what is your take on STEVE HARVey & relationships?


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take a look at this article:
B**ch Is Not The New Black & Steve Harvey Needs To Stick To Comedy[/B]

January 3, 2010
By [fung'ke] [blak] [chik]

I swear to god & all of his disciples, if I hear someone else mention to me the news piece that was done last week in regards to the high percentage of black women not being married, I’m going to scream. I’m so tired of hearing about the plight of the black woman when it comes to dating and marriage. I’m also tired of seeing a comedian turned relationship expert, who has a noted history of cheating on his wives providing his ‘expert’ analysis of the ‘epidemic’. If you let Steve Harvey tell it, the standards that black women have are too high, hence why they’re single. Well, let me be the first to say, “**** You Steve Harvey”. Let me also add, if someone else mentions the book, “***** Is The New Black”, by Helena Andrews, I might just hit them upside the head with Steve Harvey’s garbage book.
Here’s a simple solution to the “Why Black Women Aren’t Married” crisis (sic), that’s been beaten like a dead horse over the past couple of weeks.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’re probably saying, “Well what about black love?”.
My response, “Well what about people love?”.
Unlike the news piece that aired about two weeks ago, I’m not going to mention the statistics they used against black men, because we all know, the reason why those were mentioned. In my own experiences, I can’t say that I know a plethora of black men who are uneducated, incarcerated, gay, on drugs, or already married. The black men I know, are successful, college educated, financially responsible, and employed. But, guess what. They’re exercising their options when it comes to dating! They’re out there dating the Kim & Khloe Kardashians, Eva Mendes’ & whatever other non-black female they can get their hands on, and they’re making no qualms about it. Now, I’m not advocating for black women to go out & throw themselves at any non-black man that comes their way, or to even stop dating black men in general. Don’t run out and sign up for JDATE like some desperate self-hating black women do and end up finding themselves fulfilling some white man’s antebellum fantasy. What I am advocating is keeping your options open, because black men surely are.
I’d also like to know why is it now a crime to be single? Why is it presumed that all black women are rushing to the alter? I don’t see news shows asking white women why they find themselves not to be marriage material. Want to know why? Because, no one makes a fuss if a white woman has high standards! I guess it’s a given that they’re supposed to have them. But god forbid a black woman is single, and she makes her preferences known and her standards happen to be ‘high’, she’s basically told she’s reaching for the unattainable. Double standard much?
Black women, keep your high standards, but also realize that you may have to work harder than the average white chick to find the man you want. Also, in keeping your high standards, it doesn’t mean you have to become that ‘*****’. For the record, ***** is not the new black. B**ch can come in all genders & races. Don’t let some bitter black chick, throw that label on you and make money off of it. Coming from a person who’s had her fair share of bad relationships, and who’s been called a B**tch, I’ve tried over the past couple of years not to become that ‘B**ch’. In the words of Queen Latifah, “Who you callin’ a B**ch?”.
Lastly, if you must read a book about relationships between black men & women, please read Hill Harper’s book, “The Conversation: How Black Men & Women Can Build Loving Relationships”,

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i must say, i absolutely mirror some of steve's positions on relationships.......but i have yet to read this notorious book
either everyone loves it- or everyone hates it
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:sleep8: so very very old, so very very tired....is every black woman writer in America trying to position herself as the Piped Piper of IR dating?
Steve does have some good advice, if you can look past the horrifying place it's coming from. He is kind of awful, but he does have good things to say. Sometimes I listen his morning radio show, and he usually gives decent, common sense advice.
my take on steve harvey?

I ain't even fittin t' light no newport one hunnit on dis one cuz see, steve harvey can kiss my whole ENTIRE azzzz....wif his homey da clown lookin self...can't stand dat big lipped bastid....

my take on relationships.....*sighs*...well, das a whole notha thread chile....depend on whatchu tawkin bout...
Steve doesn't bother me at all. He has a lot of common sense advice for men and women, and he'll even say he's not an expert on relationships just men. He was on some show saying how his boys cannot get in the car unless their mom and sisters are in first. They must help the women first. Another time he was talking about how men think differently than women. Sometimes women forget that little tidbit. He advice is on point. Now him practicing it in his personal life. *shrug* Iooowwnnno. Maybe he's had a enough practice on what not to do that he's trying to make it right. I skimmed through his book (didn't buy it, torrent:look:) and the info was nothing new. However, when I've caught an interview of him I found myself agreeing to a lot of what he's saying.
The author of this article obviously did not read Steve's book because he never says black women have standards too high. In fact he says the opposite. He advocates that women have certain standards in place so that they will not fall for the bs games that men play.
He gives some good advice on a man's point of view on women. I've never heard him give relationship advice. His points on how a man is thinking is right on. :yep:
Personally, I think that the book and other advice can be helpful in some situations. I don't feel like taking the advice directly from books is the best way to go or best way to "guide" your relationship...but I think there are always bits and pieces that you can take and use to your advantage.

People can learn a lot watching "Diary of a tired black man" in my opinion. That doesn't mean everything in the movie is correct per say but it means there is a lot of stuff involved that may open someones eyes and show them something they didn't know or understand before.
I really take all books as just advice and a grain of salt---like Steve Harvey says he is not an expert.

Some of his information is really helpful and eye openers to those that use it and take it....Just like any of the other relationship books out and there is ALOT of them out.

