What was the last straw in your last relationship?

Me rusing home from work, getting dinner and picking up kids from daycare right before the place closes.
Him standing with a huge smile on his face at the door welcoming his lovely family with a suprise.
Upstairs brand new couches and newly order 152 channel cabelbox 'cause now that I (read:Nina)got a raise we (read:unemployed since 2yrs husband)
Me locking myself in the closet to stop hyperventilating.
House dusty and crusty as all h*ll, the only grimefree area was the floor around the computer chair.

But the prize was the look of utter astonishment on his little pink face when I told him he HAD to go!
Wow, so basically he was buying all that stuff with your money? :nono:

loved, that's trifling, his not being there for your anniversary.
Ms J...is that him in the pic sleeping on the couch?:lachen::lachen:If so that is hilarious that you kept the pic to remember what a fool he was lol.
Yeah, that's him sleeping on my dad's couch. I don't know how he thought groveling and sleep on my dad's couch was going to make me want to get back together with him. I did feel bad for him, though. :look:
Re: He Didn't Understand that Failing to Be Truthful = Lying

Something like this.

Me beating the bushes to get him to do something meaningful with me; him giving every reason under the sun why he couldn't - BUT THEN - I get 1 day's notice about the int'l trip he's taking w/ his best friend. I couldn't settle on whether he was down low, cheating or just a flat out jerk, but I got tired of trying to figure it out. And to put a bow on it, this trip happened during our anniversary.
I couldn't face myself in the mirror if I stayed with him after that. He told me everything I needed to know about how he was going to treat me - the question was would I listen.
OMG are his initials MH, cuz lord knows this is my story. I would almost beg him to do things with me, small trips, get aways, etc. and he would always say "no", but low and behold this "old friend" (male) comes out of the wood work and he starts taking trips to Miami, Puerto Rico, etc. I was like, well you are telling me loud and clear the priority I have in your life. I'm out. He tried to come back years later saying all of the right things, but I was not having it! I run into his father all of the time and he is always like, my son was a fool. Glad you recognize pops, he sure was!
The last straw for me was 2 nights ago when he came out of his face! he has done a lot of low down shyte to me before but for some reason this comment was it! He's made plans with me and stood me up, he's told me he's loved me and then tells me in a month after a fight he doesn't love me. He's ignored me countless times. He's gone travelling with out inviting me or calling while he was gone. not acknowledged me on birthdays, valentine's day etc.
Well we have been in a stupid disfunctional relationship for 4 years. He complains than we don't do anything together and we don't have anything in common which is STUPID! (I'm getting heated writing this!) We have a lot in common if he would open up his damm eyes! He just doesn't take any anitiative or make any freaking effort. He's so selfish! So any way the other day we were talking about our stupid relationship. And he was telling me he doesn't feel anything for me anymore, there is no passion, there are no feelings. And he never really felt anything for me. (Mind you I moved from NY bought a house and he didn't want to break up and he moved down here for me and insisted I move in with him) This nicca comes out of his face and tells me "when we make love I have to close my eyes and imagine other women."!!!!!!!!!!!!!:computer::censored:
It's like he has no couth! He would say anything to hurt me.:pinocchio
So I started packing up my junk and can you believe last night when I went out late he stopped me from leaving and this nicca had tears in his eyes like "Where are you going?? I bought you orange juice." Never mind that I wanted it 2 weeks ago but he never had the time until now...It's over!
The last straw for me was 2 nights ago when he came out of his face! he has done a lot of low down shyte to me before but for some reason this comment was it! He's made plans with me and stood me up, he's told me he's loved me and then tells me in a month after a fight he doesn't love me. He's ignored me countless times. He's gone travelling with out inviting me or calling while he was gone. not acknowledged me on birthdays, valentine's day etc.
Well we have been in a stupid disfunctional relationship for 4 years. He complains than we don't do anything together and we don't have anything in common which is STUPID! (I'm getting heated writing this!) We have a lot in common if he would open up his damm eyes! He just doesn't take any anitiative or make any freaking effort. He's so selfish! So any way the other day we were talking about our stupid relationship. And he was telling me he doesn't feel anything for me anymore, there is no passion, there are no feelings. And he never really felt anything for me. (Mind you I moved from NY bought a house and he didn't want to break up and he moved down here for me and insisted I move in with him) This nicca comes out of his face and tells me "when we make love I have to close my eyes and imagine other women."!!!!!!!!!!!!!:computer::censored:
It's like he has no couth! He would say anything to hurt me.:pinocchio
So I started packing up my junk and can you believe last night when I went out late he stopped me from leaving and this nicca had tears in his eyes like "Where are you going?? I bought you orange juice." Never mind that I wanted it 2 weeks ago but he never had the time until now...It's over!

