What is your verdict with MTG


New Member
Hello ladies there was a :arguing: debate that was going on in The Speedy hair growing post here is the link

The post were suppose to be about what were the best speedy products that aid in growing hair. But like from pages 3-8 there were a lot of concerns about the chemicals in MTG and the potential long term damage from prolonged use of the product.

My question is if most of the ladies who use MTG mix the product with other leave in Conditioners, Surge, or Infusium23 I would think that the MTG would be less potent then if it was used just by itself. I just received my MTG on the 25 of May but I used it for the first time one the 28. I only had a problem with the smell:drool:.

I don’t think that if there have not been any reports about animals being hurt or killed by using this product.

I am going to try the product if I start to break out with rashes, burns or my hair starts falling out, I will discontinue using the product.
My verdict is that the stuff works. I've been using it since the challenge began and I've had no side effects like burns, or intense itching. My only side effect is nappy hair, lol.
I use mtg and let me tell u, my hair has never grown so fast and never has my hair been so thick! I've had no breakouts or rashes from this product. Just loads of growth! So many ladies here have benefitted from this product!
Miz_Complexity said:
The post were suppose to be about what were the best speedy products that aid in growing hair. But like from pages 3-8 there were a lot of concerns about the chemicals in MTG and the potential long term damage from prolonged use of the product.

I don’t think that if there have not been any reports about animals being hurt or killed by using this product.

I am going to try the product if I start to break out with rashes, burns or my hair starts falling out, I will discontinue using the product.

There are horsey sites where horse owners talk about how MTG has caused problems to their horses.

My verdict on MTG, is that it's made for HYDE, not skin. Who wants hair so bad that they scour the pet store shelves? :(
angellazette said:
I posted this in the other thread, but is the MTG superior to Glovers?!
I am not sure what product is better because I just started using MTG. MY mom says my Grandmother used Glovers in her hair when she was growing up. My mom has some nice thick hair.
If you want to know for sure which one is better make an oppinion pole for the two products.
MeccaMedinah said:
There are horsey sites where horse owners talk about how MTG has caused problems to their horses.

My verdict on MTG, is that it's made for HYDE, not skin. Who wants hair so bad that they scour the pet store shelves? :(

Hello MeccaMedinah I was wondering if you know the name of the sites, or where there the Horese owerners have said MTG has caused problems for their horses. I Have not heard any thing from PETA concerning these matter about bad grooming products.
Miz_Complexity said:
I am not sure what product is better because I just started using MTG. MY mom says my Grandmother used Glovers in her hair when she was growing up. My mom has some nice thick hair.
If you want to know for sure which one is better make an oppinion pole for the two products.

I think I'll stick with the Glovers after reading some of these stories! :eek:
Miz_Complexity said:
Hello MeccaMedinah I was wondering if you know the name of the sites, or where there the Horese owerners have said MTG has caused problems for their horses. I Have not heard any thing from PETA concerning these matter about bad grooming products.

If you have done thorough research & find that this has been approved for human usage by the FDA, then you should be just fine using this. I would only worry about what the FDA has to say regarding this product, personally & not
But here are some links as you asked for:





And here's a little fyi from a friend who owns horses "Also, if you use any product containing Betadine and you use MTG within a short span of time, your hair may fall out."

I hope that this helps some you ladies. We have many women on this site that have hair that they can actually sit on & they didn't grow it from using animal products.
MeccaMedinah said:
If you have done thorough research & find that this has been approved for human usage by the FDA, then you should be just fine using this. I would only worry about what the FDA has to say regarding this product, personally & not
But here are some links as you asked for:





And here's a little fyi from a friend who owns horses "Also, if you use any product containing Betadine and you use MTG within a short span of time, your hair may fall out."

I hope that this helps some you ladies. We have many women on this site that have hair that they can actually sit on & they didn't grow it from using animal products.

