What makes white men corny?


Well-Known Member
Post is inspired by a topic on another forum I visit. I've heard this sentiment "I don't date white men because they're corny and don't have swagger" expressed many times on discussion boards (never IRL).

What makes white men corny? Do you suppose that is enough reason to pass up a potentially good partner because he doesn't posses "swagger"?

I know for a fact not all black men posses "swagger" so i'm always baffled when I hear black women say this:lol:
Black women say this because most simple haven't been exposed to a bigger variety of white men.

There are dorky, goofy, feable black men and strong, sexy, swaggalicious black men.
There are dorky, goofy, feable white men and strong, sexy, swaggalicious white men.

What most black women may be exposed to is whats on TV. They portray most white men on TV as dorks. They portray most black men on TV as confident or thug like.
I don't think all yt men are corny...
I've seen several that have swag... just that air to them.
Also, it depends on how much swag is important to you. If it's not important to you, then you'll be ok with a dude w/no swag. If it is important to you, you'll likely pass.

I don't really get the negative connotation w/ 'swag' tho. When I think swag, I don't necessarily equate it with THUG or HOODLUM at all. As a matter of fact, there are a TON of hood dudes who have NO SWAG! Plenty that swear they have it, but they just TRY wayyyy too hard and in turn they come off as a poser or just plain ole whack or corny :nono: Or you'll see a group of hood dudes, and there's that one that has that particular air and confidence and comfort within himself that comes off naturally that his friends don't posses. So no, not ALL black men have swag. That's a big ole lie!
I don't think all yt men are corny...
I've seen several that have swag... just that air to them.
Also, it depends on how much swag is important to you. If it's not important to you, then you'll be ok with a dude w/no swag. If it is important to you, you'll likely pass.

I don't really get the negative connotation w/ 'swag' tho. When I think swag, I don't necessarily equate it with THUG or HOODLUM at all. As a matter of fact, there are a TON of hood dudes who have NO SWAG! Plenty that swear they have it, but they just TRY wayyyy too hard and in turn they come off as a poser or just plain ole whack or corny :nono: Or you'll see a group of hood dudes, and there's that one that has that particular air and confidence and comfort within himself that comes off naturally that his friends don't posses. So no, not ALL black men have swag. That's a big ole lie!

How do you define swag? :)
I met the Chief Operating Officer at my old job. This is a middle aged bald yt dude. From just the way he walked over to me and shook my hand, I could feel and see his swag. It was very natural. I remember calling my gf to tell her ... "yoooo, Gary's swag is turned ONNNNN" and she told me she would see how he interacts with others on the trading floor and she said YESSSS he has it!

Swag crosses social and racial boundaries.

Silly example. From Jersey Shore, Pauly D has a natural swag to him that the others don't really have. He has it without trying. Vinnie on the otherhand is not someone i'd describe as having swag.
How do you define swag? :)

A certain air a man has about himself. A confidence you can feel w/o him trying to hard. A confidence that it is there w/o being overly arrogant. The way they walk and carry themselves. Usually, said person is sometimes charasmatic also. It's just a presence they give off b/c you can feel their swag. I know how this board feels about swag. Maybe I'm not articulating myself correctly, but I know swag on a man when I see it. It's like you can feel it. It's a natural quality.
i don't think white men are inherently corny :lol: but i cannot watch them dance. i ain't even joking.:nono: it sends shivers down my spine and makes me sick to my stomach.:barf:

as for swag, i have no idea what it is, and don't really care.
I don't think all yt men are corny...
I've seen several that have swag... just that air to them.
Also, it depends on how much swag is important to you. If it's not important to you, then you'll be ok with a dude w/no swag. If it is important to you, you'll likely pass.

I don't really get the negative connotation w/ 'swag' tho. When I think swag, I don't necessarily equate it with THUG or HOODLUM at all. As a matter of fact, there are a TON of hood dudes who have NO SWAG! Plenty that swear they have it, but they just TRY wayyyy too hard and in turn they come off as a poser or just plain ole whack or corny :nono: Or you'll see a group of hood dudes, and there's that one that has that particular air and confidence and comfort within himself that comes off naturally that his friends don't posses. So no, not ALL black men have swag. That's a big ole lie!

A certain air a man has about himself. A confidence you can feel w/o him trying to hard. A confidence that it is there w/o being overly arrogant. The way they walk and carry themselves. Usually, said person is sometimes charismatic also. It's just a presence they give off b/c you can feel their swag. I know how this board feels about swag. Maybe I'm not articulating myself correctly, but I know swag on a man when I see it. It's like you can feel it. It's a natural quality.

I understand what you are saying. I think it is the combination of charisma and a sense of being comfortable with ones self. They just draw people towards them and then people admire how comfortable the person is in his own skin. They become attractive, especially to women who tend to look at the whole package of a man instead of just how attractive his facial features are.