I am mad as h*ll reading this myself, and I dont even know you:nono:
A damn shame....I am glad you let that old dog go....
This nicca comes out of his face and tells me "when we make love I have to close my eyes and imagine other women."!!!!!!!!!!!!!:computer::censored:
It's like he has no couth! He would say anything to hurt me.:pinocchio
So I started packing up my junk and can you believe last night when I went out late he stopped me from leaving and this nicca had tears in his eyes like "Where are you going?? I bought you orange juice." Never mind that I wanted it 2 weeks ago but he never had the time until now...It's over!

:fistshake::flush::bat::cantlook: What a horrible human being. :sad:
The last straw for me was 2 nights ago when he came out of his face! he has done a lot of low down shyte to me before but for some reason this comment was it! He's made plans with me and stood me up, he's told me he's loved me and then tells me in a month after a fight he doesn't love me. He's ignored me countless times. He's gone travelling with out inviting me or calling while he was gone. not acknowledged me on birthdays, valentine's day etc.
Well we have been in a stupid disfunctional relationship for 4 years. He complains than we don't do anything together and we don't have anything in common which is STUPID! (I'm getting heated writing this!) We have a lot in common if he would open up his damm eyes! He just doesn't take any anitiative or make any freaking effort. He's so selfish! So any way the other day we were talking about our stupid relationship. And he was telling me he doesn't feel anything for me anymore, there is no passion, there are no feelings. And he never really felt anything for me. (Mind you I moved from NY bought a house and he didn't want to break up and he moved down here for me and insisted I move in with him) This nicca comes out of his face and tells me "when we make love I have to close my eyes and imagine other women."!!!!!!!!!!!!!:computer::censored:
It's like he has no couth! He would say anything to hurt me.:pinocchio
So I started packing up my junk and can you believe last night when I went out late he stopped me from leaving and this nicca had tears in his eyes like "Where are you going?? I bought you orange juice." Never mind that I wanted it 2 weeks ago but he never had the time until now...It's over!

I gotta tell you like Real told me...Don't fight, Don't argue, just beat that b**** wit a bottle :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:!!!!!!
He invited me to a wedding that he was a groomsman for. It was 4 hours away - we drove to it:

  • He didn't pay for my food at the rehearsal dinner.
  • He didn't buy a gift for the couple. We had to run to the mall on the day of the wedding.
  • At the mall, his keys got lost. LOST.
  • He decides to take a cab to the wedding, and LEAVE ME WITH THE CAR TO WAIT FOR THE LOCKSMITH.
  • 3 hours later, I'm still waiting, and he didn't CALL ONCE.
  • 5 hours later, I missed the wedding, and I show up... his arse is drunk on the dance floor at the reception, talking bout "hey baby, what's up?"
I hopped in the car, with the replacement keys that I paid $200 for and drove my arse back home by myself at 2am. This was 6 years ago, and I'm still pissed.