Thanks for the info MeccaMedinah. I've been thinking about ordering MTG but, after reading some of the horror stories, I've decided to wait until someone posted some more info about it. I wish the company would come out and say whether or not humans should be using MTG on their head.:)
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I've been using MTG for months, and since it was origionally made for human use, I figured it might work. It does nothing but WONDERS for my hair. I am forgetting to do my hair care regimine due to some craziness in my life right, and my hair is not as soft as it was. I love the stuff and I won't stop using it until my super huge bottle is empty.
LilChocolateMa said:
I've been using MTG for months, and since it was origionally made for human use, I figured it might work. It does nothing but WONDERS for my hair. I am forgetting to do my hair care regimine due to some craziness in my life right, and my hair is not as soft as it was. I love the stuff and I won't stop using it until my super huge bottle is empty.

Hey LilChocolateMa,

Does the bottle say MTG is for human use? I think so many of us are confused and just want to be sure it won't harm us. Can you please post as much info on the product as you can for us. Thank you! :)
Princess4real said:
Thanks for the info MeccaMedinah. I've been thinking about ordering MTG but, after reading some of the horror stories, I've decided to wait until someone posted some more info about it. I wish the company would come and say they whether or not humans should be using their product on their head.:)

I hear you. They won't even disclose the ingredients. That right there makes me scared.
MeccaMedinah said:
I hear you. They won't even disclose the ingredients. That right there makes me scared.


Do you think they know that women are using MTG to grow hair? I know it's all about the money but, if something should happen to someone who used this product, would the person be able to sue them? I know they are probably tired of people calling them but, I'm going to call them just so I can see what they will or will not tell me about MTG.:)
Princess4real said:

Do you think they know that women are using MTG to grow hair? I know it's all about the money but, if something should happen to someone who used this product, would the person be able to sue them? I know they are probably tired of people calling them but, I'm going to call them just so I can see what they will or will not tell me about MTG.:)

That question was raised or at least addressed in one of the million MTG threads on here. But in my opinion, no. I guess you can sue for anything, but since they are not using MTG as directed they wouldn't seem to have much of a case. But, I'm no lawyer or judge, so who knows. Better safe than sorry though.
MeccaMedinah said:
That question was raised or at least addressed in one of the million MTG threads on here. But in my opinion, no. I guess you can sue for anything, but since they are not using MTG as directed they wouldn't seem to have much of a case. But, I'm no lawyer or judge, so who knows. Better safe than sorry though.

If there are any ill long term effects from using MTG on human scalp chances are if you decided to sue you would have no case. The product is marketed for animals not human use and that right there would be their defense.

Calling representatives at the Shapley's office to find out if the ingredients can cause ill effects in Human, they probably have no idea. First the product is meant for HORSES no matter how much it can be debated that it was once intended for Humans. I mean, how many years ago was Shapley's used on Humans? Do you have any idea how much science has possibly changed since then? Maybe they found out in the day and age of new technology that the ingredients where in fact harmful to humans over an extended period!?! Depending on how long ago Shapley's was used on humans there could have been an abundance of discoveries in sciences. So who knows what new chemicals maybe now used in this product. That's like calling LusterSilk and asking a call center representative, what is Benzoic Acid and its effects. Most likely they cannot tell you. It's probably a call center like anywhere else. Their just trained to sell the product, not to know every ingredient and it's side effects that's the chemist job, not a call center representative.

And in all fairness, yes they may disclose the Shapley's ingredients, but why would they have long term effects listed for human scalp or even tests performed on human scalp if the product is now intended for use on animals? And my god a horse has hyde, much more durable than human skin and from the links mecca provided, people are complaining that their horses skin is falling off, flaking and etc. No thanks.
I have been using it for about 2 months with very good results. I think that if you take a look at ANY product you will find that it works for some and not for others. There is no product that is a "cure all".

With this one I think everyone is taking a risk b/c it is not explicitly made for humans. There is no question about that. But if people are finding that it works for them then I dont see what the problem is as long as everyone knows they are taking a risk, which clearly we do.

Based on the fact that several people have called the company and told them about this site, Im fairly sure that the company knows people are using it on their own human hair. In fact if I recall someone said the company agreed to make a non-smelly :) version if people could send them proof that it worked on humans. With that in mind, if they know there is an ingredient in their that is harmful to humans, wouldnt they have said that when people called?

