What I learned from LHCF


Well-Known Member
Okay ladies. Here it is. This thread is not here to bash anyone...we've all had our little drama lately and I know we're all over it and :wallbash: until we we're just through! So I wanted to tell you what I've learned...or been reminded of from recent drama. I also wanted to ask what you've learned too.

What I've learned from all the advice on lhcf is RESEARCH before you jump on any bandwagon. If anyone says hey product X is wonderful, go to that search engine and research until your eyes hurt from reading so much at the computer. LHCF is practically an online library. Find out what's great about product X and what's bad, how much of product X to use (is it safe). I've also taken the need to run to google and research even further.

Two examples that do not consist of the latest drama that will go unnamed are: I decided to add tea to my regimen not long ago and did research about horsetail and nettle. Though there are some that love horsetail, I did research on the board and google and came to find that it is not for me because I just didn't like the fact that it contained nicotine and the potential complications. I decided to go with nettle as a tea (internal) and a rinse. Second example:I am considering relaxing for instance (I'm natural), but I've done research, and asked a lot of questions, and even put up threads. I'm not making a decision for months as it's a huge decision. However others like growth aids for instance MUST be researched.

So here's the question. What are some things that you researched on lhcf and are glad that you did (and ended up doing it or applying the product), and what are some things that you jumped the gun on that you wish you didn't....and why? I want to start this for newbies and those who are senior members, so that we can share in information, and help ourselves, and others to think about safety before jumping on the bandwagon of any "holy grail" so to speak. I want to shout out to those who have "helped" us and been the voice of reason. Some of which...(cough...Irresistable rocks! :grin:) and others, who have made sure we see both sides of every situation. So without raging on a potential other locked thread, lets talk about other situations!
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I am glad that I researched coconut oil (and natural products in general).

Once I learned about all of coconut oil's wonderful properties I was hooked. Then when I actually tried it I was really happy.

I agree, research first. And then when you think you're ready to try it, research again.
I totally love coconut oil and I'm glad I researched it too. It is truly my staple product, I will not go without it! I even use it in my prepoo.
I've learned that just because a product works for someone else, does not neccessarily mean that it will work for you. At first I was trying out products due to someone else's success with a product, but now I don't really do that anymore. I stick to what works for my hair and I've also realized that keeping it simple is the way to go for me. My hair does not like too much products.
That getting a relaxer last year was the stupidest thing I have ever done!

I'm not so freaked out about my BC anymore, after I have learned that it takes a while before your hair settles after a long transition.

Moisture, moisture, moisture!!!!

DO NOT comb natural hair when dry. This explains why after being a natural all my life, my hair never grew past APL.

And a million other things, sometimes not even hair related...I love this board.
Girl, you should learn to break your post into paragraphs or else no one is gonna read it.
Okay ladies. Here it is. This thread is not here to bash anyone...we've all had our little drama lately and I know we're all over it and :wallbash: until we we're just through! So I wanted to tell you what I've learned...or been reminded of from recent drama. I also wanted to ask what you've learned to. What I've learned from all the advice on lhcf is RESEARCH before you jump on any bandwagon. If anyone says hey product X is wonderful, go to that search engine and research until your eyes hurt from reading so much at the computer. LHCF is practically an online library. Find out what's great about product X and what's bad, how much of product X to use (is it safe). I've also taken the need to run to google and research even further. Two examples that do not consist of the latest drama that will go unnamed are: I decided to add tea to my regimen not long ago and did research about horsetail and nettle. Though there are some that love horsetail, I did research on the board and google and came to find that it is not for me because I just didn't like the fact that it contained nicotine and the potential complications. I decided to go with nettle as a tea (internal) and a rinse. Second example:I am considering relaxing for instance (I'm natural), but I've done research, and asked a lot of questions, and even put up threads. I'm not making a decision for months as it's a huge decision. However others like growth aids for instance MUST be researched. So here's the question. What are some things that you researched on lhcf and are glad that you did (and ended up doing it or applying the product), and what are some things that you jumped the gun on that you wish you didn't....and why? I want to start this for newbies and those who are senior members, so that we can share in information, and help ourselves, and others to think about safety before jumping on the bandwagon of any "holy grail" so to speak. I want to shout out to those who have "helped" us and been the voice of reason. Some of which...(cough...Irresistable rocks! :grin:) and others, who have made sure we see both sides of every situation. So without raging on a potential other locked thread, lets talk about other situations!