Phew, I feel better.
Friday morning was my last straw...
Me and Mr. RMT had been involved since right before Valentine's Day 2003...I been crying and depressed over this shrek lookin fool the WHOLE almost 5 years....
friends stopped talkin to me cabuse they didnt wanna see me in pain and couldnt stand that I wouldnt get out....my play brothers have told me time and time again to peep game ( mind u I can usually peep game from 10000 miles away) anywho I find out he is goin to movies wit "friends" and spending time wit all sorts of girls but my stupid thought pattern said "well he comes home to me and he is only with me" ya'll I was so naive he was my first real official realationship and I never had the best self esteem and I felt pretty undesireable and I am a chronic people pleaser so it was easy for me to put things that were eveidently his fault on me....
this fool talked shyte when I graduated with my AA because he felt I could do better mind u I was transferring to the university and he knew the only reason why I left the HBCU we met at was because due to my fathers death affording 25000 was nt feasable so I got my apt and got into the transfer program at the community collegebecause it was cheaper than going straight to the public university and definitely way cheaper that the private HBCU.....anyway....he talked sooo much stuff cause I wasnt doing what he thought i should be doing althought I was in school full time and workin full time and maintaing my own apartment without any help from him..........**time passes** he starts to say that if it wasnt for him motivating me to be on his level that i wouldnt have graduated.....when I joined my sorority ( not NPHC although many of my sorors are ) he talked shyte about it saying that when I cross one that is important then he would buy me something...I told him that at least I set my sights on it and did what I planned to and I didnt drop my line like he did (2times)......I had to leave town to come home to work and save money and take care of my health cause I was having some issues....so the whole time Im thinking ok maybe he is gonna act right and keep his piece to himself so one night he goes to a party for his home boy he calls me when he leaves about 2 am I have no problem with that (it was a party for goodness sake).....so he calls and we spoke for like 5 minutes and he was like lemme call u back... I said dang ur home already NO he was at his homegirls house AT 2:00 AM so Im like ok maybe he is gonna be out in a few minutes HECK nah this ***** calls me at 4 sumthin just on his way home and I told him thats real disrespectful these are booty call hours and thats not cute so on Friday we are talkin and I said have u been sleepin with anyone while I have been home and he said Joanna you have been gne almost a year what do u think I said I would hope the answer is no but answer the question but I know I havent he says he didnt tell me not to sleep with anyone then he was like Im not gonna confirm nor deny ur accusation I said well since u wont I will....and I said did u at least protect urself ( I slept with him when I visited in August------>>>>>unprotected:wallbash::wallbash:) anyway he was like Im not answering I said be happy im not there cause today would be the day u meet ur maker if I was.... I hung up crying and really pissed but then something he said before the sex part of the convo kept ringin in my head "if I dont respect someone and they insist on dealing with me Im gonna keep disrespecting them, causeif it bothers them they will do something about it.......soooo I havent talked to him since then and he has called and text me but Im like :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: this fat @$$ Shrek looking dude was a waste of my time, effort, love, body and life....my mom is ready to whoop @$$ and so is my best guy friend....but Im done he doesnt deserve the energy it would take to beat him down...he has sweet days and the he has bottom of the barrell biggest ass ever days....I was only there cause I felt like he was the best alternative to being alone and I always thought that no one else would want me or find me attractive (not that i thought he did but....thats the story of low self esteem i guess)

so now Im workin on being a better me... Im still workin toward my degree, I am makin money getting my health in check and doing my thing I realize that although I may not have the best esteem I dont need someone wasting my time makin me feel worse about myself....

****when I met this fool he was driving the mystery machine and living with his parents until december of last year.....he got a new car, a degree, a new job, and had a house built and money hungry lil girls start throwin the booty and he forgets who supported him in everything he did and I even cooked seriously grandmas house sunday dinner for this whole and he didnt even show up or call and let me know he wasnt comming.....

as u can tell Im upset and still in pain...but there is someone out there that has the ability to appreciate the woman I am and will accept me and match my efforts in a relationship.....

I know that was really lengthy but I had to vent...thnx for reading ladies
"if I dont respect someone and they insist on dealing with me Im gonna keep disrespecting them, And it seems like guys have no problems abusing and using you when they think they can!
as u can tell Im upset and still in pain...but there is someone out there that has the ability to appreciate the woman I am and will accept me and match my efforts in a relationship.....
You and I need to stay strong since this nonsense is fresh...and it's especially hard for me because I work with this jerk! His classroom is down the hall from mine! My co-workers don't make it any better because they are like what are yall doing for Thanksgiving? I kind of blow off the question because I'm not ready to openly talk about it with others...this is definately gossip worthly amongst a school full of "skirts"
I hate men right now
Girl Im trying not to be bitter right now I figure.....at least it happened now and not 10 years from now.....I know they arent all bad but its like Im sister to all the good ones......argh
"if I dont respect someone and they insist on dealing with me Im gonna keep disrespecting them, causeif it bothers them they will do something about it

