What motivated you to start growing/taking care of your hair?


Positive Vibrations

As for me, I want to see how long it can get and I just want healthy hair, tired of weaves.

How about you all? I wanna hear some stories!!! :grin:

Seeing this ad above for United Colors of Benetton with model Jordan Richardson is what inspired me to start taking care of my natural hair and growing it long. I always wanted to take care of my natural hair but thought it would be impossible, after seeing this picture I decided to just do it. I researched as much as I could and came across many sites like this one, plenty of articles on natural hair and so on. I always wanted to grow long healthy hair even when I was relaxed but I knew very little about black hair, hair products and how they work in general.
Im just sick of the weaves and the creamy crack that keeps breaking my hair off. I have made the decision to try and grow my hair long in it natural state. I am 4 months post my last relaxer and I dont know when Im gonna BC but my motivation is seeing how many women out there can grown pretty long natural hair!!!!:yep:
I was searching youtube for info on how to wrap my hair and I found a girl named LorraineTips. Her hair is long and she has great videos about how she cares for it. I had BSL hair when I was a teen and I felt I couldn't have that again until I saw her. After that I found LhcF and I have been on this train ever since.
:yep:I'm tired of the weaves and the wigs. I love when I see African American women with long hair. I knew this one girl that I use to go to school with had WL hair and I always envied that and thought of it as impossible..Now that I know I can grow long healthy hair...I want it!
Saving up for the holidays yI went without my usual visits to the salon a few months a few months. I was amazed @ how my hair grew after the relaxer stretch and lack of a "trim."

After I finished x-mas shopping I went to the salon and watched them tear my hair out with a brush and hand-held dryer.

I came here becauuse I got tired of paying to have my hair ripped out...with a tip. I want to see how far I can get on my own.
I've always wanted long hair. I wore braids off and on for 7 years, mainly because my heavy college schedule didn't allow for me to take care of my hair properly. and then the braids sort of became my trademark...

I was itching to make a change earlier this year and decided to take them out and get a relaxer... not knowing what to expect. well, my hair was longer than i expected it to be! My hair (even with the major trim...) is longer than it was when i was in high school. Seeing that I was capable of having longer lengths made me want to take better care of my hair.
I think long hair is beautiful on african american women, whether it's relaxed or natural......I don't know what made me start growing my hair out, but I always wanted to see myself with long hair, I mean long hair like waist and tailbone length....I was stationed in Hawaii for three years, and every Hawaiian had long hair, even the men, I mean they had hair down to their ankles and so on.....and I would see the cute little styles they would wear....so right after I became separated I started taking vitamins and stopped using so much heat, and then when I came home, I really started researching on long hair, and hair growth, and healthy hair, and came across the indian women with long hair, and my heart stopped, I was like what.....so ever since then I wanted my hair long, and seeing my two cousins who both have long waist length hair, motivated me to grow my hair......now it's just about should I stay relaxed or go natural, and stop using so much heat, and decide if I should wear protective styles or it hang.....so that's my story.....I really want long hair......but I have to patience.......
My hair broke off really bad due to poor hair care (relaxing every 4wks, excessive heat use, etc). One day, I just got tired of seeing all my broken hair in the sink and I got tired of my hair breaking off everytime I touched it. From there, I began doing research on how to better take care of my hair and found a LOT of valuable info. My hair has been happy ever since! :grin:
My hair broke off really bad due to poor hair care (relaxing every 4wks, excessive heat use, etc). One day, I just got tired of seeing all my broken hair in the sink and I got tired of my hair breaking off everytime I touched it. From there, I began doing research on how to better take care of my hair and found a LOT of valuable info. My hair has been happy ever since! :grin:

Same here, my hair broke from APL to EL, I got back to NL in 3 months just during my period of research and now I'm working to get my hair back.
I used to faithfully get micros but the girl who didn't them started acting shiesty so I decided it was time for me to start taking care of my own hair.
I started taking care of my hair when one, I decided I wanted hair past my neck . Two, after seeing Mariecheramour's(sp) saran wrap tutorial when she let her hair fall (OMG) and after I got a trim and lost 1in. I didn't want to have to trim again.
I had a Wave Nouveau for about 3 years when my then boyfriend kept complaining about my hair "not being done." So I started to get it pressed and wearing it straight for him. The first time I went to work with my hair straight, the cold air turned my hair gray! I was seriously panicing but went home and put some oil on it and it was all right. I was impressed by my beyond SL hair and my man liked it so I got it pressed again and my hair broke off straight down the middle.

My hairdresser kept talking about how a lot of her clients had their hair break just like mine and she didn't know why. That is when I started realizing how limited hairdresser's knowledge can be so I decided to wear weaves until I could decide what to do with my hair. I had never worn one before so I did some research online and I came across BHM. I stalked that site for months learning everything I could about weaves and good haircare. That is when I realized that I could have the hair of my dreams (long kinky coils). I eventually outgrow BHM and moved over to LHCF for my fix.
I just got tired of abusing my hair. I want(ed) to empower myself to learn about my hair and find out the very best way to take care of it and enhance what I have.

