What have you learned about haircare from LHCF...


New Member
that's made the biggest contribution towards improving your hair's health?

I learned it's OK to wash my hair often. Water is NOT the devil! Now, my hair is thicker and healthier and I'm encouraged to try new things like:

deep condition.....rollerseeeet.....I can do it all by myself, now let me see you do it! Hey!:lol::lachen:

Anyway, what's your epiphany? Share your LHCF testimony, post some before and after pics if you want.
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I found this site in December when I began the C&g method. Since being here,I have learned to keep my hair moisturized while in braids. I have also learned about using moisture and protein and striking a balance between the two for stronger hair that retains the length.

I've learned about a wide array of products - some of which I have tried and a few of which I will continue to use like Kpak Reconstructor, ceramides, and Indian herbs and powders - these are great.

I have also learned about the correct tools to use for my hair and am thrilled with my new Mason Pearson combs. I still have my denman brushes, but I use them better.

I will continue to use Phyto - relaxer, shampoos, conditioners, etc., and I'll add a product or two. The great thing is using the good products I have in a better way so they are most effective. This is great.

I really love the great advice and lessons about caring for my hair and my daughters' hair - we have all benefited and found favorites from many members on the board.

As a result of being here, I've gained knowledge, great lenght (so far 4 inches), and I enjoy reading the posts and rejoicing in the triumphs and learning from the tribulations of others.

Thanks LHCF ladies.
GeechyGurl said:
that's made the biggest contribution towards improving your hair's health?

I learned it's OK to wash my hair often. Water is NOT the devil!

This has been my biggest realization so far as well. I no longer run for cover when it rains outside or if I get sweaty at the gym because I know that moisture is good for my hair . . . and I've also learned how to take better care of it once my hair gets wet . . . .
*Protective styles, especially bunning
*Moisture/protein balance
*Moisturizing & sealing
These have all helped me with retaining my length
My hair has turned a 180 since I started coming here.!

I dumped all the JUNK I was pouring into my hair thinking more was better.
I learned to use quality products that aren't necessarily more expensive.
I stopped ripping combs and brushes through my hair.
I haven't used my hair dryer at home in months.
I use a flat iron or a curling iron maybe once a week instead of everyday.
I've learned alternative hairstyles to save my ends from breaking off.

Most of all I learned that my hair is not possessed by Satan and it is not a curse and I never EVER have to threaten to go all 'Grace Jones' on it if it doesn't behave. My hair does what I say do, now. :lachen:

And today I have my hair up because I am trying to reap the benefits of protective styles. Last year I would have called wearing a pony tail a lazy hair style. Today I'm 'protecting my ends'.

I have pics in my fotki. My 2006 pictures are so much different than 2007. My hair is not necessarily longer but fuller, bouncier, shinier and lots of body. Getting better!
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1. Protective styling,
2. stretching relaxers
3. underprocessing my hair,

co washes , also finding the knowledge to grow my hair and keep it healthy at the same time, I also enjoy coming here, and conversing with all the ladies,
I learned that being a product junkie is not good for my hair :ohwell:
Too much experimenting causes hair drama :eek:

AND that even though some of us have the same hair type, what products work for them does not necessarily work for me :D
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-I have learned how to pre poo

-I now know the value of the baggy method

-I am a little more confident about stretching relaxers, now that I know it's totally possible for long periods of time while maintaining healthy hair.

-I have been able to check here for product reviews before making a purchase and because of that have been happy with my purchase decisions.
My LHCF & some Cathy Howse Best Practices

  1. Deep condition twice per week (Aveda Damage Remedy, Roux, Aphogee :love:)
  2. No Brushing (Only Seamless Comb-Jilbere or Conair)
  3. Protective Style (Ouchless hair elastics & Goodday hair clips)
  4. Minimal Heat (1-2 times per year)
  5. Moisturize daily (NTM, Kids Organic Shea Butter Detangling Moisturizing Lotion, Castor Oil, Aveda Humectant Pomeade)
  6. Scalp Massage (Essential Oils & Boundless Tresses)
  7. Internal Health/Healthy Body (Carrot Juice, Protein, & Exercise)
  8. Texlax (Mix oil in Relaxer) & Stretch 3-4 months
I think that is everything, here are some things from LHCF and my past that did not work for my Fine Porous 4B hair

  • Baggying wet hair - Not a good mix for texlaxed roots and relaxed ends, especially for fine porous 4B hair.
  • Braiding unhealthy hair for 6 months - Will make hair even more unhealthy
  • Tight microbraids - Will Ruin a hairline
  • Sew-in Weaves - Like braids it never allowed me to keep an eye on my hair and ensure that it was healthy underneath.
Great conditioners
Deep conditioners
Protein treatments
Dusting hair when needed only
Oils, oils, oils
H2O isnt bad and to wash when needed
Heat protectants
Hair vitamins
How to rollerset, protective styles and STRETCHING
THAT OUR HAIR CAN GROW TO GREAT LENGTHS: with time, patience and the right products.
I would probably have to say learning the difference between protein and moisture made the difference for my hair. I was already pre-pooing and washing on a regular schedule, but once I leraned what to wash my hair with and when to use the different products, that's when my hair really took off.
  • it is possible to have healthy relaxed hair!
  • adding proteins and/or oil to relaxer can be a good thing!
  • silk amino acids are fab! :)kiss: sareca)
  • using one hair line exclusively can be a good thing!
  • non-haircare goodie: oil pulling
Truly I really know nothing about maintaining healthy relaxed hair so I've learned a lot here in my short time!

  • Maintaining protein/moisture balance
  • Keep those ends moisturized
  • Deep conditioning
  • Pre-pooing (esp. with oils)
  • Stretching
  • Underprocessing problem areas
  • Moisturizing properly and sealing
  • Conditioner-washing
  • Paying attention to what my hair is saying to me
These things have put me on the road to healthier, thicker hair, as well as retaining lenth.