What In Da Hayle?! - Typef Youtube Channel....AA Hair 'Care" vid

I wonder how much money they make per view on youtube and clicks to the typef website? I know I shouldn't keep watching these vids and sending links to other people because I don't want to put one red cent in their pockets...but I can't stop myself from looking and sharing the hilarity. :spinning:
I wonder how much money they make per view on youtube and clicks to the typef website? I know I shouldn't keep watching these vids and sending links to other people because I don't want to put one red cent in their pockets...but I can't stop myself from looking and sharing the hilarity. :spinning:

Exactly...folks aren't realizing how they are winning by all these people watching this foolery:lol:
I can't but look at the vids and read the comments they are just toooooo funny. I can't get over the posing and the fake hair that they trying to make us believe is real.
Looks like they took down all the videos with black hair care but they are still on Tyra's site. What the heck is going on over there lol
After watching all these terrible videos, this is the BEST one I have seen:


and her makeup looks nice too. I don't know where they got those other bum lookin bishes from....

Wait... Did you really change your avatar to Tanya?

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Okay LHCF detectives find out how you can apply to get these videos recorded. These ladies are making a killing if all you have to do is click the link to look. This group alone will keep them in business. Yes me included. You keep hoping something will change or someone will stop it.

This is going to be one of the most interesting threads evah!!!
Have any of you guys seen these vids on african american 'hair care'?!?! The channel is endorsed by Ms.Tyra Banks.....who deserves a spanking and a time out.

Check these links...


Another vid by the last 'stylist':nono:
By the way....where her edges at?!?!?


http://www.youtube.com/user/typef#p/c/A745397496151DC3/4/tmgaBzZyy_c (why is he doing like 6 passes while straightening her hair??:nono:)

The first 3 videos have been removed :lol:
I only got to see one before they pulled it. The last one...:lachen: do they want us to believe that those were he natural curls? Her hair is smoking, sir! Somebody call the fire department!
The first 3 videos have been removed :lol:
I only got to see one before they pulled it. The last one...:lachen: do they want us to believe that those were he natural curls? Her hair is smoking, sir! Somebody call the fire department!

I'm going to slap on a straight wig and claim 1a :spinning:
I wonder how much money they make per view on youtube and clicks to the typef website? I know I shouldn't keep watching these vids and sending links to other people because I don't want to put one red cent in their pockets...but I can't stop myself from looking and sharing the hilarity. :spinning:

Whatever it is, it isn't worth getting Ty baby's name dragged through the mud. Shame on them for even having the nerve to post this crap on the net.
Did you guys see that Curly Nikki has been asked to help audit the videos? Somebody had to have dropped the ball (and gotten fired) for letting those videos see the light of day!


I'm sure by now you're aware of typeF.com's now viral natural hair Youtube videos. I only watched the first minute or so of one, and was also disappointed in the suspect recommendations provided by the stylist.

Having previously spoken to them about working together, I reached out to my contacts at typeF (to ask WTH?! and to recommend Naptural85 to submit vids, lol) and this was the response--

Thank you so much for making us aware of your concerns, and the concerns of your community, around some of the natural hair videos created by JoAnn Robertson on our site and our YouTube channel. typeF is committed to creating quality content. We take this seriously and have since removed these videos from our site and our YouTube channel.

We are currently in the process of reviewing them and would like to ask your assistance in helping us audit them. Does this sound like something you'd be interested in?

I'm up for the challenge curlies and elated at their willingness to accept our input. Do you have any recommendations for the development team at typeF?

I'll keep y'all posted...

over and out,