Please! Please! Please! Remember this line EVERY time you want to go back to this nicca!...
The last straw for me was 2 nights ago when he came out of his face! he has done a lot of low down shyte to me before but for some reason this comment was it! He's made plans with me and stood me up, he's told me he's loved me and then tells me in a month after a fight he doesn't love me. He's ignored me countless times. He's gone travelling with out inviting me or calling while he was gone. not acknowledged me on birthdays, valentine's day etc.
Well we have been in a stupid disfunctional relationship for 4 years. He complains than we don't do anything together and we don't have anything in common which is STUPID! (I'm getting heated writing this!) We have a lot in common if he would open up his damm eyes! He just doesn't take any anitiative or make any freaking effort. He's so selfish! So any way the other day we were talking about our stupid relationship. And he was telling me he doesn't feel anything for me anymore, there is no passion, there are no feelings. And he never really felt anything for me. (Mind you I moved from NY bought a house and he didn't want to break up and he moved down here for me and insisted I move in with him) This nicca comes out of his face and tells me "when we make love I have to close my eyes and imagine other women."!!!!!!!!!!!!!:computer::censored:
It's like he has no couth! He would say anything to hurt me.:pinocchio
So I started packing up my junk and can you believe last night when I went out late he stopped me from leaving and this nicca had tears in his eyes like "Where are you going?? I bought you orange juice." Never mind that I wanted it 2 weeks ago but he never had the time until now...It's over!
Umm, why did you stay with him so long?
When my ex ole punk arse told me, " I don't want to be with you, but I don't want you to be with anyone else." WTF?! Was he serious? :yep:
He invited me to a wedding that he was a groomsman for. It was 4 hours away - we drove to it:

  • He didn't pay for my food at the rehearsal dinner.
  • He didn't buy a gift for the couple. We had to run to the mall on the day of the wedding.
  • At the mall, his keys got lost. LOST.
  • He decides to take a cab to the wedding, and LEAVE ME WITH THE CAR TO WAIT FOR THE LOCKSMITH.
  • 3 hours later, I'm still waiting, and he didn't CALL ONCE.
  • 5 hours later, I missed the wedding, and I show up... his arse is drunk on the dance floor at the reception, talking bout "hey baby, what's up?"
I hopped in the car, with the replacement keys that I paid $200 for and drove my arse back home by myself at 2am. This was 6 years ago, and I'm still pissed.

Phew, I feel better.

Oh yeah he had to go ............
Joanna, you're doing right by workin on you. You know what they say " Everybody has played the fool one time" but you keep striving for YOUR idea of perfection and don't give up. My son's father dooged me for four years b/c I continued to let him come back with his tired lies and fairytales. But since I have decided to give my life to God, it is making it a lot easier to not be so angry at men and the world, cuz what God has for you, is for you!
Joanna, you're doing right by workin on you. You know what they say " Everybody has played the fool one time" but you keep striving for YOUR idea of perfection and don't give up. My son's father dooged me for four years b/c I continued to let him come back with his tired lies and fairytales. But since I have decided to give my life to God, it is making it a lot easier to not be so angry at men and the world, cuz what God has for you, is for you!

thanx gurl Im not mad at men just him and honestly more at myself .....when my big sister told me what she saw I should have left but again better sooner than later
I don't know you, but I'm proud of you for moving on. :yep: I lost good friends like this because I can't stand to see them in relationships like this either.

Friday morning was my last straw...
Me and Mr. RMT had been involved since right before Valentine's Day 2003...I been crying and depressed over this shrek lookin fool the WHOLE almost 5 years....
friends stopped talkin to me cabuse they didnt wanna see me in pain and couldnt stand that I wouldnt get out....my play brothers have told me time and time again to peep game ( mind u I can usually peep game from 10000 miles away) anywho I find out he is goin to movies wit "friends" and spending time wit all sorts of girls but my stupid thought pattern said "well he comes home to me and he is only with me" ya'll I was so naive he was my first real official realationship and I never had the best self esteem and I felt pretty undesireable and I am a chronic people pleaser so it was easy for me to put things that were eveidently his fault on me....
this fool talked shyte when I graduated with my AA because he felt I could do better mind u I was transferring to the university and he knew the only reason why I left the HBCU we met at was because due to my fathers death affording 25000 was nt feasable so I got my apt and got into the transfer program at the community collegebecause it was cheaper than going straight to the public university and definitely way cheaper that the private HBCU.....anyway....he talked sooo much stuff cause I wasnt doing what he thought i should be doing althought I was in school full time and workin full time and maintaing my own apartment without any help from him..........**time passes** he starts to say that if it wasnt for him motivating me to be on his level that i wouldnt have graduated.....when I joined my sorority ( not NPHC although many of my sorors are ) he talked shyte about it saying that when I cross one that is important then he would buy me something...I told him that at least I set my sights on it and did what I planned to and I didnt drop my line like he did (2times)......I had to leave town to come home to work and save money and take care of my health cause I was having some issues....so the whole time Im thinking ok maybe he is gonna act right and keep his piece to himself so one night he goes to a party for his home boy he calls me when he leaves about 2 am I have no problem with that (it was a party for goodness sake).....so he calls and we spoke for like 5 minutes and he was like lemme call u back... I said dang ur home already NO he was at his homegirls house AT 2:00 AM so Im like ok maybe he is gonna be out in a few minutes HECK nah this ***** calls me at 4 sumthin just on his way home and I told him thats real disrespectful these are booty call hours and thats not cute so on Friday we are talkin and I said have u been sleepin with anyone while I have been home and he said Joanna you have been gne almost a year what do u think I said I would hope the answer is no but answer the question but I know I havent he says he didnt tell me not to sleep with anyone then he was like Im not gonna confirm nor deny ur accusation I said well since u wont I will....and I said did u at least protect urself ( I slept with him when I visited in August------>>>>>unprotected:wallbash::wallbash:) anyway he was like Im not answering I said be happy im not there cause today would be the day u meet ur maker if I was.... I hung up crying and really pissed but then something he said before the sex part of the convo kept ringin in my head "if I dont respect someone and they insist on dealing with me Im gonna keep disrespecting them, causeif it bothers them they will do something about it.......soooo I havent talked to him since then and he has called and text me but Im like :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash: this fat @$$ Shrek looking dude was a waste of my time, effort, love, body and life....my mom is ready to whoop @$$ and so is my best guy friend....but Im done he doesnt deserve the energy it would take to beat him down...he has sweet days and the he has bottom of the barrell biggest ass ever days....I was only there cause I felt like he was the best alternative to being alone and I always thought that no one else would want me or find me attractive (not that i thought he did but....thats the story of low self esteem i guess)

