White girl tells me she won't date black men anymore

hell if I know. I just don't why that lady felt comfortable enough to tell me that. But what pissed me off was that she said she felt sorry for me and that I will never get a good black man. I could care less about her or her opinion. I just got mad like WTF who are you to say? I just had to vent on LHCF when after she said it.
Our conversation would have gone like this.

YT Chick........ I am not dating blk guys anymore.
YT Chick.........Well you know they all :blah: :blah: :blah:
Tee................You know what, it doesn't matter. I won't even go through the trouble of saying you didn't find the right blk guy etc. I willl just tell you, some blk guys like to screw a white chick to say they did it. Maybe those were the blk guys you were dealing.:rolleyes: Shruggs. And walk off.
I didn't ask that chick nothing. She is one of those people you just try NOT to talk to because she is stupid. She just started going off at the mouth as usual and volunteered her life story
No offense to anyone, and I'm obviously in the minority, but I couldn't see myself teaching/suggesting to a white girl how to go about getting a better black man. There are too many black women trying to get one w/o giving more Becky's even more of an advantage. If she won't date black men, good. That's just me, though. :look:
Personally I think this is a good example that not all the WW have the best BM,
contrary to what many BW deem to be the case it's so not. Many go through the same ish that BW go through with BM...:yep:...
Personally I think this is a good example that not all the WW have the best BM,
contrary to what many BW deem to be the case it's so not. Many go through the same ish that BW go through with BM...:yep:...
Personally I think this is a good example that not all the WW have the best BM (whether they are trailer trash etc), contrary to what many BW deem to be the case it's so not. Many go through the same ish that BW go through with BM...:yep:...
Personally I think this is a good example that not all the WW have the best BM (whether they are trailer trash etc), contrary to what many BW deem to be the case it's so not. Many go through the same ish that BW go through with BM...:yep:...
(shrugs shoulders) Not upset at all about what she said . . . she shouldn't have been so familiar but hell black women have this conversation on a regular. I look at my daughter on a regular and feel horrible about her prospects of marrying a "good" black man especially when I look at the bull$hit that many of our people are raising. AND the bull$hit that many sistas are putting up with for the sake of having a black man.
Black man crusader here.

*throws up fist*

This :blondboobwhite girl tells me she dosen't want to date black men anymore because they are no good, cheaters, they don't have legit jobs, they are always in trouble with the law, etc. The only thing they have going for them is what is in their pants. WTF??? I tried to be nice and told her that is not my experience, the majority of the black men I have dated have been kind, passionate, educated, employed, and treat me like a lil princess. She then proceeds to say she feels sorry for me because i will never have a good man if I continue to date black men :fistshake: . I told her maybe the real problem is you are white, low-class, and the only thing these dudes want to give you is in their pants. I suggested she stop looking in the garbage for her men black or otherwise. Lastly I said she was obviously dating ni&^%$, not real black men, there is a difference. I was so mad I just wanted to:hardslap: . Ladies I know that wasn't the correct response to give her and some of yaul will most likely want to:gotroasted: me for having said that to her, but man that broad made me so :swearing:.

Since the black women are co-signing up in here, talking about black women are saying the same thing about black males and them being no good.

Does the red stay true for the single black women that are looking for black males?

Ok, I guess I'm in the minority here.

I totally understand you getting past upset when she felt free enough to say that to you and I have said many things in anger that I regret but ...I think it was unfortunate to use the "N" word when referring to any man to her. This chick is a closet racist and that's just what she wanted to hear.

I agree that she attracted a certain type of man because of who she is. I get frustrated with some of our men too that seem to work overtime to fit the profile but that's not all black men. I know cause I have a good black man.

Not trying to be snarky or anything just stating MHO.


No offense to anyone, and I'm obviously in the minority, but I couldn't see myself teaching/suggesting to a white girl how to go about getting a better black man. There are too many black women trying to get one w/o giving more Becky's even more of an advantage. If she won't date black men, good. That's just me, though. :look:

Black man crusader here.

Does the red stay true for the single black women that are looking for black males?

I don't think so. Honestly, I believe that a lot of black men who go after white women, especially claiming that black women just have too much "attitude" are looking for a woman that they can get away with stuff with. Not all white women are passive, but there really are cultural differences that make black women much more prone to call a man out on his crap...and actually have the nerve to expect him to act right.

Also, I honestly think that the images portrayed of white women in pornography make them extremely sexualized, and I think that the black men who are about nothing at all see exactly that image in the white women they chase.

So, I don't think the OP was really that off.
I concurr with what sprungonhairboards had to say, I think it hurt for a white woman to say it. However, were you wrong for getting upset and responding how you did? No! Was she wrong for what she said? Not completely. I don't agree with the part of them being good for only their penis, or all of the things she had to say. However, some of what she said was the truth. But it's true about all men! You just have men period that don't have legitamate jobs, are dogs, are rude, and cheaters, but how the media perceives our black men is wrong anyway, so that doesn't help. And also, a lot of times us women (black, white, asian, hispanic, etc) don't make the right choices when it involves men. We say we want a nice gentleman that will treat us well, however some of us go for the thuggish rude type rough-neck guy and we expect that he is going to do right by us? No way! So you made a point, maybe she is exactly what she attracts (which is trash!)
This :blondboobwhite girl tells me she dosen't want to date black men anymore because they are no good, cheaters, they don't have legit jobs, they are always in trouble with the law, etc. The only thing they have going for them is what is in their pants. WTF??? I tried to be nice and told her that is not my experience, the majority of the black men I have dated have been kind, passionate, educated, employed, and treat me like a lil princess. She then proceeds to say she feels sorry for me because i will never have a good man if I continue to date black men :fistshake: . I told her maybe the real problem is you are white, low-class, and the only thing these dudes want to give you is in their pants. I suggested she stop looking in the garbage for her men black or otherwise. Lastly I said she was obviously dating ni&^%$, not real black men, there is a difference. I was so mad I just wanted to:hardslap: . Ladies I know that wasn't the correct response to give her and some of yaul will most likely want to:gotroasted: me for having said that to her, but man that broad made me so :swearing:.