What will your length be by this time next year?

Hopefully around a few inches past bra strap length - but i may stop at bra strap for a while just so i can sit back and enjoy the length
carribean_dream said:
How are you guys able to make these predictions?

by measuring how much your hair grows monthly? Well I am top of brastrap now- where should I expect to be next year?

:) Hello, Carribean dream, in my opinion u'll be at mid back by december 06!
SherryLove said:
i would love for my hair to grow to tailbone length like my maternal grandmother's hair .....we will see... hopefully i can keep the scissors out of my hand and hair..........

Girl, I see we have a similar history. My maternal grandmother had knee-length hair b/c she never cut her hair, just trimmed the ends. And she never wore her hair down. It was always pinned on top of her head.....
lala said:
Girl, I see we have a similar history. My maternal grandmother had knee-length hair b/c she never cut her hair, just trimmed the ends. And she never wore her hair down. It was always pinned on top of her head.....

WOW!!!!! cool. so this means we can expect to see your hair tailbone length or beyond next year also..if you do not cut it...
SherryLove said:
WOW!!!!! cool. so this means we can expect to see your hair tailbone length or beyond next year also..if you do not cut it...

I never thought about growing my hair to tailbone length, but it sounds like a fun goal. I do believe that you'll reach tailbone length long before I will. Once you get there, you're going to have to invest in some hair-friendly seat covers so you don't snag your ends...:)
Babygurl said:
I should be at bra strap by this time next year, this will probably be my maintenance length.

Wow I forgot I posted this, I did make it to bra strap though...but I guess I lied about it being my maintenece length. Im still growing and I wont stop until my hair does!
I am at bra strap now with some trimming needed not sure if I will cut but this time next year I should be 4 inches below bra strap because I know I will trim a little. :)
My hair goal is just to maintain healthy hair. Length wise--I don't know. I'll be thankful not to have any major set backs so that I can retain length.
I have 4 inches worth 4a/b of natural hair right now, so just to be able to gather my hair in a ponytail this time next year will be a blessing:grin: I have started to do the MTG thing so my wishing on a star goal will be a little past shoulder length in Dec 06!!!
i would love to be shoulder length or just above unstretched.
I have yet to work out my monthly or yearly growth accurately :ohwell:
SherryLove said:
wow, whipeffectz1 and kandib, you girls have gorgeous heads of hair.... !!!!!!! keep up the good work...

Thanks dear! I do what I can. Maybe one day my hair will grow up to be like yours! :)
SherryLove said:
wow, whipeffectz1 and kandib, you girls have gorgeous heads of hair.... !!!!!!! keep up the good work...

They do have gorgeous heads of hair. I have to pause everytime I see their pics.
If I use the growth I have obtained and retained this past challenge as a predictor of success, I WILL be arm pit length this time next year. :cool: :D

I can't wait!
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