so now Im workin on being a better me... Im still workin toward my degree, I am makin money getting my health in check and doing my thing I realize that although I may not have the best esteem I dont need someone wasting my time makin me feel worse about myself....

****when I met this fool he was driving the mystery machine and living with his parents until december of last year.....he got a new car, a degree, a new job, and had a house built and money hungry lil girls start throwin the booty and he forgets who supported him in everything he did and I even cooked seriously grandmas house sunday dinner for this whole and he didnt even show up or call and let me know he wasnt comming.....

as u can tell Im upset and still in pain...but there is someone out there that has the ability to appreciate the woman I am and will accept me and match my efforts in a relationship.....

I know that was really lengthy but I had to vent...thnx for reading ladies
I don't know you, but I'm proud of you for moving on. :yep: I lost good friends like this because I can't stand to see them in relationships like this either.

thanx hun....now I just need to work on NOT settling for less than Im worth.....for sum reason I have been attracting alot of unwanted unworthy people....but I guess workin on me will put the blinders on...lol
thanx hun....now I just need to work on NOT settling for less than Im worth.....for sum reason I have been attracting alot of unwanted unworthy people....but I guess workin on me will put the blinders on...lol

I think (the bolded) is a lot of women have/ have had this problem, so don't feel bad. I know I have, I hated being alone. But we have to make sure that we follow this so we don't end up in the same sh!+.

Men love confident women. When your confidence shows, that's when the men start following. :yep:
My last straw in my last relationship was when my ex fiance turned up at my house with this woman (daughter of a preacher my butt!!) who I had interviewed for a job the day before with her hair poking off left, right, and center and wearing the football jersey I had given his stupid @$$ for his birthday. My dad spotted him before I did and suddenly grabbed up his shot gun and went running back upstairs with it to get it out of my reach...I seriously would have shot him in the @$$ tho!!!!
My last straw in my last relationship was when my ex fiance turned up at my house with this woman (daughter of a preacher my butt!!) who I had interviewed for a job the day before with her hair poking off left, right, and center and wearing the football jersey I had given his stupid @$$ for his birthday. My dad spotted him before I did and suddenly grabbed up his shot gun and went running back upstairs with it to get it out of my reach...I seriously would have shot him in the @$$ tho!!!!

omg! :nono:
COLD TURKEY on Thanksgiving Eve

Ladies: On this Thanksgiving eve, I suggest that we all go COLD TURKEY w/ these fools. The crazy thing is that the types of dudes mentioned in this thread are the ones that run after you the hardest when you walk away.

They try to draw you in emotionally, bit by bit, let's meet for coffee/a drink, then you're into conversations about your relationship with him trying to convince you that you mistook, misheard, or misinterpreted something that was said or done.