I agree with you 100% and also we need to find out what are the side effects to the many things that we are putting on our hair and scalp. I've learned what may work for some may not work for others. Good Post! Thank You!
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Come on you all! Bump! This thread can be very informative for everyone.

This is a good thread, I want to post something but I can't say/write it the way I want. It keeps getting jumbled, maybe I'm just sleepy--I had a long day. Bump it up again in the morning.
Okay ladies. Here it is. This thread is not here to bash anyone...we've all had our little drama lately and I know we're all over it and :wallbash: until we we're just through! So I wanted to tell you what I've learned...or been reminded of from recent drama. I also wanted to ask what you've learned to. What I've learned from all the advice on lhcf is RESEARCH before you jump on any bandwagon. If anyone says hey product X is wonderful, go to that search engine and research until your eyes hurt from reading so much at the computer. LHCF is practically an online library. Find out what's great about product X and what's bad, how much of product X to use (is it safe). I've also taken the need to run to google and research even further. Two examples that do not consist of the latest drama that will go unnamed are: I decided to add tea to my regimen not long ago and did research about horsetail and nettle. Though there are some that love horsetail, I did research on the board and google and came to find that it is not for me because I just didn't like the fact that it contained nicotine and the potential complications. I decided to go with nettle as a tea (internal) and a rinse. Second example:I am considering relaxing for instance (I'm natural), but I've done research, and asked a lot of questions, and even put up threads. I'm not making a decision for months as it's a huge decision. However others like growth aids for instance MUST be researched. So here's the question. What are some things that you researched on lhcf and are glad that you did (and ended up doing it or applying the product), and what are some things that you jumped the gun on that you wish you didn't....and why? I want to start this for newbies and those who are senior members, so that we can share in information, and help ourselves, and others to think about safety before jumping on the bandwagon of any "holy grail" so to speak. I want to shout out to those who have "helped" us and been the voice of reason. Some of which...(cough...Irresistable rocks! :grin:) and others, who have made sure we see both sides of every situation. So without raging on a potential other locked thread, lets talk about other situations!

I love that you started this post. Since I am only a member since September, I've learned so many things from alot of ladies that has been both beneficial to me and not so beneficial. One member put in exactly as I thought..... every thing does not work for every body.

I have learned what to do and what not to do with my hair as far as washing it, cw, pre pooing, dc and protective styling to name a few. But I must say due to my ignorance I've tried almost every growth aid mentioned on this thread, but won't give up my quest.

I've learned through trial and error that the Indian products works really well for my hair type. Along with the Dominican products. If you ladies could just see the diff. items I have in my domain you would not beleive it. But I am glad that I found LHCF when I did.:lachen:

So many years I did pray to God to help me grow my hair back healthy the way it was when I was younger and he led me to this site.:lachen:


I will admit too that I can't wait when I get up in the morning to check the boards to see what is being talked about. It keeps me going, and has been amusing, sad at times, and an encyclopedia, and thesaurus all in one.:grin:

Since using the OCT/MT, WGO, and MTG to name a few. I am on the MN journey with hopefully more positive results. I will keep everyone posted of my progress which will more than likely be sometime in Jan 09.
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I agree with you 100% and also we need to find out what are the side effects to the many things that we are putting on our hair and scalp. I've learned what may work for some may not work for others. Good Post! Thank You!

