What Sleeping With Married Men Taught Me About Infidelity


Well-Known Member
I’m not sure it’s possible to justify my liaisons with married men, but what I learned from having them warrants discussion. Not between the wives and me, though I would be interested to hear their side. No, this discussion should happen between wives and husbands, annually, the way we inspect the tire tread on the family car to avoid accidents.

A few years ago, while living in London, I dated married men for companionship while I processed the grief of being newly divorced. I hadn’t sought out married men specifically. When I created a profile on Tinder and OkCupid, saying I was looking for no-strings-attached encounters, plenty of single men messaged me and I got together with several of them. But many married men messaged me too.

After being married for 23 years, I wanted sex but not a relationship. This is dicey because you can’t always control emotional attachments when body chemicals mix, but with the married men I guessed that the fact that they had wives, children and mortgages would keep them from going overboard with their affections. And I was right. They didn’t get overly attached, and neither did I.

We were safe bets for each other.
I was careful about the men I met. I wanted to make sure they had no interest in leaving their wives or otherwise threatening all they had built together. In a couple of cases, the men I met were married to women who had become disabled and could no longer be sexual, but the husbands remained devoted to them.

All told I communicated with maybe a dozen men during that time in my life, and had sex with fewer than half. Others I texted or talked with, which sometimes felt nearly as intimate.

Before I met each man I would ask: “Why are you doing this?” I wanted assurance that all he desired was sex.
What surprised me was that these husbands weren’t looking to have more sex. They were looking to have any sex.
I met one man whose wife had implicitly consented to her husband having a lover because she was no longer interested in sex, at all. They both, to some degree, got what they needed without having to give up what they wanted.

But the other husbands I met would have preferred to be having sex with their wives. For whatever reason, that wasn’t happening.
I know what it feels like to go off sex, and I know what it’s like to want more than my partner. It’s also a tall order to have sex with the same person for more years than our ancestors ever hoped to live. Then, at menopause, a woman’s hormones suddenly drop and her desire can wane.

At 49, I was just about there myself, and terrified of losing my desire for sex. Men don’t have this drastic change. So we have an imbalance, an elephant-size problem, so burdensome and shameful we can scarcely muster the strength to talk about it.

Maybe the reason some wives aren’t having sex with their husbands is because, as women age, we long for a different kind of sex. I know I did, which is what led me down this path of illicit encounters. After all, nearly as many women are initiating affairs as men.

If you read the work of Esther Perel, the author of the recently published book “State of Affairs,” you’ll learn that, for many wives, sex outside of marriage is their way of breaking free from being the responsible spouses and mothers they have to be at home. Married sex, for them, often feels obligatory. An affair is adventure.

Meanwhile, the husbands I spent time with would have been fine with obligatory sex. For them, adventure wasn’t the main reason for their adultery.

The first time I saw my favorite married man pick up his pint of beer, the sleeve of his well-tailored suit pulled back from his wrist to reveal a geometric kaleidoscope of tattoos. He was cleanshaven and well mannered with a little rebel yell underneath. The night I saw the full canvas of his tattoo masterpiece, we drank prosecco, listened to ’80s music and, yes, had sex. We also talked.

I asked him: “What if you said to your wife, ‘Look, I love you and the kids but I need sex in my life. Can I just have the occasional fling or a casual affair?’”
He sighed. “I don’t want to hurt her,” he said. “She’s been out of the work force for 10 years, raising our kids and trying to figure out what she wants to do with her life. If I asked her that kind of question, it would kill her.”
“So you don’t want to hurt her, but you lie to her instead. Personally, I’d rather know.”

Well, maybe I would rather know. My own marriage had not broken up over an affair so I couldn’t easily put myself in her position.
“It’s not necessarily a lie if you don’t confess the truth,” he said. “It’s kinder to stay silent.”

“I’m just saying I couldn’t do that. I don’t want to be afraid of talking honestly about my sex life with the man I’m married to, and that includes being able to at least raise the subject of sex outside of marriage.”

“Good luck with that!” he said.
“We go into marriage assuming we’ll be monogamous,” I said, “but then we get restless. We don’t want to split up, but we need to feel more sexually alive. Why break up the family if we could just accept the occasional affair?”
He laughed. “How about we stop talking about it before this affair stops being fun?”

I never convinced any husband that he could be honest about what he was doing. But they were mostly good-natured about it, like a patient father responding to a child who keeps asking, “Why, why, why?”