It's all wasted energy for us. They deserve to only be checked from the rearview mirror in the trash heap of bad former SOs. Even though it may be hard, you never regret leaving someone like this alone completely and for good. Later on you'll ask yourself what took so long.
Last edited:
Im down...already 5.5 days into being cold turkey...dont u know that thats bozo booboo the fool called me last night...I kindly hit ignore ( I wish my new phone had the ignore list so his calls wouldnt even come through like on my last phone.) that made it easier before...o well....gotta do whats best for me

and ladies I suggest that if u start itchin to call these fools...CALL A FRIEND or try workin on a new hairstyle or play in ur make up or take a bubble bath...go the gym or something but jdo not call him...if he was bad enough to tell us about....he doesnt deserve ur energy....I figure the same energy we waste on them we can use it on a hobby of some sort...shoot maybe u can get into crafts and start sellin stuff and make money off that energy....
Re: COLD TURKEY on Thanksgiving Eve

Ladies: On this Thanksgiving eve, I suggest that we all go COLD TURKEY w/ these fools. They try to draw you in emotionally, bit by bit, let's meet for coffee/a drink, then you're into conversations about your relationship with him trying to convince you that you mistook, misheard, or misinterpreted something that was said or done.

. Even though it may be hard, you never regret leaving someone like this alone completely and for good. Later on you'll ask yourself what took so long.
Well today I move out. I woke up early this morning and started packing. He tried to hold my hand today and my first reaction was to jerk my hand back from him. But I am soo hurt! I can't believe he could be like this! So cold and blunt one minute and then trying to console me from what he just did or said to me. I am packing up all my things by myself. And I have to figure out how I'm going to get them back to my house. I have been relatively strong today until he took my bed apart because once he did that I knew it was really over and I am by myself. All I want to do now is get into my bed and cry and grieve a little but I have no bed to get in to. So I decided to come down here and get into this thread for a little support but I can't stop crying. He came up to me and was like " Michelle please stop crying" in a "sympathetic" way and I said "why do you care?" and do you know he didn't say anything he just walked away. He is in the shower now. He is driving to florida to be with his mother for Thanksgiving. And as I'm writing this I can't stop crying. How can he be that way?
Re: COLD TURKEY on Thanksgiving Eve

Well today I move out. I woke up early this morning and started packing. He tried to hold my hand today and my first reaction was to jerk my hand back from him. But I am soo hurt! I can't believe he could be like this! So cold and blunt one minute and then trying to console me from what he just did or said to me. I am packing up all my things by myself. And I have to figure out how I'm going to get them back to my house. I have been relatively strong today until he took my bed apart because once he did that I knew it was really over and I am by myself. All I want to do now is get into my bed and cry and grieve a little but I have no bed to get in to. So I decided to come down here and get into this thread for a little support but I can't stop crying. He came up to me and was like " Michelle please stop crying" in a "sympathetic" way and I said "why do you care?" and do you know he didn't say anything he just walked away. He is in the shower now. He is driving to florida to be with his mother for Thanksgiving. And as I'm writing this I can't stop crying. How can he be that way?

Sweetie..read Loved's post above and apply it to your present situation. He is this way b/c he does not care..point blank. He probably doesn't even really think you are going anywhere. Take my advice, you will grieve for a while, but will feel so free once you are settled in your new place. Having peace means the world..trust!!
Re: COLD TURKEY on Thanksgiving Eve

Sweetie..read Loved's post above and apply it to your present situation. He is this way b/c he does not care..point blank. He probably doesn't even really think you are going anywhere. Take my advice, you will grieve for a while, but will feel so free once you are settled in your new place. Having peace means the world..trust!!
Yes but why would some one who doesn't care try to console me!!!??? I know he doesn't care but it is so hard to believe that he'll try to touch me or talk to me. Why isn't he dancing and playing music and talking on the phone and smiling? I just don't get it.. He's acting like the devil.. Lure you to the apple and then stab you in the back..
Re: COLD TURKEY on Thanksgiving Eve

Yes but why would some one who doesn't care try to console me!!!??? I know he doesn't care but it is so hard to believe that he'll try to touch me or talk to me. Why isn't he dancing and playing music and talking on the phone and smiling? I just don't get it.. He's acting like the devil.. Lure you to the apple and then stab you in the back..

One of the things I have learned is to stop trying to figure men out..period. Men are not that complex..they either do or they don't, will or won't. He is playing games with you and your emotions. He isn't laughing or dancing b/c that would look like a ridiculously evil thing to do while you are sitting there crying. Let him know you are through with the games for real and that he can now play them with someone else.