What's with the Taurus man?

Does anyone know about April 25 Taureans? I had a male friend who was born April 20. We were very much compatible. He was so sweet, giving and wanted to take me places, always thinking of me; but he wanted to get really serious with me. I couldn't do it, because I like a more firey type of male. :perplexed

Me Too! I don't know much about Taurus males, I never been into the earth fellas...
Me Too! I don't know much about Taurus males, I never been into the earth fellas...

@ Tinkat I've always attracted fire and air sign males. Or should I say, accepted them. I usually know where I stand with the fire signs. But lately since my debacle with a Libra I have been attracting a lot of earth and water. I am actually very open to them exclusively now. :yep:
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@ Tinkat I've always attracted fire and air sign males. Or should I say, accepted them. I usually know where I stand with the fire signs. But lately since my debacle with a Libra I have been attracting a lot of earth and water. I am actually very open to them exclusively now. :yep:

Me Too! Especially the air signs. I think I have an imaginary sign that says air/fire signs come here. But I am very mental person so that is why i think I love air signs. I really don't attract earth.
I'm an air sign and whenever I get with fire signs...the chemistry is AWESOME but we always self combust. We just feed each other too much, it's a very emotional and dangerous relationship lol.
Me Too! Especially the air signs. I think I have an imaginary sign that says air/fire signs come here. But I am very mental person so that is why i think I love air signs. I really don't attract earth.

@ Tinkat Hmm, you may have a lot of air or fire in your chart. My ascent is Saggitarius and my moon is Sag. My Mercury is Leo, Venus is Leo and Mars Aries yet my sun sign is Cancer. :spinning: I attract Aries women to me like a magnet and we are so close as friends, we have so much fun together; until I ditch them because they said something that hurt my feelings. :perplexed:blush:

Aries men can't get enough of me, and I'm very comfortable with them but their lack of stability and constant need to have other women around them makes me uncomfortable. :ohwell:

ETA: I see you were born on Aug 19 that means you are a Leo on the cusp of Virgo but none the less a Leo so yeah you would attract air and fire no doubt. Maybe even attract scorpios or cancers. :yep:
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I'm an air sign and whenever I get with fire signs...the chemistry is AWESOME but we always self combust. We just feed each other too much, it's a very emotional and dangerous relationship lol.

@ MaryJane300 Well, they say air signs fan the fire which allow them to be themselves but on 10! :lol:

I think with air signs you guys need your freedom/space and sometimes fire signs can be so controlling and restricting. Perhaps seperate vacations? :look:
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@ Tinkat Hmm, you may have a lot of air or fire in your chart. My ascent is Saggitarius and my moon is Sag. My Mercury is Leo, Venus is Leo and Mars Aries yet my sun sign is Cancer. :spinning: I attract Aries women to me like a magnet and we are so close as friends, we have so much fun together; until I ditch them because they said something that hurt my feelings. :perplexed:blush:

Aries men can't get enough of me, and I'm very comfortable with them but their lack of stability and constant need to have other women around them makes me uncomfortable. :ohwell:

ETA: I see you were born on Aug 19 that means you are a Leo on the cusp of Virgo but none the less a Leo so yeah you would attract air and fire no doubt. Maybe even attract scorpios or cancers. :yep:

Yep I am a cusper but still a leo. I have my moon in libra and ascendant in virgo, but it is a real close to being to the next degree in libra...which is why all my chart results say that my moon is in my 1st house although is technically in virgo. I had a scorpio for 5.5 years but attract alot of guys with gemini aspects.
Mine is April 21st I am a scorp too hahahaha so funny

You know what's SO wierd? I don't even follow the zodiac like that, but these post about Taurus' are DEAD ON!! Wow!!!! Crazy!

My fiance is a Taurus (April 26 1978). We met in November of 2001 and he JUST proposed a minute ago:lachen:. He's hot and cold like a mug, but for some reason, we just WORK (I'm a Scorpio).

I won't even talk about our through the roof, ahem, sexual chemistry, but although he and are are polar opposites, we just cannot get enough of eachother. Do you know how many times I've been fussed at for my disorganization? When my fiance and I broke up for a month (way back in '02), I told him that I couldn't deal with the fact that he made me feel like I was staying at a strict Aunt's house--in my own damn apartment!!!!!!! He would be like, why is this sock laying on the floor? After making wild, passionate love "Why are your panties on the floor?" Um..cuz you ripped them off in the heat of passion:look::lachen:

But MAN. when I would come home from my trips, a full on dinner would be cooked, and the house would be CLEAN. And I don't mean a fake arse clean, I mean CLEAN. Scrubbed down, nothing out of place.

