i know so many taurus men they cant and i mean they cant keep their dingalings in their pants(every woman i know has this problem). They are sweet talkers and make you feel fantastic about yourself while they are secretly trying to break you down in insie little pieces so they can control you. When they dont get what they want the world is over and will call for back up to do their deeds lol. They will have a tons of women friens but dont be fooled they sleeped with 90% of them. So much to say but the main thing is RUN LIKE HELL
My taurus was very sweet and loyal but too clingy. He was not too cheap since he took me to Europe. I noticed after the trip, his money was funny. he was very insecure and jealous. He wanted to spend every moment with me. I hated that.
My take on Taurus' in general is that they are very loyal people, hard workers and very pratical, but can be very stagnate. Routine is a way of life for them and it is very hard for them to step outside of their comfort zone. They are very resistant to change. They believe in security and will do a lot to maintain it. Taurus' can be possessive over their loved ones.

One thing I have noticed about them and I'm talking about both male and female; when it comes to doing something that they want to do they are all for it - but if it's something that in their minds will require a lot of effort or force them to change in some shape or form they are very resistant. Also, think of how a bull is - they walk very slow, but if you keep poking and prodding them after awhile that bull comes at you with full force. This is how Taurus people behave.

Sex with a Taurus is also pretty routine - not a whole lot of different positions. Interestingly enough, there are also physical traits that all the astrological signs have, and the typical Taurus man/woman has a somewhat stocky/thick frame.
My take on Taurus' in general is that they are very loyal people, hard workers and very pratical, but can be very stagnate. Routine is a way of life for them and it is very hard for them to step outside of their comfort zone. They are very resistant to change. They believe in security and will do a lot to maintain it. Taurus' can be possessive over their loved ones.

One thing I have noticed about them and I'm talking about both male and female; when it comes to doing something that they want to do they are all for it - but if it's something that in their minds will require a lot of effort or force them to change in some shape or form they are very resistant. Also, think of how a bull is - they walk very slow, but if you keep poking and prodding them after awhile that bull comes at you with full force. This is how Taurus people behave.

Sex with a Taurus is also pretty routine - not a whole lot of different positions. Interestingly enough, there are also physical traits that all the astrological signs have, and the typical Taurus man/woman has a somewhat stocky/thick frame.

ITA with your comments.
I think a Taurus man will be PERFECT for me. I'm a scorpio and I need a man with ALL of those good traits and I can deal with the bad traits. As long as we RESPECT each other.
old fashioned (if you're in to that)

slow moving
cheap, miserly and just plain po
old fashioned (I wasn't into it. There is no reason for me to stay home with the kids when I have the better job)
My take on Taurus' in general is that they are very loyal people, hard workers and very pratical, but can be very stagnate. Routine is a way of life for them and it is very hard for them to step outside of their comfort zone. They are very resistant to change. They believe in security and will do a lot to maintain it. Taurus' can be possessive over their loved ones.

One thing I have noticed about them and I'm talking about both male and female; when it comes to doing something that they want to do they are all for it - but if it's something that in their minds will require a lot of effort or force them to change in some shape or form they are very resistant. Also, think of how a bull is - they walk very slow, but if you keep poking and prodding them after awhile that bull comes at you with full force. This is how Taurus people behave.

Sex with a Taurus is also pretty routine - not a whole lot of different positions. Interestingly enough, there are also physical traits that all the astrological signs have, and the typical Taurus man/woman has a somewhat stocky/thick frame.

I am a Taurus and my DH is also a Taurus and I can agree with just about everything you just said:grin:.

My DH and I have been together for 18 years, married 13 and I can honestly say that we are a perfect match. We are kind of opposite in that he is more outgoing and is not cheap, whereas I am more reserved and I am the cheap one :lachen::lachen: so we balance each other out.

He is extremely loyal almost "stalkerish" as someone else said.
Being a Taurean myself-- the women and men differ as well as the months. I will NEVER date a Taurus Man. Why? Taurean men can be womanizers but those are mostly May Taureans. Aprils Taureans are loyal, but they can be very possessive and controlling-- they are also over exaggerators aka liars. Especially born close to the Aries. I find that most Arien men born in April will lie and say the sky is purple even though you have documented proof that its blue.

May Taurean men if you do find one that is loyal (they tend to pick and choose who to be loyal to mate wise instead of treating all the same), are BRUTALLY honest, VERY slow moving and yes, are cheap as hell. They are often the type that will buy real cheap sheets instead of buying quality ones, since it is something you will be sleeping on :rolleyes:

April Taurean men are the type you will argue with-- and I mean day AND night. They are more stubborn but will take you out-- be careful though, they are more prone to causing scenes if another man looks at you (I had an experience where a male looked at me and he screamed "Wat the *** are you looking at?" . Meanwhile back on the ranch the guy was gay and he was admiring my shirt :wallbash:).