Maybe I was being too pragmatic about issues that are loaded with guilt, resentment and fear. After all, it’s far easier to talk theoretically about marriage than to navigate it. But my attitude is that if my spouse were to need something I couldn’t give him, I wouldn’t keep him from getting it elsewhere, as long as he did so in a way that didn’t endanger our family.
I suppose I would hope his needs would involve fishing trips or beers with friends.

But sex is basic. Physical intimacy with other human beings is essential to our health and well-being. So how do we deny such a need to the one we care about most? If our primary relationship nourishes and stabilizes us but lacks intimacy, we shouldn’t have to destroy our marriage to get that intimacy somewhere else. Should we?
I didn’t have a full-on affair with the tattooed husband. We slept together maybe four times over a few years. More often we talked on the phone. I never felt possessive, just curious and happy to be in his company.

After our second night together, though, I could tell this was about more than sex for him; he was desperate for affection. He said he wanted to be close to his wife but couldn’t because they were unable to get past their fundamental disconnect: lack of sex, which led to a lack of closeness, which made sex even less likely and then turned into resentment and blame.

We all go through phases of wanting it and not wanting it. I doubt most women avoid having sex with their husbands because they lack physical desire in general; we are simply more complex sexual animals. Which is why men can get an erection from a pill but there’s no way to medically induce arousal and desire in women.

I am not saying the answer is non-monogamy, which can be rife with risks and unintended entanglements. I believe the answer is honesty and dialogue, no matter how frightening. Lack of sex in marriage is common, and it shouldn’t lead to shame and silence. By the same token, an affair doesn’t have to lead to the end of a marriage. What if an affair — or, ideally, simply the urge to have one — can be the beginning of a necessary conversation about sex and intimacy?

What these husbands couldn’t do was have the difficult discussion with their wives that would force them to tackle the issues at the root of their cheating. They tried to convince me they were being kind by keeping their affairs secret. They seemed to have convinced themselves. But deception and lying are ultimately corrosive, not kind.

In the end, I had to wonder if what these men couldn’t face was something else altogether: hearing why their wives no longer wanted to have sex with them. It’s much easier, after all, to set up an account on Tinder.

Karin Jones writes the Savvy Love column for Erotic Review Magazine in Britain.
Synopsis: divorced woman made a profile on online dating sites and started dating married men since they where a safe bet. Dated about 12, slept with about 6.

She spends the article exploring the why behind cheating and suggests perhaps honesty would help in a marriage to see if agreed upon infidelity or at least discussing it is an option for a healthier relationship.
Yeah whatever. Some men are cheaters because they like to cheat, plain and simple.

Some people cheat because they cannot get what they need at home and are not willing
to deal with the consequences of asking for what they need.

But a lot of these men saying their wives won’t sleep with them never get into why that is.

Like the dude whose wife has been a SAHM for 10 years. Does she ever get a break? Does she have a life outside the home or does he just work, she watches the kids 24/7 and he expects her little tired behind to just spread her legs for him? Do they still date?

Women often stop having sex when the intimacy is gone. I am ready to bet that absent a medical issue, if this man was not getting sex and affection from his wife it is because she had unmet needs.

I hate these unilateral declarations that women just need to give their men what they need to avoid affairs. It takes two to tango and most of the time there is a disconnect on both ends.

Her story reads like the basic self-justification side pieces give themselves for being involved in these relationships. And as someone else mentioned in 2018 there are lots of opportunities to have NSA sex with men who are not married.
Yeah whatever. Some men are cheaters because they like to cheat, plain and simple.

Some people cheat because they cannot get what they need at home and are not willing
to deal with the consequences of asking for what they need.

But a lot of these men saying their wives won’t sleep with them never get into why that is.

Like the dude whose wife has been a SAHM for 10 years. Does she ever get a break? Does she have a life outside the home or does he just work, she watches the kids 24/7 and he expects her little tired behind to just spread her legs for him? Do they still date?

Women often stop having sex when the intimacy is gone. I am ready to bet that absent a medical issue, if this man was not getting sex and affection from his wife it is because she had unmet needs.

I hate these unilateral declarations that women just need to give their men what they need to avoid affairs. It takes two to tango and most of the time there is a disconnect on both ends.

Her story reads like the basic self-justification side pieces give themselves for being involved in these relationships. And as someone else mentioned in 2018 there are lots of opportunities to have NSA sex with men who are not married.
Recently Ive been reading that even lot of cohabitating couples who aren’t married sex drive plummets after moving in together....moreso from the woman’s end It becomes a chore. I guess once tasks become shared the relationship turns into a rooomate scenario than a romantic couple? So once ur married boom say goodbye to sex:lachen: obviously that’s not everyone’s situation but it’s enough to see that it’s a very common occurance.

