Emotional unavailability is the number one reason you are single

Ok, I bit.....I googled him and listened to some of his stuff....:nono:.

The 5 or so shows on the first page of his site are all about how women are hos, freaks, cheating, treating nice guys bad, and sexing the ex....

I don't know any man who would listen to a woman talk **** about men and spout off silly claims about 90% of men being emotionally messed up and undatable....yet women will spend all kinds of time listening to and taking seriously some random dude talking about how black women need to get their act together if they want to get a man.
Ok, I bit.....I googled him and listened to some of his stuff....:nono:.

The 5 or so shows on the first page of his site are all about how women are hos, freaks, cheating, treating nice guys bad, and sexing the ex....

I don't know any man who would listen to a woman talk **** about men and spout off silly claims about 90% of men being emotionally messed up and undatable....yet women will spend all kinds of time listening to and taking seriously some random dude talking about how black women need to get their act together if they want to get a man.

I agree with you. I have also listened to several of the shows and I also don't like the message he sends. He is putting black women down under the cover of giving supposedly good advise. I don't recommend any black woman listen to these shows and taking most of what is said seriously.

Elite men????? WTF As usual black educated men thinking they are better than black woman. Whatever :look: He does not want to talk about the issues and problems men have and will shoot down a woman that brings up these issues. The show is very one sided and typical.
Actually the dude is married as well as the other co host. I am finding it interesting that they are essentially saying women are not the prize in terms of getting the man. The guy is essentially the prize as the reward for being respectable woman. I listened to how your weave is keeping you single earlier lol.

All these men's opinions are getting annoying, like seriously??!!?? -at the bolded...
Why can't they talk about today's society developing much more respect for each other or how men and women should treat each other more respectfully. Or how to court someone, or the foundation MEN & WOMEN need to be successful in relationships. Or how one can overcome relationship issues and so forth.
Its one thing to start dialogue by asking a question but to state generalised opinions that blame black women because the men are not flawed or have nothing to do with why some women are single in any way ~ so rubs me the wrong way!
We live in a generally misogynist society. Add racial issues to that and you have a powerful scapegoat that weak men love to cling to.

Personally, I've learned not to listen to that nonsense. I think I can figure out the reason for whatever relationship status I'm in just fine, thank you very much. :rolleyes:


That isn't true...I admit I am one of the most unaffectionate people you will ever meet. Every guy I have ever had a relationship with will say the same. However they all loved(and still love me deeply). They each had to emotionally invest a lot themselves into me in order to get close to me in the first place and that is hard to forget even after a relationship ends. I am just myself, I can't just give all of me to every joe who shows me a little attention, and I have to say it works in my favor we truly know each other intimately with or without physical intimacy. I'm not saying be like me, but a simple screening of who you give your heart to will help anyone(especially yourself). You have to value what you have to offer a man before he will.

eta: Just in case this matters to anyone. I am in a healthy and happy relationship with now, and when I am single I choose to be. If you have a vice about yourself that has to be offset by your great qualities. Something about a person has to be worth the work. Without the good outweighing the bad what I said above won't work out.

You're actually on to something. I find most women (myself included) are often too emotionally invested too early in the relationship. And as much as men like to say they don't want a woman who's a bit emotionally distant I don't believe it. They want to believe that they're competing for the prize of your heart and if you give it away too quickly they don't value it....no matter whatever yack they are spouting on the airwaves.