Despite their faults though, Taurean men can be extremely supportive and are more likely to love you if you're fat or skinny, have lustrious hair or bald, and they are very protective, great family people, and have a great sense of humor. Oh and yes we (Taureans in general) are very, very, VERY over analytical. We're the type to say, "I'm not sure if he/she likes me.." when the person buys you things, takes you out, but we'd rather hear "I love you" and other sweet nothings. We're great leaders too. Well most of us are :drunk:
My brother is one and I hate him. I have never hated someone as much as I have hated him.

I have other taurus men in my family and for the most part they are cool and the things stated already pretty much describe them good and bad.

My brother on the other hand is a lying cheating stealing arsehole. He's 24 and has absolutely nothing to show for it. He took 5 years to complete high school (barely finished) and declined going to college. Nothing is wrong with declining to go to college but you gotta find your niche in society find something you love and are good at and find a way to make a good living from that.

He makes excuses for everything. He's EXTREMELY lazy and will always find a way out of things. He steals from his own family members including me and our mother. Earlier this summer he stole $240 from me b/c he had to get his car out of the shop. How do you steal that kind of money from someone and not expect them to notice?!! My mother gave me $$ to replace that but he hasn't paid her back even though he's been paid. And btw he still lives with us pays for nothing nope not even his own toiletries or food.

He's very dishonest and not trustworthy. He's raked up thousands of dollars in bounced check fees, taking out lines of credit, and defaulting on loans. He KNOWINGLY writes bad checks to people and doesnt care. He takes out loans knowing he has no intention of paying them back. How does someone who lives with their parents have credit that is shot only after a few years?

He started a "business" in 2005 but has nothing to show for it almost 4 years later. He thinks a successful business is something that comes overnight. He doesn't have the patience or intelligence to take on something like that. If you can't work for someone else and stay employed longer than 2-3 months what makes anyone think you are capable of owning and running your own business which comes with a lot more risk and work?!!

He's a "good christian" and I'm an atheist but judging by his actions you wouldn't think so. He goes and sits and reads his bible and preaches to everyone about god saying this and that but can't even treat his own family members with the kindness and respect he preaches about. Everything that comes out of his mouth and a lie and often times cannot be believed. My parents gave him an eviction notice last month he was evicted on the 9th but is back 1 month later. I wish they would grow a back bone and cut him off. He's done nothing but use them and has contributed nothing to the household even to support himself (food toiletries share of rent) but he still gets to live here.

That is my rant for the day. I don't like him and don't care for him and that is something that is not going to change as long as he acts the way he acts. Its one thing to be selfish, lazy, etc its another thing to steal from and use your family who's done nothing but be helpful to you.

Yeah I'm a May Taurus and my Oldest Brother is an April. He was such is such a sweet person on the outside, but he stole my SSN and charged up thousands of dollars in utility bills, my mom paid his mortage, he asked my mom to cosign on a truck and he defaulted on the payments, my mom ended up having to pay, he defaulted on the laon for the house that he was living in so my mom took out a loan for 50k and he didnt even pay the mortgage, he bought a new car, then moved to Conneticut. April Taureans are something else at times. He always loved to live the big life, always spending money, borrowing money, racking up bounced check fees, got arrested for check fraud.... it was horrible.
I get along with Taurus men (I'm a cancer) but I don't like them. The way I see them hide their feelings and then explode on people is unsettling. I don't care how nice they act, their temper negates any kind thing they do.
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....I definiately feel some type of way becuase I am a taurus female...but then again Hitler was a prime example of a taurus man....
WOW I am in awe at many of the responses about how their former Taurus lovers were mean and spiteful

My SO of ~4 years is a Taurus

Pros: very very very loyal (I dont have to worry about him cheating), he is always willing to help out his friends and families and often expresses concern for them. He is very frugal, he does not like to spend too much money on materialistic items. He always strives to make money and saves alot of it.

Cons: He lacks some motivation especially when it comes to applying for grad school, he prefers to stay in when I would rather go out to the mall and walk around or just be out and about. He is a jealous guy but not too the point where there are red flags telling me to leave. He just doesnt like when other men give me attention.

Interesting though, as a Taurus I expected him to be stubborn like my mom and sis but he doesn't really have this quality. When we do argue which is like a once every 4 months or so we quickly make up. I guess I lucked out with the stubbornness thing.

Also an Aquarius (me) and a Taurus are not suppose to get along at all however I believe you have to do a natal chart which either proves or disproves this.
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I think a Taurus man will be PERFECT for me. I'm a scorpio and I need a man with ALL of those good traits and I can deal with the bad traits. As long as we RESPECT each other.

