I Knew My Hair Was Growing When...

-When i got weave checked to the point i could feel the woman's breath on my neck.
-I could finally make a juicy hair bow bun.
-people started asking me for hair advice.
-My medium braids were past my shoulders.
-lost the desire to straighten ..strange i know.

I do understand you @ManiiSweetheart. I don't feel like straigtening my hair anymore (although I may do it in the future but only for a length check): want it to be big more than long!!!
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when I had to do two ponytails and then place those two pony's into one since I couldn't get all of my hair into one ponytail holder.
That's when I knew my hair had grown
Whenever I wear buns and happen to be on a train or bus, I become that girl looking like "Do not touch my hair, don't you even get close to it!".
People always bumping my bun as they walk by. I swear they do it on purpose. I feel like touching them back :catfight:
This is when I realized my hair grown. It can get frustrating too when I'm driving and I keep bumping my bun into the windows and mirrors. I'm still adjusting to this hair.
When what i used to consider doing a "puff" is now an Apl curly ponytail.

My curly ponytail now swings and can rest on my shoulder.

When i was in the shower yesterday combing my hair in sections and was able to fling my nape hair behind my back...it hangs Apl/bsb when wet...SL when dry.

When my coworker said "long hair don't care" to me w/my hair in its curly state:woot:

When my mom finally said to me yesterday that she thought my hair was pretty. :)

And now my curly ponytail almost reaches BSL! MBL when wet! :)