Totally agree! You're preaching and I'm at your revival! :clapping::love4::amen:

Find out what they are and if you are or are not okay with them...if there are any at all (side effects). Find out if they will compromise your health. Find out any side effects at all and then weigh if it is worth it or not.
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I should take notes because, I still don't research...just buy once there's a million good reviews :nono:
What I've learned from LHCF is:
- that my hair needs a balance of protein and moisture, and I know how to tell which it needs at a given time.
- ORS, coconut oil, jojoba oil, wide-toothed combs, hooded dryers, heat protectors, low heat, and scalp massages are my friends.
- my cuticles being closed are a good thing...and it has nothing to do with my nails
- my ends don't have to be 'trimmed' at every relaxer
- different lengths have acronyms
- research is key. If you don't know Google, read, Google, read...and Google some more.
- There is something called 'demarcation line', 'stretching', 'baggying', and 'bunning'.
- Our hair has different types and its often confusing
- There are other women out there that have the same problems as me
- Diddy's got another daughter named Chance and she isn't in the spotlight like the other kids, but she'll be more humble because of it
- Bey now wants to be called Sasha Fierce after alllll these years and its weird
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What I've learned from LHCF is:
- that my hair needs a balance of protein and moisture, and I know how to tell which it needs at a given time.
- ORS, coconut oil, jojoba oil, wide-toothed combs, hooded dryers, heat protectors, low heat, and scalp massages are my friends.
- my cuticles being closed are a good thing...and it has nothing to do with my nails
- my ends don't have to be 'trimmed' at every relaxer
- different lengths have acronyms
- research is key. If you don't know Google, read, Google, read...and Google some more.
- There is something called 'demarcation line', 'stretching', 'baggying', and 'bunning'.
- Our hair has different types and its often confusing
- There are other women out there that have the same problems as me
- Diddy's got another daughter named Chance and she isn't in the spotlight like the other kids, but she'll be more humble because of it
- Bey now wants to be called Sasha Fierce after alllll these years and its weird

:giggle: Girl you are a tripp.... with 2 p's
I have learned:

1. Co-washing is beneficial, but not actually necessary for my hair. I do just fine with shampoo (lauryl sulfate free) as long as I concentrate on the roots.
2. I learned what the following are:
- parabens
- lauryl sulfates & other sulfates
- silicon
- mineral oil
- texlaxing
- co-washing
- baggying
3. What different kinds of growth aids are (even though I haven't/ don't plan to try any)
4. The power of pictures
5. growing hair long has little to do with genes
6. Kinky hair has different hair types/ textures/ curl patterns
7. Rollersets don't have to equal crunchy hair
8. The average rate of hair growth versus my rate of hair growth
9. different uses for essential oils
10. protein v. moisture
11. There are hair cliques on hair boards (no offense to anyone :look:)
12. You basically get ignored when you're a newbie- but it's okay :newbie:
13. Even if I'm not a healthy care expert, I do know a lot about my hair.
14. As wonderful as LHCF is, I have learned that there are ton of resources including books, youtube, other hair boards, and general experimentation.
15. I spend waaay too much time online. Logging out....:bye:
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I must say that the first time that I read this thread I was thinking to myself OMG why won't people let this go already. But now I understand (after going through the whole thread) that was not your intention. As you probably know I am also a newbie been here since late august; the drama that occured recently made me realize that although we are in our own virtual worlds we are dealing with real people, and if this had not been prevented the way it did then some people could have been seriously harmed. That said I love this forum because no on IRL shares the same passion for hair/maintenance/growth like you ladies do and I would hate for this forum to shut down due to mishaps. So I thank you all and I hope none of this ever happen again!:nono:
I've learned that just because a product works for someone else, does not neccessarily mean that it will work for you. At first I was trying out products due to someone else's success with a product, but now I don't really do that anymore. I stick to what works for my hair and I've also realized that keeping it simple is the way to go for me. My hair does not like too much products.