I am a scorpio. All I can tell you from experience is be VARY cautious/careful. My son's father(may 20) is a Taurus and so is my son. Even though my son is not around his father all I can say is alot of his father's traits. I pray my son does not get. :look:
Girl you making me itch bringing back bad memories :wallbash:
Yeah unfortunately this was him....pretty much all of the time. It also drove me crazy because I would quote our previous conversation, and he would just say "what you mean... and then repeat exactly what I said!!" I think Blkbeauty referred to them as sloowwwww. Yes they are, some times because they are intelligent, they lack in the common sense dept.

And by frugal, I do mean cheap and tight with their money. Don't get me wrong, they will spend on you. But don't get used to it. :rolleyes:

Disclaimer: this is the one and only Taurus man I ever date so I'm really, really trying not to be bias. My mom is a Taurus, so they are good people. I think some traits waiver, I guess. My mom's b'day is in May, his is April.

Taurus men are a thirty-seventy toss up. :spinning:

I am a Taurus myself, and I have dated three.

Two of them were in their own worlds. The other was awesome!

Taurus men can be free-spirited, fun, and stable. :kiss2:

But they can also be selfish, in their own heads, and dramatic. :whyme:

Frugal?! ABSOLUTELY!! :badidea: One of these fellas used to take me on a date and squeeze every single glass of lemonade! LOL. And got mad because I wouldn't say thank you every single time we ate (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Just unrealistic and silly.
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Lawd... I've been with one for 2 years. If I ever end it, I will never get with another one as long as I stay black. I'm a pisces. Everything says we're compatible, but i'm not the typical pisces... so I wonder about compatibility sometimes. Let me finish reading this thread.... I'm glad this was created, it may help with some things I've wondered about why he is the way he is.

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Lawd... I've been with one for 2 years. If I ever end it, I will never get with another one as long as I stay black. I'm a pisces. Everything says we're compatible, but i'm not the typical pisces... so I wonder about compatibility sometimes. Let me finish reading this thread.... I'm glad this was created, it may help with some things I've wondered about why he is the way he is. His birthday it's the last week in April and my birthday is 2/21. If anyone could shed some light on taurus/pisces, that would be great.

Sent from my Samsung Epic :)

Sent from my Samsung Epic :)
Pisces here with an April Taurus DH....this thread explains a lot:yep: I could have really used it in the earlier years:yep:
I dated a Taurus a long time ago (I'm a libra :) )-

He was a cheat (his mom said he was just like his daddy)
He was arrogant, intelligent, very handsome/built and stylish
He spent lavishly and when I started working my paycheck was mine
He was fun and easy to talk to about surface stuff
Very influenced by his big sisters
Sex was not earth shattering but good (I was inexperienced and he wasn't skilled)
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The thing is, Taurus women be on their grind. They have the business savvy down to a science. I'd do business with a Taurus women any day, I've seen my mom and other women in action.

But Taurus men, they think and process and everything, but it's like nothing never comes to fruition. They talk and every detail outlined, but drops the ball somewhere along the way.
Wow... that is my mom all day, everyday. Thank God I learned how to handle business from her.

You are SO on point with this! My mom and my SO are both April Taurus'. Man, I hate the way he handles business.... it burns me up! I call that a bad case of the "immaboutas" I'm about to do this, I'm about to do that... just do it SH!T!
My SO is a taurus...

He does move slow

I can tell he can be a bit possesive... he's this way with me and his daughter. He's also very very protective.

Logical and rational

I don't find him to be cheap, quite giving actually

Maybe the longer i'm with him i'll see more the traits that are listed in this thread.

Oh... I wish things weren't so cut and dry in the bed :look:... It will be like pulling teeth having to teach him how to be more sensual, etc... I never attributed this to a taurean trait, just figured it was him. I really wish he were much more sensual and frisky.
Dating a taurus now..he's conservative, frugal (wouldn't say cheap but doesn't like wasteful spending, which i like), very much a thinker and in his head, he's slow to move (but is a hardworker meaning he gets stuff done) which is okay because I'm quick to move (flighty Gemini) so we balance each other out a bit, he's very detail oriented, very consistent, very sweet, a great listener, and very supportive. He's also not into fads and is a numbers person (accountant).

We're opposite in a lot of ways but we work out quite well together.
Does anyone know about April 25 Taureans? I had a male friend who was born April 20. We were very much compatible. He was so sweet, giving and wanted to take me places, always thinking of me; but he wanted to get really serious with me. I couldn't do it, because I like a more firey type of male. :perplexed