What is Your Goal Length And What Length Are You Now?

What is your Goal Length and What Length Are You Now?

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I don't remember who said it earlier but like them I've reached my goal of APL a couple times i just keep cutting it like in honor of my one year nappiversary I cut it from SL to above NL
I've gotsa TWA, but I guess you can say it's above EL unstretched but stretched it's past the bottom of my ear, at least on my sides LOL! And my nape is currently NL, but my overall goal is BSL stretched in about 2 1/2-3 years. Hopefully!
I'm currently at CBL. I'm nearly 5'10 so my goal length is about an inch past APL...for me that'll be plenty of hair!
My current hair's length is APL and at first, I wanted BSL hair and that lasted all of 2 minutes. Then I adjusted my goal length to MBL because I realized that the possibility is definitely reachable, also I don't think I will be able to properly take care of my hair effectively if it was any longer than MBL.
Currently BSL, aiming for MBL as of right now. Once I reach MBL, I'll assess the situation:look:
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I'm currently BSL...ultimate goal MBL, which just 2 years ago I never thought would be humanly possible for me.
My ultimate goal is full BSL and I'm almost at APL now. Once I reach BSL I'm just going to focus more on the health and thickness of my hair and not worry too much about length...I will just maintain BSL until I decide to grow longer...:grin:
I don't have a real goal length (though I keep cutting when its between APL and BSL) I think that sometimes it seems like a lot for me to handle. After this stretch Im going to try not not cut it again.

My length is SL and my goal is BSL

My hair used to be WL all my teenage years. As I got older I became a scissor fiend. I really want my length back so I'm goin for it.
My goal was APL but Im still trying to get there. I was hoping to be there this month. But Im disappointed. I hope maybe by September. But my ultimate goal is BSL for 2009. Im going to start being realistic about my goals.
Starting length: NL
Goal length: WL
Length I'll settle for: MBL

Of course every strand must be healthy and lush :yep:
i'm between SL and APL but picked SL for the purpose of the poll. my original goal was APL, then BSL but now i'm aiming for WL :).
TO be honest, my ultimate goal is APL but that is only because I always envisioned myself with BSL hair, I just never thought it could happen to me. So if/when that does happen well praises be to god....

But my short term goal is APL
My goal is MBL stretched...I figure that with shrinkage that would put me at least APL or squeaking towards BSL unstretched. Now if I can only get past this TWA into a TA....:wallbash:
I am currently shoulder length and would like to be mid back length. I had bra strap length when I was a little girl and would love to have that back again.
My hair is SL
My current goal is APL
My ultimate goal is MBL

(all goals are for straightened/stretched hair)