I agree with the bolded. I bought sulfur and did a recipe that I got from Fotki. The person did warn me about the allergic reaction, but I didnt listen. Well my normally clear face had pimples the size of tomatoes!!!! I also got a nasty rash on my neck. I threw it away immediately. I have to be careful what I choose to jump into. I'm lucky that's all that happened.
Henna, henna, henna! Researched henna and ayurvedic oils and herbs and it's been one of the greatest things for my hair. Sulfur was also a HUGE miss for me....it broke my hair terribly.
don't jump on bandwagons

always remain a lady and an adult (well, i learned that well before lhcf but I get to practice it often here :yep:)

to have compassion and empathy... again, I learned that many moons ago I've I'm blessed because I get to practice it each time I log on :)
don't jump on bandwagons

always remain a lady and an adult (well, i learned that well before lhcf but I get to practice it often here :yep:)

to have compassion and empathy... again, I learned that many moons ago I've I'm blessed because I get to practice it each time I log on :)
Amen to that. This was one of my "new years hair resolutions" this year. Amazingly i have stuck with it and my hair has been thanking me every since.:yep:
I learned many things like:

What cowashing is
How to retain my length
Not to jump on every bandwagon
Research products that I want to try
How to take care of my hair
What the difference between shedding and breakage is
Lastly that there are alot of gurlz like me trying to get and maintain healthy hair
Full lace wigs. I wish I hadn't wasted Nearly $800 on that lil experiment....and even more, I wish I had've found LHCF BEFORE I bought into the lace wig thing, simply because I had given up on my hair, and just said to heck with it, I'll wear these to get the look I want...

Those things are a serious pain in the arse. Sure, the first install goes well because the wig is fresh, no glue residue to deal with, so It looks great..but the more you remove and reapply them....ugh :wallbash:. Tore my hairline up:wallbash: . So now I have two wigs and supplies in my closet that I don't even use and probalbly WON"T ever use again, so it was wasted money. :nono:

And yes, I researched for weeks before I bought the first one, thought I had it down to a tee.

Nope, now I know that I can grow my own long hair, so I'm gonna stick it out and learn to be PATIENT, instead of trying to get immediate gratification.
I love that you started this post. Since I am only a member since September, I've learned so many things from alot of ladies that has been both beneficial to me and not so beneficial. One member put in exactly as I thought..... every thing does not work for every body.

I have learned what to do and what not to do with my hair as far as washing it, cw, pre pooing, dc and protective styling to name a few. But I must say due to my ignorance I've tried almost every growth aid mentioned on this thread, but won't give up my quest.

I've learned through trial and error that the Indian products works really well for my hair type. Along with the Dominican products. If you ladies could just see the diff. items I have in my domain you would not beleive it. But I am glad that I found LHCF when I did.:lachen:

Hey I'd love to see your progress when you're ready, as I'd love to see the difference since you started using the indian and dominican products.

So many years I did pray to God to help me grow my hair back healthy the way it was when I was younger and he led me to this site.:lachen:


I will admit too that I can't wait when I get up in the morning to check the boards to see what is being talked about. It keeps me going, and has been amusing, sad at times, and an encyclopedia, and thesaurus all in one.:grin:

Since using the OCT/MT, WGO, and MTG to name a few. I am on the MN journey with hopefully more positive results. I will keep everyone posted of my progress which will more than likely be sometime in Jan 09.

I'd love to see your progress when you're ready in 09! I'm excited for you!
What I've learned from LHCF is:
- that my hair needs a balance of protein and moisture, and I know how to tell which it needs at a given time.
- ORS, coconut oil, jojoba oil, wide-toothed combs, hooded dryers, heat protectors, low heat, and scalp massages are my friends.
- my cuticles being closed are a good thing...and it has nothing to do with my nails
- my ends don't have to be 'trimmed' at every relaxer
- different lengths have acronyms
- research is key. If you don't know Google, read, Google, read...and Google some more.
- There is something called 'demarcation line', 'stretching', 'baggying', and 'bunning'.
- Our hair has different types and its often confusing
- There are other women out there that have the same problems as me
- Diddy's got another daughter named Chance and she isn't in the spotlight like the other kids, but she'll be more humble because of it
- Bey now wants to be called Sasha Fierce after alllll these years and its weird

Hysterical! We get our gossip on while imparting advice on hair care!:lachen:

Also the whole trim thing I'm glad you brought that up! People trim too much, er rather cut too much! It's only necessary when needed! That's soooo true. (at least for me, as this thread is about what works for us individually)