What men consider long hair---your experience??


Well-Known Member
I saw a woman yesterday (appeared to be from India), who had hair to the bottom of her backside. It was in a thick ponytail. I said to my husband that I wouldn't mind having hair that length. But then I thought about it and said, "Well, maybe 4-6 inches shorter" because I thought about combing hair that long with my hair texture (very curly).

Now, sidenote, my husband hasn't seen my hair down since my big chop years ago because I've worn it up as it grows out. I don't plan to wear it down or let him see it, until it gets to my goal (waist and beyond???---hopefully end of this year).

Anyway, I said all that to say, I asked him if he thought the lady's hair was a good length. He said he thought it was too long. I asked him what he considered long. He said he considered shoulder length hair long. I asked him what he thought would be a good length for me. Without much hesitation, he said armpit/top of brastrap length.

Anyway, it is interesting that his goal length for me is different from mine, and his idea of long hair is different from mine. What does the man in your life consider long hair or a good length for you?
Brownie said:
I saw a woman yesterday (appeared to be from India), who had hair to the bottom of her backside. It was in a thick ponytail. I said to my husband that I wouldn't mind having hair that length. But then I thought about it and said, "Well, maybe 4-6 inches shorter" because I thought about combing hair that long with my hair texture (very curly).

Now, sidenote, my husband hasn't seen my hair down since my big chop years ago because I've worn it up as it grows out. I don't plan to wear it down or let him see it, until it gets to my goal (waist and beyond???---hopefully end of this year).

Anyway, I said all that to say, I asked him if he thought the lady's hair was a good length. He said he thought it was too long. I asked him what he considered long. He said he considered shoulder length hair long. I asked him what he thought would be a good length for me. Without much hesitation, he said armpit/top of brastrap length.

Anyway, it is interesting that his goal length for me is different from mine, and his idea of long hair is different from mine. What does the man in your life consider long hair or a good length for you?

My husband also thinks SL is long. He said as long as it's full looking and can be passed off as a wig, he thinks it's a good length.
I agree. I referred to my hair as short for so long... men always look puzzled because they consider anything past shoulder length to be long.
I agree most guys who've seen my hair out thinks it's long and it's about BSL. My husband thinks its' long and it pretty thick too. When I tell him I'm trying to grow it longer he's like "what do u want to look like, cousin it" (lol). I've noticed that most guys I've talked to about women and beauty/hair don't find extremely long hair that's just hanging attractive, my husband said it looks odd. Since I'm natural I think stretched waist length would be good but past that would be TOOOOOO muh.
DH considers shoulder length and beyond as long. However, he (and my 2 adult sons) are excited to see it at waistlength.
In my experience, I found that a lot of guys think SL hair is long. IDK what it is but alot of guys seem to like full, thick SL hair.
I'll first say a man will change his mind at the drop of a dime. When I first married my husband he didn't care if I wore my hair in straight backs on the regular or what condition it was in he just loved me. But I was and always been into hair styles and hair care as a stylist, shortly after seeing many hairstyles I would wear he loved it and would comment on how I should do it at certain times. Today seeing my hair past BSL he is in love with something he never probably thought he's care about, and has asked me to never cut it again. I say this to say, it may not have been very attractive on the other woman, but if it looks good on his women he'll be changing his mind in a heart beat.

Also, some men don't comment on other females, they'll brush it off like oh that's nothing, but notice he said he thinks shoulder length is long, but on you APL or BSL would be good on you, that's still considered long.
My husband is a long hair freak!:lol: When I told him I was going to grow my hair to classic length he was ecstatic.:lol:

He considers hair long when it's about BSL and beyond.
bmoreflyygirl said:
I think the consensus for most black people is that shoulder length hair and beyond is considered long.

My SO said he considered shoulder length long for white and black women.
bmoreflyygirl said:
I think the consensus for most black people is that shoulder length hair and beyond is considered long.

