What's the Longest You've Gone Without Coloring?

9 months. That was after my last relationship ended and I didn't anything with a penis to so much as look at me.

I ain't trying to have that mess these days. :look:
i can't remember cause i have had many windows of not having having sex for several years. as of the beginning of 2013 it will be 3 yrs for me.
The longest I've gone is almost 3 years straight. And I don't color outside of relationships so the time I spend in between committed relationships are coloring free.
At one point it was six years. I'm on another long stretch now but I honestly don't know how long its been. That's how memorable my last time was (NOT).
About 4 years between the ages of 20 and 24 I was really hurt by someone I cared about and I decided I wanted nothing to do with the opposite sex. I was bitter and carrying around a lot of hurt. I just wish that I had learned something from it I broke my celibacy with a total jerk smh.
5 years and counting ... lol

After my last relationship, I took a break, got closer to God and decided no sex until I got married. It was a very big shock and still is.... if you told me then I would have lasted 5 years, I would have said... never, but such is the case. I just can't take the emotional aspect of being intimate without knowing that this is my husband, and that is what makes it easier.... that and time..lol
How does one wake up in the midst of an O? or how does an O happen while one is sleeping?
Sounds like I'm missing out on a lot:lol:

Happened to me once while I was having a dream involving some very public coloring in a movie theatre. I woke up mid O I have no idea why I woke up right then. I usually never remember my dreams but I sure remember that one.