Some people tend to forget that these are just books that are based on this persons opinion everyone is entitled to have there own opinions but its just how much you want to take and use that persons opinion and advice. Don't get upset that Steve harvey and others beat you to the punch on writing a book that has been successful and still talked about among men and women.
my take on steve harvey?

I ain't even fittin t' light no newport one hunnit on dis one cuz see, steve harvey can kiss my whole ENTIRE azzzz....wif his homey da clown lookin self...can't stand dat big lipped bastid....

my take on relationships.....*sighs*...well, das a whole notha thread chile....depend on whatchu tawkin bout...

OMG! :rofl:
IA with MzPrince. He encourages women to take off the rose color glasses and see the man in your life for what he really is... and I think when he says "women, men are just not that smart. . ." he is really saying woman you've got to be kidding if you believe that stuff.
my take on steve harvey?

I ain't even fittin t' light no newport one hunnit on dis one cuz see, steve harvey can kiss my whole ENTIRE azzzz....wif his homey da clown lookin self...can't stand dat big lipped bastid....

my take on relationships.....*sighs*...well, das a whole notha thread chile....depend on whatchu tawkin bout...

Thank you!!! Making a living off of us.:lachen: Kiss mine too!
Steve does have some good advice, if you can look past the horrifying place it's coming from. He is kind of awful, but he does have good things to say. Sometimes I listen his morning radio show, and he usually gives decent, common sense advice.

i guess that's y i need to check out his book

apparently he has really pissed ALOT of black women off! I listen to him every Ni & then :grin::grin: on the morning show==>excellent advice
I've seen him on 1 or 2 symposiums ==> excellent advice

but the infamous book apparently poses negative reactions...so i guess i will one day read it

the girl who wrote the article above tickled the heck out of me though
I really take all books as just advice and a grain of salt---like Steve Harvey says he is not an expert.

Some of his information is really helpful and eye openers to those that use it and take it....Just like any of the other relationship books out and there is ALOT of them out.

Some people tend to forget that these are just books that are based on this persons opinion everyone is entitled to have there own opinions but its just how much you want to take and use that persons opinion and advice. Don't get upset that Steve harvey and others beat you to the punch on writing a book that has been successful and still talked about among men and women.

blue....that's how i feel as well
i'm so lost as to y so many are pissed....but so many more are still committing the SAME MISTAKES IN RELATIONSHIPS THAT HE TALKS OF

but also....i must admit Michael Baisden pissed me off with his first book, i literally wanted to find him after reading WHY MEN CHEAT

so many years ago....i love the brotha now (his talk show that is)
I haven't read it, but I get the overall gist of what he's saying, and for the most part, I agree w/ it. I was reading some excerpts from his book online and I agree w/ him about saying men want to be fixers, they may not want to sit down and talk everything out, that is not their nature.. they just want to fix the problem/issue whatever it is. I also agree that women should value ourselves more and that a man will never stop fighting to be w/ you if that's what he really wants b/c that is his nature.

It's not so much of the source of the information, it's the message. Like I said, I haven't read the book so I don't know everything he's professed in it, but overall it seems to be solid and applicable advice. My 45 year old coworker who schools me on men said she she absolutely agrees w/ everything he has written in it and that I should take a look at it.
I haven't read it, but I get the overall gist of what he's saying, and for the most part, I agree w/ it. I was reading some excerpts from his book online and I agree w/ him about saying men want to be fixers, they may not want to sit down and talk everything out, that is not their nature.. they just want to fix the problem/issue whatever it is. I also agree that women should value ourselves more and that a man will never stop fighting to be w/ you if that's what he really wants b/c that is his nature.

It's not so much of the source of the information, it's the message. Like I said, I haven't read the book so I don't know everything he's professed in it, but overall it seems to be solid and applicable advice. My 45 year old coworker who schools me on men said she she absolutely agrees w/ everything he has written in it and that I should take a look at it.

i agree a agree i agree

i even take what i need & spit some things out:nono::nono::nono: in religion, bible, any advice i receive.....but something must be in that book that has folks
either having to face the truth.... or steps on their toes

people either love or hate it
i personally would never date a man like steve harvey, or one who believes some of the things in his book.
my mom gave me it & i was like "orlly?" she's white, sooo. idk if that had anything to do with it.
i'm kinda over the whole books on why [black] women are still single. they are old & falling for the hype has never done anything for me.
Steve does have some good advice, if you can look past the horrifying place it's coming from. He is kind of awful, but he does have good things to say. Sometimes I listen his morning radio show, and he usually gives decent, common sense advice.

Now Imma have to get that book...from the library:lachen:. I stopped listening to the morning show because they cracked me up so bad that I almost had an accident on the highway. I was crying and couldn't see. But I think his advice on reading men is right. It's just that he doesn't know how to truly read women. Plus, he's cowntruh.:lachen:
I read his book and took very few things into consideration. The rest I shrugged off and continued with my life.

I cant take 1 mans advice and apply it to all the men in the world. Its like me writing a guide for men when we know that not all women think the same.
I find it amazing how this man who has been married 3 x's is going to give me relationship advice. He needs to g o sit in a corner somewhere
I haven't read the book, but from what I gather from his appearances on talk shows and the like, a lot of what he is selling is common sense, or wisdom that I have already gained from my mother. So, I'll save my 15 bucks (or whatever his book costs) and go buy my Mom some lunch, cause SHE deserves my gratitude for her wisdom. Steve Harvey doesn't.

Also, I'm somewhat weary of taking love advice from someone who makes such questionable hair and suit choices. :lachen: