What was the last straw in your last relationship?

Re: COLD TURKEY on Thanksgiving Eve

Yes but why would some one who doesn't care try to console me!!!??? I know he doesn't care but it is so hard to believe that he'll try to touch me or talk to me. Why isn't he dancing and playing music and talking on the phone and smiling? I just don't get it.. He's acting like the devil.. Lure you to the apple and then stab you in the back..

If you ever you feel anounce of compassion for this man and want to head back into the relationship just read this --> "so selfish! So any way the other day we were talking about our stupid relationship. And he was telling me he doesn't feel anything for me anymore, there is no passion, there are no feelings. And he never really felt anything for me. (Mind you I moved from NY bought a house and he didn't want to break up and he moved down here for me and insisted I move in with him) This nicca comes out of his face and tells me 'when we make love I have to close my eyes and imagine other women.'!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

You are going to have a HARD time this holiday season, but don't look back. Do not call. Do not text. Do not email. Do not show up at his door. Do not leave notes. Just leave him be and once you let go, you will open the door to a much more deserving man. The longer you hold on to this fool the longer you are blocking out a good man.

God bless!
Re: COLD TURKEY on Thanksgiving Eve

I can only co-sign what SweetNic wrote. It's all true. Please be strong ladies this holiday season and do not go back no matter what. :nono:
If you ever you feel anounce of compassion for this man and want to head back into the relationship just read this --> "so selfish! So any way the other day we were talking about our stupid relationship. And he was telling me he doesn't feel anything for me anymore, there is no passion, there are no feelings. And he never really felt anything for me. (Mind you I moved from NY bought a house and he didn't want to break up and he moved down here for me and insisted I move in with him) This nicca comes out of his face and tells me 'when we make love I have to close my eyes and imagine other women.'!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

You are going to have a HARD time this holiday season, but don't look back. Do not call. Do not text. Do not email. Do not show up at his door. Do not leave notes. Just leave him be and once you let go, you will open the door to a much more deserving man. The longer you hold on to this fool the longer you are blocking out a good man.

God bless!
Re: COLD TURKEY on Thanksgiving Eve

Yes but why would some one who doesn't care try to console me!!!??? I know he doesn't care but it is so hard to believe that he'll try to touch me or talk to me. Why isn't he dancing and playing music and talking on the phone and smiling? I just don't get it.. He's acting like the devil.. Lure you to the apple and then stab you in the back..

let out the tears gurl...when ur done u will feel much better....it sounds cliche but I am all cried out now and Im not really bothered by it anymore...its a long time comming and seriously re read some of ur own posts and remember that although he is "playing" the compassionate role he isnt....
Im gonna PM u
The last straw was when he told me that his sister said that she wants the best for him and I am not the best...this is the same chick that when she was broke as all hell was always calling to ask me for money.

When I ask him what he is getting me for my birthday and he said NOTHING because I assume he wasn’t going to get me anything (he did not get me a gift)

And the icing on the cake was when he told me that I was too fat and he ashamed of walking the street next to me and people knowing that I was his girl.

I almost committed suicide after hearing that ish. Just for the record i`m a size 8/10.
After reading everyone's posts, I don't even want to write mine, coz it's not that bad...

Graduation morning (like the crack of dawn) my ex calls me (I'm asleep as is the rest of Missouri at that time) and so he sends me a text to congratulate me. Morning comes, I call him, he says he's asleep, but will see me at grad.

AFTER graduation, I'm standing outside taking pics with the fam, and I call him coz I haven't seen him yet, here is our convo:

Me: Where are you?
Him: At Walmart.
ME: Doing what?
Him: Shopping with my roommate.
ME: Did you forget about graduation?
Him: Nah, I'm coming.
ME: Don't bother, it's over.
Him: Oh well, people graduate everyday...
when he called one day crying because he got some chick pregnant and didn't want me to leave him and that his HIV test came back negative.....fool you crazy!!! We dated over four years I was out and headed straight for the doc and then had to be tested every 3 months for a year just to be sure. I was celibate for 5 years after that.

Secondly, it was a friendly reminder that no matter how much a man says he loves you-some still easily cheat and will cheat well. HIV/AIDS is real. I'm thankful, I'm healthy and happy but that sho was scary! I should've known something was up when his mama told me her son was a fool and she couldn't do anything for him.
The last straw was when he told me that his sister said that she wants the best for him and I am not the best...this is the same chick that when she was broke as all hell was always calling to ask me for money.

When I ask him what he is getting me for my birthday and he said NOTHING because I assume he wasn’t going to get me anything (he did not get me a gift)

And the icing on the cake was when he told me that I was too fat and he ashamed of walking the street next to me and people knowing that I was his girl.

I almost committed suicide after hearing that ish. Just for the record i`m a size 8/10.

It's okay. My ex said I was getting fat too. Guys feel the need to put you down so that you don't want them and its easier for them to walk away. God don't like ugly. They'll get theirs in due time.
So after he left, I went on to his email. He has no idea that I know his pw. Why did I find so many responses to hook ups on craiglist!? He was also stringing along some other chicks that he's known in other states and countries! So I decided that I would write him an email. Basically I told him what kind of scum he is and I told him that I was one of the girls he responded to on craigslist. I can't wait til he reads that email. He may not have the balls to come up to me but atleast he'll know that I know that he's a liar. By the way, we work together! It still hurts badly but after writing that email I feel a little better.
The last straw was when he told me that his sister said that she wants the best for him and I am not the best...this is the same chick that when she was broke as all hell was always calling to ask me for money.

When I ask him what he is getting me for my birthday and he said NOTHING because I assume he wasn’t going to get me anything (he did not get me a gift)

And the icing on the cake was when he told me that I was too fat and he ashamed of walking the street next to me and people knowing that I was his girl.

I almost committed suicide after hearing that ish. Just for the record i`m a size 8/10.
How nasty! Men can be so...rude!!
when he called one day crying because he got some chick pregnant and didn't want me to leave him and that his HIV test came back negative.....fool you crazy!!! We dated over four years I was out and headed straight for the doc and then had to be tested every 3 months for a year just to be sure. I was celibate for 5 years after that.

Secondly, it was a friendly reminder that no matter how much a man says he loves you-some still easily cheat and will cheat well. HIV/AIDS is real. I'm thankful, I'm healthy and happy but that sho was scary! I should've known something was up when his mama told me her son was a fool and she couldn't do anything for him.
LIARS! I'm soo heated right now!
LIARS! I'm soo heated right now!

SOME men think its cool that they have a 'main' chick, someone they know will be there for them but they still want to play. It's such a dangerous game out there. All those women who are blessed with good faithful men are so fortunate. You may think you know all the signs but this one hit me left field. I had no idea he was cheating-no idea. His patterns never changed, he never acted differently and then bam! He's out there poking around. One piece of good advice....no matter what, love yourself more.
Guess where he was come Christmastime. Sleeping on my dad's couch begging me to go back with him, crying and going, putting his 86-year-old grandmother on the phone asking why we broke up and telling me that that the family loved me. Too late, buddy. You acted a fool way too many times for me! :lachen:


So many of your stories remind me of this song:

It could all be so simple
But you'd rather make it hard
Loving you is like a battle
And we both end up with scars
Tell me, who I have to be
To get some reciprocity
No one loves you more than me
And no one ever will
Is this just a silly game
That forces you to act this way
Forces you to scream my name
Then pretend that you can't stay
Tell me, who I have to be
To get some reciprocity
No one loves you more than me
And no one ever will
No matter how I think we grow
You always seem to let me know
It ain't workin'
It ain't workin'
And when I try to walk away
You'd hurt yourself to make me stay
This is crazy
This is crazy
I keep letting you back in
How can I explain myself
As painful as this thing has been
I just can't be with no one else
See I know what we got to do
You let go and I'll let go too
'Cause no one's hurt me more than you
And no one ever will
Repeat Hook
Care for me, care for me
I know you care for me
There for me, there for me
Said you'd be there for me
Cry for me, cry for me
You said you'd die for me
Give to me, give to me
Why won't you live for me
SOME men think its cool that they have a 'main' chick, someone they know will be there for them but they still want to play. It's such a dangerous game out there. All those women who are blessed with good faithful men are so fortunate. You may think you know all the signs but this one hit me left field. I had no idea he was cheating-no idea. His patterns never changed, he never acted differently and then bam! He's out there poking around. One piece of good advice....no matter what, love yourself more.
How long were you with him?
This is not about my fiance...this is about my ex-husband.

Someone said the truth always comes out and it always does (but some of us want to speed things along by doing a little snooping of our own according to that poll :look: on the check his emails thread).

Anyway, this is how I found out.

My ex and I got married young. We lived in Cali but he hated the cost of living there. He is from the South.

So about 4 years into our marriage he moved us to the Southeast where cost of living was better and in an area where there seemed to be a good economy.

I found work right away but he didn't. :perplexed

I was paying the bills for about 8 months on my own and I never complained. I just told him keep his head up. Something will come up. :yep:

Well, after awhile he got fed up with waiting for a job and decided to go overseas to work. :ohwell:

I begged him not to go. :sad:

But long story short he promised he'd only go for a year and that he'd quit and come back with this next egg that I wouldn't be able to argue with.

Now, let me say we were not hurting really. My job pays me very well and he could have taken his time finding a job but his ego got in the way. He couldn't stand the thought of me making more money than him. *sigh*

So he went overseas - the first 6 months were difficult - but he came back home at the midway point and things were okay.

At the year mark he came back and things were okay.

Except that he wanted to stay another year.

That was the first time I had considered a divorce. :sad: He had changed...was money hungry now...and I was lonely.

But with no real biblical grounds for divorce (I thought), I didn't act then. I just prayed I could make it a little longer and he'd come home.

He went back and for weeks I was having nightmares about him cheating out of the blue. What can you do when he's 7000 miles away to prove it. You can't. There was something in my gut that was telling me something's wrong. But I couldn't prove it. I felt sick. :sad:

I couln't put my finger on it though.

I prayed.

I prayed that if there was something I needed to know that he would reveal it to me.

And I left it in his hands.

This is GOD revealing things to me. It HAD to be because what are the odds.

A few weeks later I got an email.

A friend of mine who was stationed at Camp Arifjan in Kuwait had emailed me. He said he had gone with some buddies to a swinger party. Okay, that's nasty to me
but he says he didn't participate he just went cause he was curious.

Well LOW AND BEHOLD he saw my husband there who was IN FACT participating.

He had taken pictures on his camera phone and emailed them to me as attachments.

I printed them out in color (I drove like a mad woman to office depot to get a color printer because I didn't feel they would have the same impact printed in black and white) all the time crying my eyes out and pulling my hair out and frantic with ....confusion.

After I printed them I sent them to my DH (now ex) certified mail/return receipt/restricted delivery.

and I waited.

Did you know it takes 7 days for mail to get to the middle east?

In the meantime I kept my cool.
I still kept in touch with him. Our conversations were normal. I had a plan.

I know the exact hour he received my package because at 6 o'clock in the morning my cell phone, my instant messenger on the computer, my house phone all blew up simutaneously with ringing, buzzing and that nokia tune.


I picked up my phone and he was crying.


I told him listen. Don't say anything. You do not have a reason to cry. I am the one who should be crying. I told him I need 30 days to think about what I want to do. In those thirty days, do not call, write, email, or contact me unless it is explicitly about our son. If you have anything to say right now you have two minutes to say it. Go.

He said I'm sorry, I love you, I was stupid, I didn't mean it, I don't even know her, I don't even remember her face, I was drinking, I was talked into it by my boys...

You'd be amazed how much a person can say in two minutes...

I said fine, I'll take all that into consideration and I hung up.

He continued to call of course but I didn't answer and after 30 days I wrote him a letter and said, this will be my last letter to you as your wife. I am filing for a divorce. You should be hearing from an attorney shortly.

When I have had some time to recover from this, I will call you and we can talk but I am not going to put myself through this right now.

That was the end of that...

If you read my credit and divorce thread you'll understand now that he was using that situation to make me come back to him. And maybe you'll understand now why I couldn't.

But again, as with most things when I post personal information, I am sharing this to let you know that God does warn us about things. Maybe the answers won't be as clear as mine...and I'm not even saying God encourages divorce, but I do think he'll reveal things to us if we ask him to and if our eyes are open.

I posted this from another thread I already told my story in.
This is not about my fiance...this is about my ex-husband.

Someone said the truth always comes out and it always does (but some of us want to speed things along by doing a little snooping of our own according to that poll :look: on the check his emails thread).

Anyway, this is how I found out.

My ex and I got married young. We lived in Cali but he hated the cost of living there. He is from the South.

