What will your length be by this time next year?

Eiano said:
Wow, by October of 2006, my hair should be in the middle of my lovehandle( you know that crease) lmao...

hopefully by then, that crease will be gone.
Wow, that'd be long. I'm going to add this thread to my favorite and check it Oct. 9 of 2006 :).A lot should change by then...

Lovehandle length? :lol: I like that term. It just might catch on around here.
I'm @ BBSL 10.05 now so 10.06 maybe I'll be close to or @WSL/HPBN straight maybe approaching TLBN but I won't stress it once I get WSL I'll just let it grow cause that's just to quench my curiousity about my personal terminal length-and just for fun :woot:
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I should be at waist lenght. Currently Im about and inch past my bra strap. Does my calculation sound about right?
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carmella25 said:
I should be at waist lenght. Current Im about and inch past my bra strap. Does my calculation sound about right?
depends on if you have a long torso= more inches for WSL and more time to get there or short torso=less inches for WSL and less time + growth rate and length retention
Lucia said:
depends on if you have a long torso= more inches for WSL and more time to get there or short torso=less inches for WSL and less time + growth rate and length retention

Hmmmm.... you make a good point, :scratchch never thought of that. Although I do have a short torso, I may have spoken too soon.

Oh well, I'll find out this time next year, won't I?
carmella25 said:
I should be at waist lenght. Currently Im about and inch past my bra strap. Does my calculation sound about right?
If your torso is short and you're good to your hair and keep the max length you may get there a little sooner than you thought. But you're right just wait till next year and see
by this time next year im hoping i'll be almost waistlength curly...with no split ends, deep black in color, and smooth and well-moisturized...a girl can dream cant she?!!?!? lol:lol:
The back should be hanging under my bra-strap with the sides grazing underneath my shoulders. *crossing fingers*
I second this!!!! All I know is my hair will be a lot stronger and a helluva lot healthier and longer after all the info i've gained from LHCF in only 1 month. Finally, i'm learning to love my thick hair! (can you believe I used to want my hair to be thinner?.....
Between shoulder length and brastrap LOL! That could be anywhere. I'm not TOO worried about it. If I stay with the braids for next year, I'll have at least 6 more inches, so 13 or 14 inches stretched.

Also...what was I thinking on my post on the first page? You can tell I was BRAND new. I must not have known the average growth rate then or something.
Well considering I have half and inch of new growth, I 'll have 6.5 " new growth. Add that to my longest length, straightened I should be BSL.

On a more positive note, I'll be one year closer to being all natural.