How much more hair do you want ?

Porsche19 said:
I have a question... what is classic length hair?

I searched for it, but couldn't find anything that told exactly what it is...

Actually classic length is longer than tailbone--it's right where your bum meets the top of your legs. In other words hair that you can sit on :yep:
Here's a site that has been posted before, but it shows the different lengths:
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My ultimate goal is BSL. I have never desired waist length. I might change my mind when I reach BSL but I seriously doubt it.
Right now I'm aiming for shoulder length without stretching. Eventually I want bra strap without stretching- :love:
BlackCardinal said:
Actually classic length is longer than tailbone--it's right where your bum meets the top of your legs. In other words hair that you can sit on :yep:
Here's a site that has been posted before, but it shows the different lengths:

Thanks for posting!

I think that I want classic length.

Lawd knows how many bottles of conditioner I would run through in a week. V05 would have to make deliveries to my house!

Classic length for my stretched out length, my hairs would shrivel up and look like half of that length.

Well, I'm going to try ::crosses fingers::
I just want enough hair so that when I braid it, it's not embarrasingly short :( I would also like to get all the short hairs between all the longer ones to grow. Is that asking too much ? :perplexed So four more inches on the longest hairs and all the hair one length. That's what I'd like!!
I would love to have healthy BSL hair. My hair has neva, eva, eva been longer that shoulder length. Since finding this board, I know that BSL is a realistic possibility! :yay:
Hi, my goal is waistlength, but I would very satisfied w/BS. I think goals are a good things, because it pushes us all to do what we need to do to honestly take care of our hair or accompish anything we really want out of life. I know for me if it's not a goal or on a list, nine* out of ten, I'll forget:grin: . As long as we are giving our hair what it needs then many of us could probably achieve any length:look:, I hope. Well HHG to all!!
I have bra strap relaxed now I want bra strap natural UNSTRETCHED.

Edited to add.....

Ive been there before and it only took me 3 years so Im 5 months in so far.
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Well my first goal is brastrap and then my second goal is waist length and I will probably stop there...Too much to manage after that :lol: .
I dont think my ultimate goal has changed since coming to this site (near waist-length)...nevermind that I'm in the waist-length challenge :grin:. My goal was about 3 inches shorter than WL anyway!

I would allow more but I don't currently want more, I still just want near waist-length, just like someone upthread said, hair that covers my boobies!
I think I'm happy with the length I have. It will grow some more of course, but either way, I'm stoked with what I'm walkin 'round with right now. :D

p.s.- What in the world would i do with classic length hair?? I'm having trouble choosing styles right now. Me with that much hair is a scary thought. :ohwell:
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I want my hair to be waistlength when straightened and past shoulders when unstretched. I'm about 6 inches from my goal. I'm hybernating for the moment in braids and will probably try to stick with them until I can't take it anymore.
i wanted waist-length relaxed hair, but i'm having second thoughts... i think i want mid-back length NATURAL hair, lol

i haven't started transitioning yet... i think i'll transition starting December 17 2005 or March 2006, preferrably December 05... i'm very excited :)
I want healthy brastrap lenght hair with no SEE THROUGH ENDS ! getting braids and keeping them is the ONLY way I'm going to be able to do this !
I want bra-strap length hair. My hair is naturally fine, so I know that I'll never have thick hair, but I would at a minimum like healthy, hair with strong ends.
I want at least 2inches to 3inches this year. Im going to use MTG to see if itll give me a boost along with the 3 month challenge.
Frustration, frustration!! i don't know about going natural right now... there's so much going on or that is going to go on, and I don't want to have to keep pressing my hair while i transition, and i dont want to do a quick BC either, because having long hair right now is more convenient... maybe my freshman year in college i'll transition... but oh those soft curls are so TEMPTING!!!

waist-length (or almost) relaxed hair it is then... on the Waistlength by 2007 challenge :look:
I want natural hair to my bottom unstretched (classic length). Steadily growing this relaxer out! I will settle for that length stretched, but I will continue to grow it until it gets there, because my grandmother's hair is to her waist and its natural.
I want BSL hair (unstretched). And I give myself until Christmas 2006! I have about 3 inches right now, so I know I'm aiming high! :lol: Oh, and I want it to be thick and healthy too!