What DON'T you like about your hair?

Your Hair Dislikes

  • Hair Texture

    Votes: 110 27.0%
  • Hair Color

    Votes: 39 9.6%
  • Hair Length

    Votes: 221 54.3%
  • Hair Cut

    Votes: 33 8.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 138 33.9%

  • Total voters

Lakshmi S

New Member
what i don't like about mine is the different textures, i have 3. also the color. naturally it is dark auburn, dark brown, and black. well over the years i have now started to take on a new color :wallbash: gray. sheesh.

anyone else have something to add?

Om Namah Shivaye
I hate my nape area! Its a completely different texture than the rest of my hair and it is very very hard to get it to retain length! :wallbash: I'm working on it though!
I don't like how easily my hair breaks off
I have been able to retain my length since finding this forum but I have not passed the length wear my hair starts to break and I just cut it all off

Prayfully I have conquered this problem thanks to LHCF
I dont like my ends. No matter how much I care for them, they just seem prone to split ends. I guess its because I had high lights and this is the last of those hairs that were colored...but still...
I voted texture and length.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my hair texture, but there's one section on my head that's overprocessed from my pre LHCF days and it's kinda frizzy and rough. I hate the texture of that one spot.

I don't like my length because it seems as though I'll never be able to claim APL. For the last 6 months, I've been about 2 centimeters from APL and it's like my ends can't retain length or something. It's starting to get really discouraging.
I dont like my layers. They are taking entirely too long to grow out.

I dont like how thin my hair is. My strands are kindof thick but its not a lot of 'em so thin hair on top of the layers is not a good look.
I don't like how tangled it can get. I don't like how all, but two conditioners seem to do nothing for my hair. It's like I'm rinsing with water.
I'm transitioning, so it can be annoying at times. I don't like my split ends, the color I got in Jan 2007, that won't grow out quick enough, and the frizziness!!!! I took the time to maxiglide my hair on Sun to go out for my brother's birthday and on Mon, I worked out, but I wrapped it, and once side came out all poofy!!!
what I don't like is it won't stop breaking. Everyone says its because of relaxers but I was relaxer free for 3 years and IT STILL BROKE OFF! i HAVE 20 DIF lengths on my head.
Well I'm not happy with my hair length right now, but I talk to it like a baby and then if all else fails, I'd tell it to grow dagnabit!!:lachen::lachen: LOL But I'm getting braids this weekend, so I won't think about it too much, since I know it takes time since I chopped it all off.
I could go on and on about the things I don't like, but if it was waist length I would not care............. so I'd say length to keep it simple.
I do not like my nape. And I don't like my length. I'm really pushing for APL by summer and my hair seems like it is stuck in one spot. its really frustrating.
I can not keep length at all, I know its growing. I also dislike not being able to be creative and style it myself
I really hate that the fact I have two different hair textures...:wallbash:....When it comes to relax time I dont know if I should just relax the middle..:perplexed...!