3 of my friends who are currently pregnant ALL said that they shocked they were pregnant because only they have sex once every 3-4 months.o_O
Recently Ive been reading that even lot of cohabitating couples who aren’t married sex drive plummets after moving in together....moreso from the woman’s end It becomes a chore. I guess once tasks become shared the relationship turns into a rooomate scenario than a romantic couple? So once ur married boom say goodbye to sex:lachen: obviously that’s not everyone’s situation but it’s enough to see that it’s a very common occurance.

3 of my friends who are currently pregnant ALL said that they shocked they were pregnant because only they have sex once every 3-4 months.o_O
I would bet it’s because the woman ends up doing the bulk of the home-making (laundry, cleaning, cooking etc) and the man stops with the romantic gestures and dates.

Or even if that’s not the case if couples don’t try hard once they share a household they easily become roommates.
She could have had a no strings attached relationship with a single man. She has low self esteem and gets a rise out of providing something to these men that they aren't getting at home.

That they allegedly aren’t getting. She doesn’t really know what is going on in their homes. Men lie. All of these cheating husbands aren’t being starved of sex by their dried up menopausal wives. Come on. :rolleyes: I’m sure the men who told her that their wives are disable and physically unable to have sex were lying too. She’s getting fed as much bullish as the wives are, and she’s eating it up, trying to make herself feel good about spreading them legs for married men. Acting like she’s providing some sort of sex therapy. Lol This lady is a joke.
I’m always confused when men don’t express their frustrations to women. Speaking to different men from various backgrounds it’s all the same they don’t want to hurt the women or be the bad guy. Some are simple things that I would be upset my partner didn’t tell me.

No comment on ole girls logic.
I guess it depends on the man. My husband is just honest (rude) with it. He told me that he loved me but he would give me two years after the 2nd child to start working on my weight before he started wandering. And looking back, I appreciate the honesty because at that point, I was definitely asexual. I was too tired and overweight to think about sex. I don't know about other people, but for me, breast feeding definitely played a heavy role.

I breastfed both kids till they were 22 months. So that's four years of tiny hands grabbing and molesting you at all times. All that interaction desensitized me and I resented being touched for any reason outside of a feeding. It was a bad time because he felt lonely and I was just tired and resentful. However, once I weaned the baby, I started sleeping through the night again and began to regain control of my body. It took about 4-6 months, but my sex drive came back and now we are pretty much back to pre children sexuality.

All that to say, it's hard to balance being a wife and being a mom and though sex is necessary to keep a marriage going, I get why it's the first thing to die when children come about. Patience and honest conversations are a must.
Yeah whatever. Some men are cheaters because they like to cheat, plain and simple.

Some people cheat because they cannot get what they need at home and are not willing
to deal with the consequences of asking for what they need.

But a lot of these men saying their wives won’t sleep with them never get into why that is.

Like the dude whose wife has been a SAHM for 10 years. Does she ever get a break? Does she have a life outside the home or does he just work, she watches the kids 24/7 and he expects her little tired behind to just spread her legs for him? Do they still date?

Women often stop having sex when the intimacy is gone. I am ready to bet that absent a medical issue, if this man was not getting sex and affection from his wife it is because she had unmet needs.

I hate these unilateral declarations that women just need to give their men what they need to avoid affairs. It takes two to tango and most of the time there is a disconnect on both ends.

Her story reads like the basic self-justification side pieces give themselves for being involved in these relationships. And as someone else mentioned in 2018 there are lots of opportunities to have NSA sex with men who are not married.

This is so true. Women Can’t maintain intimacy alone in a marriage. This is why dating and doing things as a couple is really important to keep that fire going.

I have heard the sentiment from many men that they don’t feel the need to keep up the intimacy since they are married. Then they are confused when the wife wants out.
I guess it depends on the man. My husband is just honest (rude) with it. He told me that he loved me but he would give me two years after the 2nd child to start working on my weight before he started wandering. And looking back, I appreciate the honesty because at that point, I was definitely asexual. I was too tired and overweight to think about sex. I don't know about other people, but for me, breast feeding definitely played a heavy role.

I breastfed both kids till they were 22 months. So that's four years of tiny hands grabbing and molesting you at all times. All that interaction desensitized me and I resented being touched for any reason outside of a feeding. It was a bad time because he felt lonely and I was just tired and resentful. However, once I weaned the baby, I started sleeping through the night again and began to regain control of my body. It took about 4-6 months, but my sex drive came back and now we are pretty much back to pre children sexuality.