Lol at this thread:grin:
@ MaryJane300 Well, they say air signs fan the fire which allow them to be themselves but on 10! :lol:

I think with air signs you guys need your freedom/space and sometimes fire signs can be so controlling and restricting. Perhaps seperate vacations? :look:

Thats so true! lol I do fan the fire:lachen:

I briefly dated this one aires when I first moved up here. I had known him throughout school and i was always attracted to his passionate ways but I was with my bf so I never acted on it. Well we weren't that far apart and we just clicked and boomed! It was great chemistry and sparks everywhere but the same thing that turned me on about him turned me off,lol. We had a very intense argument and I was like uhh i gots ta go, because you just may be crazy! lol The sex was AMAZING tho!

My ex before him was a capricorn and we got along great but our fights were very intense and we had a hard time communicating...our communication styles were very different...

My Taurus is so laid back and chill but sometimes he can be smothering. I know I'm a lot to deal with at times, because I do like my freedom and I'm a very spontaneous person but the security I feel with him is wonderful. We're very opposite and can annoy each other but otherwise we're great! We havent had a serious fight yet, which may be a good or bad thing, idk,lol.
As an astrology nerd, I have to point out you REALLY cannot rely on the Sun Sign alone to analyze a person. The Ascendant has a lot of influence and some astrologers believe it is more important than the Sun.:look: In romantic relationships a person's Venus and Mars are also important influences. I realize this thread is for fun but I just though I'd point this out.:yep:

As for me and Tauruses, I've never dated one but I'm interested since they're my opposite sign. Opposites balance each other out and I'm definitely imbalanced as a Scorpio.:ohwell: The problem is I have a lot of Sagittarius in my chart so I'd hope he'd have some Aries or another Fire sign. At this point I just want to date a guy who's not a Pisces. I've had too many of those lately.
As an astrology nerd, I have to point out you REALLY cannot rely on the Sun Sign alone to analyze a person. The Ascendant has a lot of influence and some astrologers believe it is more important than the Sun.:look: In romantic relationships a person's Venus and Mars are also important influences. I realize this thread is for fun but I just though I'd point this out.:yep:

As for me and Tauruses, I've never dated one but I'm interested since they're my opposite sign. Opposites balance each other out and I'm definitely imbalanced as a Scorpio.:ohwell: The problem is I have a lot of Sagittarius in my chart so I'd hope he'd have some Aries or another Fire sign. At this point I just want to date a guy who's not a Pisces. I've had too many of those lately.

Oh yes, I am very much aware of this. I only use it for fun and give me some insight. Like I mentioned above about where my planets are, I just checked my Mars/Venus and his. Well, my venus is in Leo, Mars in Aries. His Venus is in Taurus and his Mars in Leo. We have the same moon sign in Sag. Don't know what will become of this but it's interesting.:yep:
I dated a Taurus a long time ago (I'm a libra :) )-

He was a cheat (his mom said he was just like his daddy)
He was arrogant, intelligent, very handsome/built and stylish
He spent lavishly and when I started working my paycheck was mine
He was fun and easy to talk to about surface stuff

Very influenced by his big sisters
Sex was not earth shattering but good (I was inexperienced and he wasn't skilled)

I had this experience with a Taurus man12 years ago. He was also a stalker and I had to threaten to call in the authorities in order for him to leave me be. So glad that chapter is over.
OMGoodness! I'm dating a Taurus now. Communication is a huge problem. He internalizes everything and "doesn't see the point in talking about it". It's kinda scary bc I know once you push a Taurus there it can be hell, so I don't need him building all this stuff up. On the flip side, he's very ambitious, family oriented, loves to cuddle, and loves kids.He can be really sweet, sent me my favorite flowers the third day I knew him... Besides I'm a cancer and our signs match perfectly. So, I'm still working on it...

Actually Taureans are perfect mates for Capricorns, Virgo's, and other Taureans. All earth signs. Cancer is the polar opposite of Capricorn and are supposed to balance them out but if a Cap and Taurus get together, they usually have a rock solid passionate relationship and stay together.
My ex is an april taurus.... most of what you all said is truth. He wasn't cheap at all but I felt as if he would buy me expensive gifts to avoid letting me in.
Actually Taureans are perfect mates for Capricorns, Virgo's, and other Taureans. All earth signs. Cancer is the polar opposite of Capricorn and are supposed to balance them out but if a Cap and Taurus get together, they usually have a rock solid passionate relationship and stay together.

Lol! Well we're married now so, so far so good! I had forgotten all about this thread...
I think Taurus folks are great.

Taurus will spend money on a person if they feel like that person is their ride or die. That is where the details come in....if a SO loves a particular perfume, particular cake, particular flower, etc.....a taurus person will seek out THAT thing to give as a gift. Very thoughtful in that regard because they are eager to please in just the right way.

It is when they don't care what the helll they give you, that you should be concerned. When they just get you any ole thing...or when they start keeping tabs in their mind...."like I spent $80 on her and she only bought me this cheap $15 bag to add to the zillion bags I already have when I need a new coat"...be wary.

Oh....and once you drop from the ride or die list in their mind, darn near impossible to get back to that status. They will not go to great lengths for you in the same way as before. That is the stubborn part. They don't change their minds easily.

