What My SO said about black women and their hair....

My SO and I are having a conversation about me and my obsession with my hair and trying to care for it. Now mind you he is the most supportive of me transitioning my hair out to natural and always love to see me wear it out, but I hardly ever let him touch it. He's white and has had some experience with black women and their hair habits so he says to me today: I find your hair very pretty, the only reason I am a bit fascinated by it is that it is the forbidden fruit, if it is any gauge from my experience, I could marry a black woman, have kids, and even then they would think it was too soon to touch their hair. lol. :lachen: Maybe I should loosen up and let him touch it more. I don't know why I don't it just seems weird to me to have anyone putting their hands in my hair and it's become worse since I joined LHCF :rolleyes:. Just wondering if anyone else had a similar experience...
No I love when Misterman plays with my hair. Girl he scratches up my dandruff and gives me scalp massages. One day he even blew off a night of hanging out with his boys so he could help me rollerset my hair. I even let him help me flatiron with the Maxiglide. Other Black women on his job were impressed to know that he knew what Hair Mayo was... And yes he is white. :yep:
My SO and I are having a conversation about me and my obsession with my hair and trying to care for it. Now mind you he is the most supportive of me transitioning my hair out to natural and always love to see me wear it out, but I hardly ever let him touch it. He's white and has had some experience with black women and their hair habits so he says to me today: I find your hair very pretty, the only reason I am a bit fascinated by it is that it is the forbidden fruit, if it is any gauge from my experience, I could marry a black woman, have kids, and even then they would think it was too soon to touch their hair. lol. :lachen: Maybe I should loosen up and let him touch it more. I don't know why I don't it just seems weird to me to have anyone putting their hands in my hair and it's become worse since I joined LHCF :rolleyes:. Just wondering if anyone else had a similar experience...

LOL That is too funny.
Are you uncomfy about it because he's white or in general?

I LOVE it when a man plays in my hair...it's soooo sensual. Try it...you might like it.:grin:
Lol - it has nothing to do with the fact that he's white he could be blue. I don't even like it when my mother tries to fidget in my hair. It makes me uncomfortable. Its like I can just hear strands snapping! :nono: Clearly I'm in need of LHCF rehab :spinning:
I love when a man touches my hair, smells my hair, tells me how soft it is and how good it smells. :yep: love it!
When my hair was longer hubby loved playing in my hair. He gave the best scalp massages! I'm transitioning now and po' thang hasn't seen it in almost 15 months. :grin:
bf loves to be in my hair he loves to play in it and he HATES HATES HATES my satin bonnet he always says when i come to bed not wearing it that means good things are going to happen. so i started keeping it under my pillow and putting it on only right before i drift off unless im pissed at him then i put it on in the bathroom when im getting ready for bed.
Lol - it has nothing to do with the fact that he's white he could be blue. I don't even like it when my mother tries to fidget in my hair. It makes me uncomfortable. Its like I can just hear strands snapping! :nono: Clearly I'm in need of LHCF rehab :spinning:

LOLOLOLOL You are sooo telling the truth. I get so irritated!!! (especially when my mom does it..)

Keep the mystery alive girl...
Mine likes to run his fingers over the curls of my new growth. It's lovely. :yep:
Aw, so does mine. :blush: While I'm fussing to have it "stay down," he's sticking his fingers in my scalp with a big old grin on his face like "Grow it out!"
No. :lachen:
Op, maybe ask him to be more gentle if he does. :)
girl, i swear i have an erogenous zone somewhere in my scalp. 'cause when he starts touching, i get hot...moist...!!!

now, he knows better not to do it when its all coifed and i'm ready to walk out the door. but otherwise, this black woman welcomes the man touch.
Be glad he likes your hair. When I was dating a white dude he hated my hair because it wasn't straight enough at the roots and it was greasy. Yeah that was right before I stopped using grease. I hate greasy hair myself. I want it to feel nice and soft and grease free if someone is going to play in my hair.

My bf now doesn't touch my hair and I don't play in his. He tried to braid it once (just one plait not the whole head).
Be glad he likes your hair. When I was dating a white dude he hated my hair because it wasn't straight enough at the roots and it was greasy. Yeah that was right before I stopped using grease. I hate greasy hair myself. I want it to feel nice and soft and grease free if someone is going to play in my hair.

My bf now doesn't touch my hair and I don't play in his. He tried to braid it once (just one plait not the whole head).

Dude sounded like a raging a$$hole. :perplexed
I love male hands in my hair, they are so gentle. Even the biggest, beefy man is gentle in my hair. Ex tried to do twists, it didn't work out, but he knew how to get the tangles out with a wide tooth comb.
Wow I guess there are a lot of ladies on here that enjoy a good scalp massage/attention to their hair! Hahaha. Maybe I'll let him try something one time to see how it goes. I just can't imagine anyone being more gentle or caring about my hair as much as I do. To the poster who said her bf couldn't stand you hair. He was a jerk! No matter what your woman's state is either you love her for who she is or you don't. If my SO ever said something like that he'd be my ex-SO real quick :fishslap::duck:. Maybe I'll give it a try he is sweet about it really :couple:.