I have a white friend in Florida that is the coolest down to earth man I know. Attractive too. But my white uncle in Tennessee fits the corny stereotype to a TEE.:giggle:
i don't think white men are inherently corny :lol: but i cannot watch them dance. i ain't even joking.:nono: it sends shivers down my spine and makes me sick to my stomach.:barf:

as for swag, i have no idea what it is, and don't really care.


I find it hilarious/love it when white people get crazy drunk and start dancing. They know how to party.
"Swag" imo = a cool, calm quiet sense of confidence on a man. He's not trying too hard. He just has this certain "je ne sais quoi" about him

I wonder....do WOMEN have "swag"?? :look: What is the term for women, and how would this woman carry herself?

Just curious!
Umm. what I hear most times from those that don't like them....
Style of dress
Interest outside of the job
Not aggressive
And their face features are too soft
Don't exude sexual anything:sad: just blah
"Swag" imo = a cool, calm quiet sense of confidence on a man. He's not trying too hard. He just has this certain "je ne sais quoi" about him

I wonder....do WOMEN have "swag"?? :look: What is the term for women, and how would this woman carry herself?

Just curious!
I think we just get referred to as confident plain and simple.
Umm. what I hear most times from those that don't like them....
Style of dress
Interest outside of the job
Not aggressive
And their face features are too soft
Don't exude sexual anything:sad: just blah
I was hesistant in saying this but Imma' go on and throw 'dis out 'dere. In my real life, and I can only speak for me, I have not seen any men or women living an alternative lifestyle who had this inherent swagger either. Don't stone me. Feel free to disagree. I speak only from what I've observed. It is the ultimate it factor. You either have it or you don't.
1) I hear this all the time in real life.

2) Can you define corny?

I'm not even sure what it means:look:, i googled and came up with this from urban dictionary.com :lol:

Trying to be cool, but ultimately very uncool indeed, and often even extremely embarrassing
Man, did you see that Manowar show? The way they posed? And all that "Knights of Steel" bull****? Hell that was corny.

Something presented as fresh or original, but which is actually tired and/or lame. Especially, when its lameness derives from being obvious or done to death.
Oh Grandpa! That joke is soooo corny.

(adj) really stupid, or using ironic situations.
see cheesy
That story is really corny.
I don't care for swag. Asian men don't have swag yet they're slowly taking over the whole world. After a century or two of domination by Whites, the Asian continent is now back with a vengeance. I can't wait for Africa to do the same.

As for corny, if Nick Cannon is corny, then we need more like him in the black community. Men who who go out there and get things done without being vulgar, violent, ex-convict...
Swag = quite confidence
Swag = comfortable in your own skin
Swag = calm demeanor
Swag = self-assured
Swag = focused eye contact
Swag = not easily effected by outward circumstances
Swag = positive, optimistic disposition
Swag = smooth talker
Is being corny a bad thing though? somehow i have this silly theory that corny men might be less likely to be players and/or cheat on you:look:

*ducks stones*:lol:
As for corny, if Nick Cannon is corny, then we need more like him in the black community. Men who who go out there and get things done without being vulgar, violent, ex-convict...

when i got the mail today there was a card asking to put canned goods for the needy by the mailbox on Saturday. guess who was on the card grinning like a Cheshire Cat holding a bag full of groceries? Nick!:rofl:
I think that there are corny white men AND black men-corny has no color.

Lol. I have seen white men that can dance. My ex was a gawjus white guy w/ red hair who could move like no other. He was cool to talk to, had a great career and was open minded. His swagger? Cool and confident-he didn't give a dayum what folks thought and it oozed out of his pores. It also helps when you have 3 degrees and own your own businesses. I just wasn't ready for him. I have an ex, who's black, who danced like he missed a dose. And he called me 'ma'. *shudder* A lot of these posts just tell me that some of y'all need to increase the pool-you haven't seen enough white guys.

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I don't care for swag. Asian men don't have swag yet they're slowly taking over the whole world. After a century or two of domination by Whites, the Asian continent is now back with a vengeance. I can't wait for Africa to do the same.

As for corny, if Nick Cannon is corny, then we need more like him in the black community. Men who who go out there and get things done without being vulgar, violent, ex-convict...

@bolded...say what?? My potential SO (Vietnamese) has plenty o' swag...even in pics :lachen:
I'm just being silly...I agree with everything you said
Ay yi, yi, oh yeah, ummm, swag, eh. How about overseeing the homeschooling of 3 lil ones of which he has custody since they were in diapers, holding down own business AND smart ta boot???? Oh yeah, he's swagalicious to the 100th power. :yep: Naw all white men ain't corny non-swaggers :lachen:.
I don't care for swag. Asian men don't have swag yet they're slowly taking over the whole world. After a century or two of domination by Whites, the Asian continent is now back with a vengeance. I can't wait for Africa to do the same.

Africa's world dominance...that means black people will have to resist that "crabs in a barrel" gene and actually work together toward the betterment of the entire race instead constantly selling out to better themselves for a short while. hmmm probably don't have that much time left in this world. Everybody on this forum bones will be fossilized by then. Sorry.