On the whole I find it very enjoyable and relaxing. I like researching new products, techniques, hair styles etc.
i just love the way I look with long hair. And as I was younger, my hair was much longer than it was before the "poor practices" I've done; so, I decided that I wanted it to be like that again. I'm just tired of short hair all together. I want to be mid back and have people stop thinking that AA cant grow long hair.
I've always had APL-BSL hair. But it was chronically dry, and I use to cut it a lot, thinking it was damaged, when it was only dry. I googled dry hair care and got LHCF. After seeing all of the beautiful, long hair, I was hooked!

What's strange is that I no longer use any products I use to use, I use totally different things now. Some of these brands I've never heard of, or only seen them in magazine ads.

Now-a-days, when I touch my hair and it's incredibly soft, I sometimes go "oh, that's my hair". I'm still not use to having hair this soft. Thanks to all you LHCF ladies.
I had long hair when I was a toddler. But it broke off when I was 5 (from a jeri curl :nono:) From then until recently I struggled with my hair and I thought that long hair was only for people who didn't relax their hair. I didn't think that I could ever grow my hair long so I gave up and wore sew in weaves . It wasn't until I found LHCF and saw all of the beautiful heads of hair that were similar to mine that I began thinking I may be able to grow my hair long too. :grin:
I got really tired of wearing weaves and braids and of the amount of money I was spending on weaves and braids. I wanted to grow my own hair long and start taking care of it properly but I wasn't sure how. I knew there had to be a way. I figured I googled everything else and got answers and sure enough I googled how to grow long hair and the rest is history as they say!
i just had a feeling that my hair could be longer than what it was, so i searched for the right information and found a good stylist. as far as natural, i just got tired of relaxed hair and wanted to go the natural route. i want to see how my natural texture would look long.
I have always wanted long hair, and I have been trying to grow it out my whole life. Going natural was the best decision I made because it forced me to find out how to take care of my hair and resolve issues I was having. That's what led me to the route to long hair care and LHCF.
My motivation: When I realized that with knowledge and proper care, I could grow my hair to at least my waist...that was something that I couldn't even imagine before because, afterall I had "bad" hair. :rolleyes:

Before I found this hairboard in 2006, my thin, dry, damaged hair was never longer than a couple inches past shoulder length (my whole life), but because of my hair type, that was the most I could expect...or so I thought.
I was looking for info on rollersetting and i stumbled across Macherieamour's tutorial...my jaw dropped cuz i'd never seen hair that long on a black woman before! From there I was led to LHCF and then I seen more women with beautiful long hair, so here i am!
I was motivated to take care of my hair after witnessing my edges get progressively worse i.e. dry, brittle, thin and receeding

Once I found LHCF it was a WRAP! :grin:
i just love the way I look with long hair. And as I was younger, my hair was much longer than it was before the "poor practices" I've done; so, I decided that I wanted it to be like that again. I'm just tired of short hair all together. I want to be mid back and have people stop thinking that AA cant grow long hair.

Your hair is ABSOLUTELY gorgeous, by the way! You've had wonderful progress! :grin:
I've always wanted long hair, and I had it as a child and briefly in college (close to BSL). A bad dye job left most of my hair in the sink in 2005, so in 2006, I changed stylists and learned the basics from her: moisture, protect at night, vitamins. I was already DCing and rollersetting. My hair became healthy again in only 9 months, but I couldn't get past SL.

A co-worker introduced me to LHCF in Nov. 07, and I followed to her advice to stretch relaxers 8 weeks. I finally joined and got serious about growing when I joined in Aug. 08. I'm so pleased and grateful for the results that I've gotten in such a short amount of time. Thank you Jesus! Thank you LHCF!
I was motivated by you guys. :look: I found LHCF while doing a google search for dominican hair care, which someone had recommended to me. I started reading and reading, and realizing how much I didn't know. I started acting on that knowledge immediately, and the rest is history.
My motivation came from the bald spots at the very front of my head and other various parts of my head. I had a case of trichotillomania (hair pulling). So one day I got fed up with this bad habit and decided to take care of my hair, instead pulling it out. I still get the urge to pull sometimes but it's not as bad as before my hair journey. Other than that, I was also sick of wearing weaves and I always wanted long hair. Thank God for LHCF and the lovely fotki albums!
I saw my brother's ex-girlfriend take care of her own hair without a weave or extensions and watched it grow from NL to SL in 5 months. So, I decided to do research and I ran across Cathy Howse's book on amazon.com and I researched online for 3 days and I realized that it was possible for me to do my hair from my own hands. Everyone kept telling just do your own hair. The hair is in the best condition and I have learned the right techinques after being given horrible advice by various stylists.