All that to say, it's hard to balance being a wife and being a mom and though sex is necessary to keep a marriage going, I get why it's the first thing to die when children come about. Patience and honest conversations are a must.

As a single, childless, woman I appreciate your honesty. Lots of takeaways in your post.

Many women wouldn’t share that same vulnerability but it’s necessary.
In the past ive dealt with dudes who where in relationships...so I get where the OP is coming from. It's not always a matter of low self esteem. It really is easier dealing with a guy who is attached to someone else No drama when you're ready to end things.

There's the ideal and then there's whats actually happening in the real world.

**I'm surprised that this topic is such a sore spot. Especially since the topic of "side piecing" is spoken about so openly.
The article was interesting and even though the author's opinion is controversial it's still based on her experience. I guess it makes her feel better for the role she has chosen to play.

Having said that, I wonder how truthful these men are being during their encounters.

Men always want to take the easy way out. Instead of asking the wife what they can do to increase intimacy they go out and have an affair putting the entire family in jeopardy.
The thing is, with the married men I have encountered who are trying to get a sidepiece, they are working extra hard and trying to court the outside woman. And seem resigned to the fact that the marriage will be as it is, it's very odd to me. I always ask them why they aren't working this hard to get their marriages back on track. Litany of excuses, who knows the ratio of lies to truth.
There is a reason what widowers get remarried really quickly and widows generally stay single. Men are taken care of in marriages and women take care of them. Women shoulder the burden of so much. So pardon me if I am not moved by men complaining about their wives not meeting 100% of the husbands' needs, and they just HAVE to betray their wives.

Most of these men are not worth the effort.
The thing is, with the married men I have encountered who are trying to get a sidepiece, they are working extra hard and trying to court the outside woman. And seem resigned to the fact that the marriage will be as it is, it's very odd to me. I always ask them why they aren't working this hard to get their marriages back on track. Litany of excuses, who knows the ratio of lies to truth.

That’s the truth.
Interesting article. I think declining sexual desire is an issue for more married women than are willing to admit. I guess my unpopular opinion is that I don't think the author is gullible or deluded.

On my parenting board, which is predominately white and a little more anonymous, I was surprised by the number of married posters who either claim they are asexual, or who feel sex is not an obligation of marriage. Of course they say their husbands respect their boundaries but like the men in the article, I think it's more likely that their husbands have accepted it, given up, and are sleeping with other women.
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I never convinced any husband that he could be honest about what he was doing.

I would be more inclined to believe that she had an unbiased assessment of these situations if she hadn't written this line. Makes the whole thing come off like she was secretly hoping some of them would divorce, like her. Threw off the whole "not really attached", "in it just for fun" vibe to me.
Yeah whatever. Some men are cheaters because they like to cheat, plain and simple.

Some people cheat because they cannot get what they need at home and are not willing
to deal with the consequences of asking for what they need.

But a lot of these men saying their wives won’t sleep with them never get into why that is.

Like the dude whose wife has been a SAHM for 10 years. Does she ever get a break? Does she have a life outside the home or does he just work, she watches the kids 24/7 and he expects her little tired behind to just spread her legs for him? Do they still date?

Women often stop having sex when the intimacy is gone. I am ready to bet that absent a medical issue, if this man was not getting sex and affection from his wife it is because she had unmet needs.

I hate these unilateral declarations that women just need to give their men what they need to avoid affairs. It takes two to tango and most of the time there is a disconnect on both ends.

Her story reads like the basic self-justification side pieces give themselves for being involved in these relationships. And as someone else mentioned in 2018 there are lots of opportunities to have NSA sex with men who are not married.

A lot of times infidelity is the cause of the disconnect with sex. For most women sex is tied to their feelings. If you are trying to work on infidelity issues, sex is probably the last thing on your mind.
The thing is, with the married men I have encountered who are trying to get a sidepiece, they are working extra hard and trying to court the outside woman. And seem resigned to the fact that the marriage will be as it is, it's very odd to me. I always ask them why they aren't working this hard to get their marriages back on track. Litany of excuses, who knows the ratio of lies to truth.

Yeah...they will work very hard at a new pursuit and become a totally different person. If they put half of that into their marriage things would be different. New is always more appealing and then like anything else it becomes routine, old and work itself.
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Iono yall. There are women who flat out decide they no longer like sex and refuse to have it with their husbands, or they have it very rarely. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes. And it's not because of infidelity or wrongdoing on their husbands' parts. I'm not saying this is always the case. I'm saying there are enough cases for me to believe the author.