I Knew My Hair Was Growing When...

- I slammed my hair in the car door and walked away. I saw the light y'all!

- I was running up the stairs and a bug landed on my elbow. I was going to die. That was my hair.

- My man has to hold my hair for certain activities if I do not have a scrunchy on hand.
I was BSL when relaxed but haven't gotten there as a natural.

I knew my natural hair was growing when I was able to do this high bun with no filler.

I knew a few months ago when DH saw my wet Goody Spin pin bun and asked how I hid the donut filler....but I wasn't using a filler!

This style takes only 60 seconds. I filmed it here: http://youtu.be/YY8Q2zKA67U

I wrapped my hair in a bun and tucked it into itself to get it off of my back and to let it dry a little bit after a wash/condition. I did it without any bobby pins, clips, or ponytail holders and it is staying on it's own. :woot: First time being able to do that with my own hair (it's in minibraids).
-When i got weave checked to the point i could feel the woman's breath on my neck.
-I could finally make a juicy hair bow bun.
-people started asking me for hair advice.
-My medium braids were past my shoulders.
-lost the desire to straighten ..strange i know.
When my sisters start asking for products and what they should be doing to their hair. Just last year you didnt even want to acknowledge ma fro.. now its hot ****?:ohwell:
when i needed two ponytail holders to hold my hair.

when my mom started asking me what i did to make my hair so "pretty". (to her, "pretty" equals long.....and hers has always been longer than mine until now~)

when people started not just weave checking me, but accusing me of lying when I wear my own hair and say it's mine....but yet NOT questioning me at all when I am wearing a weave or wig.

when i started looking at the jumbo size jars of conditioner as regular size jars
Okay its not that long but after years struggling to get my hair issues solved, I knew I was on track when I zipped my hair into my blouse in the back! My hair hasn't been that close to my zipper in years!
When I thought I was shedding like crazy. But I wasn't, it was just the long strands of hair curling up and making it look like more. :look:

When I put my purse on my shoulder and my hair gets caught underneath. :look:

When my rollersetting time started taking longer and longer.

When I felt something light and itchy on my arm, I thought it was a bug, yet it was just the ends of my hair.

When my aunt said: "I don't remember your hair being this long when I last saw you."

When I could finally put all my hair over one shoulder and you could tell I had a pretty "long" length.
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When I caught my puff in the car door.

When I had to start adjusting seats so my hair didn't get smashed on the car roof.

When wearing my hair straight automatically resulted in weave checks (& scalp massages aka track searches) by familiy members. :look:

When people no longer asked if I was mixed, but stated that I am & just dont know my heritage. :nono:

When my Great Aunt started randomly blurting out how long my hair was to strangers & also started talking haircare with me.

When I could reach the hair along my nape without doing a full on back bend. :lol:
I knew my hair was growing when all of my nape hair could be pulled up. Before going natural I just thought everyone had baby hairs at their nape that would always be there. But I've been rocking a high bun lately and it's really tripping me out to not have any short hairs whatsoever hanging at my nape lol
When I wore my hair in a slick back ponytail to church and some guy goes "you took out your weave?! your hair is long why do you wear all that?"

I didnt think my hair grew but since I ended my long stretch a lot of people been saying I have nice hair and running their nasty lil fingers through it loool
When I got my hair straightened at the salon and I looked in the mirror and said "Are you SERIOUS??!"

It was so pretty and shiny :drool: (that was when I finally hit BSL).
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When I got my hair straightened at the salon and I looked in the mirror and said "Are you SERIOUS??!"

It was so pretty and shiny :drool: (that was when I finally hit BSL).

I can not wait until I'm BSL. I haven't straightened my hair in a long time so I have no idea how long it is right now. I just know it's not BSL yet but I'll be there soon enough. Can't wait!
I have a tapered TWA It's kind of like a bob with the back is all natural and my front is natural with relaxed ends. I realized my hair was growing when I noticed a cute little afro growing in the back lol! Also, when I rub the back of my head I feel hair not scalp :)


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When I was able to do a wash and go with full shrinkage and still had a "flop" over with curls cascading.

I was able to do a braid out with some serious hang time.
I can not wait until I'm BSL. I haven't straightened my hair in a long time so I have no idea how long it is right now. I just know it's not BSL yet but I'll be there soon enough. Can't wait!

I've probably hit BSL and didnt even know it. I havent straightened in over a year and a half.:lol:
I had hair that I could grip in my nape. Major milestone! I thought my nape was beyond growing... Ever.

My "out" styles are beginning to cover my nape.

The most obvious sign is my color being nowhere near my roots. But I was worried I wasn't retaining length.

I have an appointment this Saturday. I mostly want a good trim but I think I'll have her flat iron it so I can see the growth better. Haven't used heat since March.