So about 4 years into our marriage he moved us to the Southeast where cost of living was better and in an area where there seemed to be a good economy.

I found work right away but he didn't. :perplexed

I was paying the bills for about 8 months on my own and I never complained. I just told him keep his head up. Something will come up. :yep:

Well, after awhile he got fed up with waiting for a job and decided to go overseas to work. :ohwell:

I begged him not to go. :sad:

But long story short he promised he'd only go for a year and that he'd quit and come back with this next egg that I wouldn't be able to argue with.

Now, let me say we were not hurting really. My job pays me very well and he could have taken his time finding a job but his ego got in the way. He couldn't stand the thought of me making more money than him. *sigh*

So he went overseas - the first 6 months were difficult - but he came back home at the midway point and things were okay.

At the year mark he came back and things were okay.

Except that he wanted to stay another year.

That was the first time I had considered a divorce. :sad: He had changed...was money hungry now...and I was lonely.

But with no real biblical grounds for divorce (I thought), I didn't act then. I just prayed I could make it a little longer and he'd come home.

He went back and for weeks I was having nightmares about him cheating out of the blue. What can you do when he's 7000 miles away to prove it. You can't. There was something in my gut that was telling me something's wrong. But I couldn't prove it. I felt sick. :sad:

I couln't put my finger on it though.

I prayed.

I prayed that if there was something I needed to know that he would reveal it to me.

And I left it in his hands.

This is GOD revealing things to me. It HAD to be because what are the odds.

A few weeks later I got an email.

A friend of mine who was stationed at Camp Arifjan in Kuwait had emailed me. He said he had gone with some buddies to a swinger party. Okay, that's nasty to me
but he says he didn't participate he just went cause he was curious.

Well LOW AND BEHOLD he saw my husband there who was IN FACT participating.

He had taken pictures on his camera phone and emailed them to me as attachments.

I printed them out in color (I drove like a mad woman to office depot to get a color printer because I didn't feel they would have the same impact printed in black and white) all the time crying my eyes out and pulling my hair out and frantic with ....confusion.

After I printed them I sent them to my DH (now ex) certified mail/return receipt/restricted delivery.

and I waited.

Did you know it takes 7 days for mail to get to the middle east?

In the meantime I kept my cool.
I still kept in touch with him. Our conversations were normal. I had a plan.

I know the exact hour he received my package because at 6 o'clock in the morning my cell phone, my instant messenger on the computer, my house phone all blew up simutaneously with ringing, buzzing and that nokia tune.


I picked up my phone and he was crying.


I told him listen. Don't say anything. You do not have a reason to cry. I am the one who should be crying. I told him I need 30 days to think about what I want to do. In those thirty days, do not call, write, email, or contact me unless it is explicitly about our son. If you have anything to say right now you have two minutes to say it. Go.

He said I'm sorry, I love you, I was stupid, I didn't mean it, I don't even know her, I don't even remember her face, I was drinking, I was talked into it by my boys...

You'd be amazed how much a person can say in two minutes...

I said fine, I'll take all that into consideration and I hung up.

He continued to call of course but I didn't answer and after 30 days I wrote him a letter and said, this will be my last letter to you as your wife. I am filing for a divorce. You should be hearing from an attorney shortly.

When I have had some time to recover from this, I will call you and we can talk but I am not going to put myself through this right now.

That was the end of that...

If you read my credit and divorce thread you'll understand now that he was using that situation to make me come back to him. And maybe you'll understand now why I couldn't.

But again, as with most things when I post personal information, I am sharing this to let you know that God does warn us about things. Maybe the answers won't be as clear as mine...and I'm not even saying God encourages divorce, but I do think he'll reveal things to us if we ask him to and if our eyes are open.

I posted this from another thread I already told my story in.
WOW! If you can get over that surly I can get over my situation! How long ago was your divorce? Do you date now?
Wow.....I can't say anything but wow

This is not about my fiance...this is about my ex-husband.

Someone said the truth always comes out and it always does (but some of us want to speed things along by doing a little snooping of our own according to that poll :look: on the check his emails thread).

Anyway, this is how I found out.

My ex and I got married young. We lived in Cali but he hated the cost of living there. He is from the South.

So about 4 years into our marriage he moved us to the Southeast where cost of living was better and in an area where there seemed to be a good economy.