You took the words right out of my mouth. My white friends however thick BSL and beyond is long. My black friends and family think shoulder length is long and as they say "A good length"
I think that it'll be different for men of different races. I've known Black men to think that shoulder length is long. I've known Latin men to feel like mid back length is long. I've known Asian men to feel like bra strap length and beyond is long. My husband told me that my hair was getting long the other day and I was excited because I know what his idea of long is :D
Ms Lala said:
I agree most guys who've seen my hair out thinks it's long and it's about BSL. My husband thinks its' long and it pretty thick too. When I tell him I'm trying to grow it longer he's like "what do u want to look like, cousin it" (lol). I've noticed that most guys I've talked to about women and beauty/hair don't find extremely long hair that's just hanging attractive, my husband said it looks odd. Since I'm natural I think stretched waist length would be good but past that would be TOOOOOO muh.

I pretty much think that most black men think that any length past full shoulder length or longer is long. However, I tell my SO so many things about LHCF plus he has what would be considered BSL hair so he considers anything APL or longer long.
My husband didn't even know what he thought was long. But I noticed he kinda "woke up" to my hair when it got between APL and BSL. All of a sudden he couldn't keep his hands out of it and wanted to take pics for my fotki. You would think I didn't even have hair before then. When I asked him how long he wanted me to try and grow it, he pointed to my waist.:eek: I told him I could never manage hair that long and he said he would do all the work. :) When I did my BC, I broke his heart. Oops I forgot to discuss it with him first.:(
My male "friends" think my APL hair is long, but I also feel that alot of black men are used to seeing shorter hair on black women so when it grows past SL its long to them. This is why we have LHCF so we can show them what LONG really is ;)
camellia said:
My husband is a long hair freak!:lol: When I told him I was going to grow my hair to classic length he was ecstatic.:lol:

He considers hair long when it's about BSL and beyond.

OT:I love your siggys!!! Your hair is beautiful!!!

My husband thinks midback is long!!! So that is my goal to be midback!!!
I got my husband to love long hair! He wants my hair to be waist length because he thinks that is long enough. To him long hair is bra strap length and beyond.
Andrea' said:
You took the words right out of my mouth. My white friends however thick BSL and beyond is long. My black friends and family think shoulder length is long and as they say "A good length"

Exactly. White people consider shoulder length hair short.
I think it depends on what race or ethnic group you are speaking with that regards a certain length as long or not. It also depends on what that man grew up seeing.

Having lived around white people for almost half my life and still living with them. I know they consider shoulder length to be medium and anything beyond that to be long but with certain classifications such as medium long etc.

I also grew up with Asians and their specifications can be vass as well.
mzcris said:
I ask my husband and he considers shoulder length to be long hair.

[SIZE=+1] So does my husband.

I asked him where would he like my hair to be.....he said back beyond my breast.
guy i've dated didnt think my hair was long when it was at armpit length

only midback and beyond

english black men arent very forgiving!
bmoreflyygirl said:
Exactly. White people consider shoulder length hair short.

I agree. There was a thread on LHC (which is predominately white) and the criteria for LONG hair was waistlength and longer.

All my brothers and boyfriends think shoulder length as long. BSL/MBL/WSL are really long, but anything past tailbone is excessively long.
Interesting! I told my hubby I'm going to wear my hair down like bublingbrownsuga's siggy, I should be at that length pretty soon. My husband didn't find that style very attractive he likes short hair. He finds Halle's hair very very sexy.
My brother likes "long" hair which, for him, includes shoulder length. Also, my dad is always telling me how long my hair is getting, and it's at SL. In my college days I've had guys tell me my hair was long and it was just about an inch longer than in my siggy. That standard is okay with me.
BM really consider SL long hair? I'm surprised by that, I've never asked one so I'm not disputing, but for some reason I just thought that they would say APL and longer.
senimoni said:
BM really consider SL long hair? I'm surprised by that, I've never asked one so I'm not disputing, but for some reason I just thought that they would say APL and longer.

I think it def depends on the race and his location. For instance,I could see black men living in Miami saying sl hair is medium or short. mbl is long.

Black men in Kansas prob not use to seeing black women with hair would prob say sl hair is long.

Cali men or those from Spanish Harlem or Brooklyn may say that sl is short or medium with MBL or BSL being long.:D