PS I have heard people say that Surge has given them rashes and burns but others swear by it. Nothing is going to react the same way on everyone.
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carmend said:
In fact if I recall someone said the company agreed to make a non-smelly :) version if people could send them proof that it worked on humans. With that in mind, if they know there is an ingredient in their that is harmful to humans, wouldnt they have said that when people called?

Sounds like Shapley's are using you guys as the guinea pigs. With this said, you say "with that in mind, if they know there is an ingredient in their that is harmful to humans, wouldnt they have said that when people called"

Well maybe there's an ingredient in there that Shapley's don't know if it is harmful to humans or not, but they sure will find out short-term effects from the ladies who are using it. Long-term effects, well those who are using it will have to report back 5-10 years. The test trial for Shapley's is being ran by ladies using it on this board.
I use it and I like it so far. I think I have seen an increase in my growth rate. I need to start Surging again and use this and I think I'll see an even bigger growth rate.

With regards to the safety of the product, I personally don't believe it is harmful to humans in general. Some people may have ill effects, but that's with everything. I don't see myself dropping dead from a product I put on my scalp every couple of days or so.
MeccaMedinah said:
If you have done thorough research & find that this has been approved for human usage by the FDA, then you should be just fine using this. I would only worry about what the FDA has to say regarding this product, personally & not
But here are some links as you asked for:





And here's a little fyi from a friend who owns horses "Also, if you use any product containing Betadine and you use MTG within a short span of time, your hair may fall out."

I hope that this helps some you ladies. We have many women on this site that have hair that they can actually sit on & they didn't grow it from using animal products.

Thank you for the information.
I been using MTG for about a month now and I really like it so far.

I'm not sure why people keep saying that Shapely's won't disclose the ingredients. More than one person here emailed Shapely's and got this response:

Thank you for your email regarding, Shapley's Original M-T-G. It was formulated in the 1930’s for human use to treat a variety of skin problems such as dandruff, psoriasis and eczema. The product formula remains substantially the same. Sulfur is the active ingredient in M-T-G. Other ingredients included would be a heavy paraffinic oil, zinc stearate, cade oil and glycerin.

Based on this response, I am pretty comfortable using this product. I am a little bit concerned with possible side effects but there are hundreds of other things that I KNOW have adverse effects but I continue to do them....like living in a polluted city, eating processed foods filled with refined sugar, eating steaks grilled over carcinogenic charcoals, etc.

My point is...MTG is the least of my concerns. I do a lot worse things to my body than use MTG. To improve my health and longevity I would do a lot better to change my diet and increase my exercise than to eliminate MTG.
I have read through the links that MeccaMedinah has posted. I have read some of the horses have sensitive skin and has had some allergic reactions to MTG. One person on the Horse City board suggested you do a skin test on your horse. The same think is suggested when you relax or perm your hair. I was wondering the people who use MTG do you follow its directions as it is listed. Do you shake up the contents in the bottle? For example Italian dressing has the oil on top of the bottle and the dressing mix at the bottom, in order for you to have great tasting Italian dressing you have to shake the contents well, so you will not be eating oil.

It looks like MTG has some stuff at the bottom of it maybe that could be one of the active or neutralizing agents in the bottle. Maybe that is a good reason you have to shake before you use the product.

Another thing it still would be a good ideal for Shapley’s to list some of the ingredients on the label.
To a certain extent I agree with you but everyone who uses it has done so voluntarily. So I dont think its fair to say the company is "using" people. They did not pursue anyone. As I believe u mentioned science has come a long way. And there is ALOT of info on the effects of chemicals on humans. Especially if we are talking serious effects. So I doubt that there is anything in there that "scientist" have absolutely no idea how it effects people. Both you and I are making some assumptions about what the company is "thinking". Nobody really knows and again I think if something is working for people and people are consciously willing to take the risk then there is no problem.


