What was your AHA! Moment?


New Member
Do you know how Oprah asks people what their aha moment was--when something finally sunk in? Have you had an aha moment that proves you are officially obsessed with haircare? I had mine yesterday
, lol. I was in the tack shop trying to buy some gear for horseback riding. The woman was telling me about the new gloves she had gotten in, and all I could do was stare at the mane-and-tail conditioner. BTW...does anyone use that? Do you like it?
Sorry...got off-topic...ok, what was yours
When I would go into ANY beauty supply store for one item and would be in there for almost 2 hours!!!!!
I've had a few, but a more recent one:putting off washing my hair an extra week, because my HG conditioner had run out and I had to wait for more to arrive by UPS.
When I had had a dream that I got micro braids
I just bought the Mane and Tail Conditioner I haven't really used it yet. I think someone on this board uses this I can't remember who.
When I had to purhase a tall free-standing storage cabinet at Home Depot for my overflow of hair products.
Wait.... Or was that my product junkie confirmation moment?
* Trying to figure out which room has the best lighting to capture my self photos of the back of my hair.

* Being embarrassed every time I go to Costco to have my roll(s) of film developed -- film that just shows picture after picture of my hair (I know them Costco employees think I'm
or something).
It was when I found myself in the kitchen making a tea--not to drink, but to pour over my hair. Enough was enough then. I've simplified my routine a great deal.
when every time i go into any store I have to go in the hair care section to see what they have and what I can buy!!
hmmm....when i let my sis in law corn row my hair last week and got PISSED because she wouldnt spritz my hair..and was using a fine tooth COMB!..(didnt have issues with that last yr) but after the 2nd big chop in dec and a changed perception of my hair...my hair is like FINE SILK to me! i gotta read all the stuff on labels..making my own hair stuff and i LIVE on hair boards.
My 'aha' moment came when I finally realized it wasn't that I hadn't found the <font color="red">right</font> product to make my hair stop breaking and shedding...but it was how I
<font color="red">handled</font> my hair that was the problem...
Great post!!

I'd say my "AHA! Moment" was the first time I actually looked forward to getting up early on a weekend to do "the works" on my hair, whereas in the past, it was a dreaded task!!

Now even just picking out which products to use is like a fun game to me!!

I looooove pampering my hair!!
Lindy said:
Great post!!

I'd say my "AHA! Moment" was the first time I actually looked forward to getting up early on a weekend to do "the works" on my hair, whereas in the past, it was a dreaded task!!

Now even just picking out which products to use is like a fun game to me!!

I looooove pampering my hair!!

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That was mine too!
When I started examining EVERY piece of hair that was no longer attached to my head-- I would carefully look at anything that was in my comb/on my sink/on the floor to see whether the strands have white bulbs (natural shedding) or not (unnatural breakage)--- It was at that point that I realized that I was obsessed

Oh boy.. did I just admit how
I am
**going off to a corner to place myself on punishement***
patience said:
When I would go into ANY beauty supply store for one item and would be in there for almost 2 hours!!!!!

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Same here!

Though... my most recent one was when I started using my rent money for hair products
, and then hittin' up my b/f for cash because "I didn't have enough for bills and absolutely didn't know why"
It was a new low when I was afraid to talk about my true spending habits, afraid that he would feel "used". I had to put an end to my reckless spending habbits, and now I'm a better person for it
Ever since I joined this forum, Ive been looking at everyone's hair around me...I mean EVERYONE!
The style, color, length, texture, EVERYTHING!
This happened again the other day at a store when a black woman was ringing up my purchases. I noticed immediately how stiff and fried her hair was from hot combs or curling irons and grease. My aha moment came when I realized I can now look at someone's damaged hair and know what that person most likely needs to do to correct it.
When I got my second big chop!. I was manipulating and changing my hair way too much!

This same "Aha" moment came about when God showed me my identity!
I found myself...and realized that it wasn't really in my hair.


I just wanted to clear a few things up:

-Getting a big chop, having a TWA or having natural hair does not mean that you have an identity problem.

-Also, me watching my obsessive behavior (LOL) does not mean that I will stop at acheiving healthy hair that I love. It just means that I won't think about those acheivements quite so much!

Also...when I see someone walking down the street with short damaged hair, I want to tell them about the LHCF and maybe give them some tips for their hair!
Poohbear said:
Ever since I joined this forum, Ive been looking at everyone's hair around me...I mean EVERYONE!
The style, color, length, texture, EVERYTHING!

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Me too. And then I say to myself, " She's wearing a protective style" or "Her hair needs to be trimmed" or "Her hair is too dry looking" or "I like her hair, what's her regime?" or "I wonder if she's a member of LHCF?"
Poohbear said:
Ever since I joined this forum, Ive been looking at everyone's hair around me...I mean EVERYONE!
The style, color, length, texture, EVERYTHING!

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Meee tooo Pooh. Sheesh i was so obsessed when i found this board. I would be itching to cash my check so that i could buy a new product for my hair. I would go to Walmart to get toothpaste and end up in the hair isle (how'd that happen
).Then i realized that i was spending wayyyyy to much money and i people starting looking at me wierd as i studied their "hair type." They would especially look at me wierd when i walked up to them and asked what products they use, hehehe
. I'm slowly but surly settling for products that work with my hair.
I came to the light after reading the Wanakee pamphlet and Black Women Rejoice!!! And when i came here and saw so many beautiful chicks with super healthy hair. I thought, i;m not the only one whos obessed!!!
Lindy said:
Great post!!

I'd say my "AHA! Moment" was the first time I actually looked forward to getting up early on a weekend to do "the works" on my hair, whereas in the past, it was a dreaded task!!

Now even just picking out which products to use is like a fun game to me!!

I looooove pampering my hair!!

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Yep, that's me too! When I go to a store the beauty supply isle is the first thing that I go to. And I notice EVERYONE'S hair!!! And I just have to try almost every product mentioned because I curious as to how my hair will react to it. My mom says that I put so much stuff on my hair that it'll fall out!! She ain't right!
My AHA moment came yesterday when I was taking pics of all the products I have and realized that even with all the pictures (there's about 10) that I still didn't show everything that I own or that I use. The worst part is, even after that, I went out and restocked products that were low (can't resist a sale) and I'm currently waiting on Lacio Lacio to arrive.

I also had a AHA moment when I couldn't wait 3 more days to actually go to the Dominican salon and went without my co-worker. I didn't have a clue about those until LHCF.
my aha moment was in high school when my mom put me on punishment by taking away my curling iron and my gel!!!

i coulda killed her how could she do that to me????the horror the torture

im as bad with my hair as i am with pocketbooks!