Ruminations: Think back, what did you do when your hair was it's longest?


New Member
I think the end of the year makes people reflective. I just measured my hair and noticed that I got an additional inch of growth in a relatively short amount of time for me. Then I thought back--what was I doing differently? Co washing? Nope. Too busy with the new baby. Weekly washing? Nope. Too lazy. But here was what I WAS doing: protective styling (out of necessity due to lack of time to style), which led to not combing much, only gently brushing the sides to put it into a bun. I washed my hair every 2-3 weeks. While I got quite a large hair ball, my hair retained the growth and felt full and thick. And because I'm breastfeeding, I'm drinking lots of water, taking green vegetable supplement powder and about 50 grams of protein a day.

This led me to think about what I did when my hair was it's longest (about mid-back). I realized I was doing the same regimen I did five years ago--eating healthy and low styling. My AHA moment! I discovered that is wasn't the 123,409 products I bought (although I still really love L'occitane) or co washing, or scalp massaging, or twists or twist outs. It was just letting my hair rest.

Have you had an AHA moment lately, when you realized the secret that made your hair it's healthiest? Do share!
My hair was its longest (bsl when I was 16) when I did absolutely nothing! I lost all that hair when I tried to do something, which was go to a beautician who knew nothing!!

I mean I wore braid back to back for about 8 years, so I did not know how to do my own hair.. I never did a DC and in the process of removing the braids My detangling methods were horrid. I never moisturized the braids. I wore them in tight ponytails....just did all the bad stuff imaginable

But the fact that I WAS in a protective style made my hair grow [even with the self induced setbacks]!!! So now that im PSn again and righting all the wrongs from before (moisture, DC, proper detangling) I expect my hair to flourish

im just impatient about the whole thing now that im trying to grow.... i refuse to wait 8 years lmao my hair best get with the program in 2010!!!

But I have had the AHA moment that if I leave my hair be I will be fine! I am seeing so much retention from weaving and now bunning its crazy! I am amazed at how thick my hair is these days
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when my hair was at its longest, i was also doing nothing, though i just had a baby and this may have added to the growth, i wore my hair in buns also, most of the time, and i didnt even remember to sleep with my satin scarf cause i was so tired. i've gone back to buns now and hoping to get good results again.
I was living in a wamer climate, ate more regularly, had a perm and got rollersets on a weekly basis with regular DCs and put rollers at night....
I was wearing braids for like a year or more. I would use a braid spray to moisturize it every night. I went from EL to SL.