FashionistaNY said:
Sounds like Shapley's are using you guys as the guinea pigs. With this said, you say "with that in mind, if they know there is an ingredient in their that is harmful to humans, wouldnt they have said that when people called"

Well maybe there's an ingredient in there that Shapley's don't know if it is harmful to humans or not, but they sure will find out short-term effects from the ladies who are using it. Long-term effects, well those who are using it will have to report back 5-10 years. The test trial for Shapley's is being ran by ladies using it on this board.
Phoenix said:
I been using MTG for about a month now and I really like it so far.

I'm not sure why people keep saying that Shapely's won't disclose the ingredients. More than one person here emailed Shapely's and got this response:

Thank you for your email regarding, Shapley's Original M-T-G. It was formulated in the 1930’s for human use to treat a variety of skin problems such as dandruff, psoriasis and eczema. The product formula remains substantially the same. Sulfur is the active ingredient in M-T-G. Other ingredients included would be a heavy paraffinic oil, zinc stearate, cade oil and glycerin.

Based on this response, I am pretty comfortable using this product. I am a little bit concerned with possible side effects but there are hundreds of other things that I KNOW have adverse effects but I continue to do them....like living in a polluted city, eating processed foods filled with refined sugar, eating steaks grilled over carcinogenic charcoals, etc.

My point is...MTG is the least of my concerns. I do a lot worse things to my body than use MTG. To improve my health and longevity I would do a lot better to change my diet and increase my exercise than to eliminate MTG.

Thanks for the info!;)
Phoenix said:
I been using MTG for about a month now and I really like it so far.

I'm not sure why people keep saying that Shapely's won't disclose the ingredients. More than one person here emailed Shapely's and got this response:

Thank you for your email regarding, Shapley's Original M-T-G. It was formulated in the 1930’s for human use to treat a variety of skin problems such as dandruff, psoriasis and eczema. The product formula remains substantially the same. Sulfur is the active ingredient in M-T-G. Other ingredients included would be a heavy paraffinic oil, zinc stearate, cade oil and glycerin.

Based on this response, I am pretty comfortable using this product. I am a little bit concerned with possible side effects but there are hundreds of other things that I KNOW have adverse effects but I continue to do them....like living in a polluted city, eating processed foods filled with refined sugar, eating steaks grilled over carcinogenic charcoals, etc.

My point is...MTG is the least of my concerns. I do a lot worse things to my body than use MTG. To improve my health and longevity I would do a lot better to change my diet and increase my exercise than to eliminate MTG.

Thanks I've been thinking the same thing myself, but didn't have the energy to say it again.
Phoenix said:
I been using MTG for about a month now and I really like it so far.

I'm not sure why people keep saying that Shapely's won't disclose the ingredients. More than one person here emailed Shapely's and got this response:

Thank you for your email regarding, Shapley's Original M-T-G. It was formulated in the 1930’s for human use to treat a variety of skin problems such as dandruff, psoriasis and eczema. The product formula remains substantially the same. Sulfur is the active ingredient in M-T-G. Other ingredients included would be a heavy paraffinic oil, zinc stearate, cade oil and glycerin.

Based on this response, I am pretty comfortable using this product. I am a little bit concerned with possible side effects but there are hundreds of other things that I KNOW have adverse effects but I continue to do them....like living in a polluted city, eating processed foods filled with refined sugar, eating steaks grilled over carcinogenic charcoals, etc.

My point is...MTG is the least of my concerns. I do a lot worse things to my body than use MTG. To improve my health and longevity I would do a lot better to change my diet and increase my exercise than to eliminate MTG.

Yeah..what she said.
Thanks for starting this thread!

I've been debating as to whether to use MTG or not, and after reading what MeccaMedinah wrote and a few others, I'm not going to try it. I feel the same way as her... that your hair will grow long without the aid of other products. Right now, I'm using Surge Plus 14 and L-Cysteine to aid in the health of my hair. After I use these products up, I'm not going to use anything else to try and grow my hair any faster. Right now, it seems like nothing is really making my hair grow any faster than it did to begin with.

For those who are having success with this MTG, can you show some hair growth pics??? Are you ladies getting more than 1 inch a month??? If not, what's the use???