I found work right away but he didn't. :perplexed

I was paying the bills for about 8 months on my own and I never complained. I just told him keep his head up. Something will come up. :yep:

Well, after awhile he got fed up with waiting for a job and decided to go overseas to work. :ohwell:

I begged him not to go. :sad:

But long story short he promised he'd only go for a year and that he'd quit and come back with this next egg that I wouldn't be able to argue with.

Now, let me say we were not hurting really. My job pays me very well and he could have taken his time finding a job but his ego got in the way. He couldn't stand the thought of me making more money than him. *sigh*

So he went overseas - the first 6 months were difficult - but he came back home at the midway point and things were okay.

At the year mark he came back and things were okay.

Except that he wanted to stay another year.

That was the first time I had considered a divorce. :sad: He had changed...was money hungry now...and I was lonely.

But with no real biblical grounds for divorce (I thought), I didn't act then. I just prayed I could make it a little longer and he'd come home.

He went back and for weeks I was having nightmares about him cheating out of the blue. What can you do when he's 7000 miles away to prove it. You can't. There was something in my gut that was telling me something's wrong. But I couldn't prove it. I felt sick. :sad:

I couln't put my finger on it though.

I prayed.

I prayed that if there was something I needed to know that he would reveal it to me.

And I left it in his hands.

This is GOD revealing things to me. It HAD to be because what are the odds.

A few weeks later I got an email.

A friend of mine who was stationed at Camp Arifjan in Kuwait had emailed me. He said he had gone with some buddies to a swinger party. Okay, that's nasty to me
but he says he didn't participate he just went cause he was curious.

Well LOW AND BEHOLD he saw my husband there who was IN FACT participating.

He had taken pictures on his camera phone and emailed them to me as attachments.

I printed them out in color (I drove like a mad woman to office depot to get a color printer because I didn't feel they would have the same impact printed in black and white) all the time crying my eyes out and pulling my hair out and frantic with ....confusion.

After I printed them I sent them to my DH (now ex) certified mail/return receipt/restricted delivery.

and I waited.

Did you know it takes 7 days for mail to get to the middle east?

In the meantime I kept my cool.
I still kept in touch with him. Our conversations were normal. I had a plan.

I know the exact hour he received my package because at 6 o'clock in the morning my cell phone, my instant messenger on the computer, my house phone all blew up simutaneously with ringing, buzzing and that nokia tune.


I picked up my phone and he was crying.


I told him listen. Don't say anything. You do not have a reason to cry. I am the one who should be crying. I told him I need 30 days to think about what I want to do. In those thirty days, do not call, write, email, or contact me unless it is explicitly about our son. If you have anything to say right now you have two minutes to say it. Go.

He said I'm sorry, I love you, I was stupid, I didn't mean it, I don't even know her, I don't even remember her face, I was drinking, I was talked into it by my boys...

You'd be amazed how much a person can say in two minutes...

I said fine, I'll take all that into consideration and I hung up.

He continued to call of course but I didn't answer and after 30 days I wrote him a letter and said, this will be my last letter to you as your wife. I am filing for a divorce. You should be hearing from an attorney shortly.

When I have had some time to recover from this, I will call you and we can talk but I am not going to put myself through this right now.

That was the end of that...

If you read my credit and divorce thread you'll understand now that he was using that situation to make me come back to him. And maybe you'll understand now why I couldn't.

But again, as with most things when I post personal information, I am sharing this to let you know that God does warn us about things. Maybe the answers won't be as clear as mine...and I'm not even saying God encourages divorce, but I do think he'll reveal things to us if we ask him to and if our eyes are open.

I posted this from another thread I already told my story in.
WOW! If you can get over that surly I can get over my situation! How long ago was your divorce? Do you date now?

Well in NC you have to be separated a year before you can be divorced. I just basically used the date he left to go over there as our separation date so I filed pretty much right away since the requirement is that separation is two people not living in the same house.

I didn't date for an entire year because I had custody of his younger sister and I didn't want things to be awkward for her. She was a senior in higshchool when I filed for a divorce. I dated when she left to go to college.

I'm engaged to a new fellow now.

He's great to me and we've been together for well over a year and will be getting married in about another year. Hopefully I'll never have to write a last straw story about him but if I do, I'm done for good. :nono:
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