Good grief! I'm a Taurus woman and this describes me to the tee...
my last bf was a taurus. he treated me better than any guy i've ever dated.

really stable and reliable and so HONEST. I trust him so much. He loved me so much.... and he really demonstrated it through his actions. he was so sweet.

We were actually really compatible... but I'm a Scorpio and we're polar opposites. So either it goes really well or it goes terribly. And it went really well.
Men With A Taurus In Moon Is The Business.:yep: They Are The Most Devoted, Protective, Honest, Understanding, Good Providers, Faithful, Sensual, Trustworthy Men I've Ever Came Across.

Do Not Cross A Man With Taurus Sign In Moon Or Sun. Also They Are Calm But Once Pissed Off Watch Out.:look:
Lol! Well we're married now so, so far so good! I had forgotten all about this thread...

Congratulations!! I take it you guys ironed out the communication problem. Cancer and Taurus are considered one of the best matches of the zodiac a true soul mate connection so best wishes to you. :grin:
wow. This thread! I'm a May Taurus, a lot of this is dead on. I'm the stubborn/lazy/loyal/in my head type. Not the crazy one. lol. My DH is a Virgo. We are a good match. He hates that I bottle everything up. He is the talker and like to push me a little to help me grow.

I dated a Scorpio and damn. Sex was crazy but we fought like cats and dogs
I'm a Libra dating Taurus (and a Pisces, a Sag, and a Scorpio lol!). I think I like the Taurus the most but this is the first time I've ever dated one. He's lighthearted, funny, and goes with the flow. He doesn't rush me which is nice cus I can be flighty and I scare off easily. I'm taking notes. I can't even imagine what his temper would be like, he's such a little honey, lol.
Im a Taurus you ladies are very accurate.

I do think we are mean by nature as well.
Also think some of us detect even the slightest emotion, good or negative, and its all about the same to us.
I think we know how to controll the "mean side", and treat people as nice was we can, learning them and how they react to things, and trying our hardest to make sure that they are always happy, never feel disrespected or angered...

And the same thing is expected back.

When its not, it feels like a major slap in the face, and like they are just asking for you to give them that other side or unleashing it. I think alot of us know that we have a horrible temper, but there is no middle ground really between happy/nice and angry, and also because some of us may not be too good at seeing the difference between slight annoyance or attitude to full on, then you get that other side and its like "whoa :nono:"
And its even worse when someone knows how angry you can get, everything gets back to normal, and they do something to anger you again.

Thats why probally for alot of Taurus's, once you get on the sh*t, list, you will stay on, because you cant keep dealing with people that ignore how you treat them, disrepsect you or your trust, and you have to get that angry. And I dont know many Tarurus's that treat people so-so, its either they treat you well, dont deal with you, or your treated horribly.

So in the end, I think if your involved with a Taurus that treats you good, then you have a great friend/SO whatever, because they are really serious about how they treat you and your relationship, there is nothing fake about it...they wont get tired or bored of you or anything like that.

(One way to get a attitude though, is bother them when they want their time to think/be alone, or rushing them when they are doing something.)

A good way to keep the anger thing away is
-Try to treat them really good, if they dont treat you the same back just tell them and Im sure they will work on it
-Get them to lighten up on themselves and their anger
-Really let them know how you feel about something if they are taking it too far, not like your sick of them and how sensative they are either...LOL

Im a Taurus, and I could not deal w/my kind of stuff from a man LOL, Im very happy that I am a woman version of this.

i'm a taurus, and it is SCARY how true this is. im telling you, i got a little paranoid reading this because it's almost like you know me and were talking directly about me! lol

but for the mean by nature part...i kind of agree with that, but for me i think of it as being more guarded with my feelings. because i know how loyal and devoted i can be to friends/family i don't just give out the goodness unless i know it's deserved or will be returned.
I am a scorpio. All I can tell you from experience is be VARY cautious/careful. My son's father(may 20) is a Taurus and so is my son. Even though my son is not around his father all I can say is alot of his father's traits. I pray my son does not get. :look:

my bday is may 20th too. i can tell you that that bday is on the cusp and some charts read that birthday as the sign of the gemini....which to me is a horrible combination to be or date.
I'm a taurus (May 6th) but I'm not claiming all these traits yall posting. I'll claim stubborn and cheap. Passive aggressive? Only when being direct isn't working. Keeping things inside? Only when people continually don't listen... I give up. Mean/anger management issues? If you're not listening, leading me to keep things bottled up, chances are it'll lead to a blow up.
Dating a taurus now..he's conservative, frugal (wouldn't say cheap but doesn't like wasteful spending, which i like), very much a thinker and in his head, he's slow to move (but is a hardworker meaning he gets stuff done) which is okay because I'm quick to move (flighty Gemini) so we balance each other out a bit, he's very detail oriented, very consistent, very sweet, a great listener, and very supportive. He's also not into fads and is a numbers person (accountant).

We're opposite in a lot of ways but we work out quite well together.
Me and my SO are the same signs. And I can agree with everything that you said, my SO is the same way.