Nov 17 18 19 What Are Your Weekend Hair Plans?

Let's see, I think my wash day is going to be:
Prepoo: Ayurvedic Oil and Coconut Oil
Cleanse: MC Halo Shampoo
DC: MC Halo DC
Leave In: MC Halo Hair Lotion or other hair cream sealed with MC AE Hair Oil (I did find get a ST Essential II 4 ounce Hair Cream a while back I need to use up)
Styler: MC Biotin Infused Gel or MC Coconut Boosting Sherbet, MC Split Ends Serum on ends
Um doing this tomorrow. I am prepooing now, will start my wash day tomorrow morning after the gym.
I have had Jamila henna in my hair since 10am this morning. I believe this is more of a hemna gloss, since I added about a tablespoon of tressemme conditioner to the jamila henna and left it over night on saturday.

At 8, I'll begin washing it out, and then i think ill deep condition for an hour, then i will style before bed