What do you use Lye or No-Lye and why?

Which do you use?

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Well-Known Member
O.K. I received mixed reviews about using no-lye relaxer. :ohwell: I been using no-lye for the as long as I can remember especially when I do an at home relaxer until recently I switched to lye. Which do you girls use and why? Sorry if this was asked before….But I am thinking about switching back to no-lye.
I've always used no-lye on my hair. I've learned on LHCF the importance of keeping relaxed hair (lye or no-lye) very moisturized. I haven't had any problems with no-lye.

Why do you want to switch back Hottopic?
from what my hair dresser has told me lye and no-lye really no difference b/w the two once you add that activator to the creme it is lye
I use no lye. I think my hair prefers no lye too. I think it depends on what you feel works best for your hair.
oops i accidentally selected no-lye. I use Nu Expressions Regular Lye. I never had good experiences with no-lye perms. I remember my hair being very dry with no-lye perms. I mean like you could NOT get moisture to stay in my hair when I used that stuff.
Isis said:
I've always used no-lye on my hair. I've learned on LHCF the importance of keeping relaxed hair (lye or no-lye) very moisturized. I haven't had any problems with no-lye.

Why do you want to switch back Hottopic?

I never thought I had a problem with no-lye, but I switched after hearing it is bad for you hair. It dries your hair, causes dandruff, it coats the hair which locks out any mositurizer you try to put in your hair, and the list goes on.... But the only difference I can see since switching to lye is I have no more dandruff, my hair does not break as badly as it did before. But that might have been because I learned to take better care of my hair with forum help of course. With no-lye there is more to choose from and it comes in kits and it's cheaper. Maybe I won't switch back. I don't know. I do get burns with lye. That is the main reason I wanted to switch back to no-lye. To avoid burning. But is it worth it. I don't know...
hottopic said:
I never thought I had a problem with no-lye, but I switched after hearing it is bad for you hair. It dries your hair, causes dandruff, it coats the hair which locks out any mositurizer you try to put in your hair, and the list goes on.... But the only difference I can see since switching to lye is I have no more dandruff, my hair does not break as badly as it did before. But that might have been because I learned to take better care of my hair with forum help of course. With no-lye there is more to choose from and it comes in kits and it's cheaper. Maybe I won't switch back. I don't know. I do get burns with lye. That is the main reason I wanted to switch back to no-lye. To avoid burning. But is it worth it. I don't know...
Thanks Hottopic for sharing this. I've heard those stories too about no-lye, on this board and elsewhere. I also heard very positive things about no-lye on this board. I have come to the conclusion that it is an individual thing.

I must say I've never had dandruff, even before LHCF. And only when I was using direct heat on my hair was when it was breaking. If the no-lye didn't let moisturizer in, all of my hair would have been broken off by now. Burns can happen with lye and no-lye. There are as many long manes on this board with no-lye as there are with lye. I don't believe one is better than the other - it depends on one's hair and preference.
I will be returning to a lye relaxer the next time I get a relaxer. Using no-lye these past few years has ruined my hair. When I used a lye relaxer earlier on in my life, I did not experience the same problems I do now [dryness, breakage etc.].
Hi Hottopic,

I tried lye for awhile, but my scalp did not like it. Therefore, I am sticking with no-lye. I had luck with it before and my hair was growing just fine. So as some members here say, "if it ain't broke, why fix it." Besides, my scalp is just really sensitive!
I just love your two braids in your avatar, Ballet Bun! It's so cute and your hair is so long!! That is you, isn't it?
Hottopic, I wanted to ask you if you base your scalp really well. The night before a relaxer, if you coat your scalp with evoo and cover with a silk scarf (no plastic caps because you may perspire) that really helps. A lot of people say that petroleum jelly is also a good protector. But I've got to tell you that if you are burning, be very careful and take it as a warning sign. Most of my head never burns but the back always has on occasion. The last time I relaxed the back of my hair (just before Thanksgiving) I coated my scalp, especially in the back, really well, and it did not matter. The minute I put the relaxer on the back of my head it felt like it was on fire. I later tried a no-lye on that hair and even though it did not burn at all, it also would not relax or straighten at all.

My point is that with good basing and good application I do not think it is normal for your scalp to be burning. Your scalp is telling you something, maybe you've developed an allergy to lye, maybe your scalp is extra sensitive, maybe the relaxer is too strong. I don't really know the answer to your question. But I thought it might help to hear someone else's story. I am now in a dilemma because 75% of my hair loves lye and 25% burns like ****. In the end, I may have to use no-lye or nothing on that back portion of my hair. From here on I'm going to try to listen to what my hair tells me before it has to scream, "Don't do that to me!"

Good luck.
Isis said:
I just love your two braids in your avatar, Ballet Bun! It's so cute and your hair is so long!! That is you, isn't it?
:wave: Hi Isis ... yep, that's me in my avatar. This is one of the pictures from my 2004 album.
hopeful said:
Hottopic, I wanted to ask you if you base your scalp really well. The night before a relaxer, if you coat your scalp with evoo and cover with a silk scarf (no plastic caps because you may perspire) that really helps. A lot of people say that petroleum jelly is also a good protector. But I've got to tell you that if you are burning, be very careful and take it as a warning sign. Most of my head never burns but the back always has on occasion. The last time I relaxed the back of my hair (just before Thanksgiving) I coated my scalp, especially in the back, really well, and it did not matter. The minute I put the relaxer on the back of my head it felt like it was on fire. I later tried a no-lye on that hair and even though it did not burn at all, it also would not relax or straighten at all.

My point is that with good basing and good application I do not think it is normal for your scalp to be burning. Your scalp is telling you something, maybe you've developed an allergy to lye, maybe your scalp is extra sensitive, maybe the relaxer is too strong. I don't really know the answer to your question. But I thought it might help to hear someone else's story. I am now in a dilemma because 75% of my hair loves lye and 25% burns like ****. In the end, I may have to use no-lye or nothing on that back portion of my hair. From here on I'm going to try to listen to what my hair tells me before it has to scream, "Don't do that to me!"

Good luck.

Thank you for sharing you story with me. I alway had a problem with burning since I was a child. If my scalp did not burn I use to think there was something wrong, lol. I am going to give it a go with lye relaxer one or two more time with alot of basing...I will try sleeping with it like you suggest. But if it does not work then I will try the petroleum jelly ...(I read that alot here too that it really protects your scalp). But if neither of them work I am going to switch back to no-lye.
My hair has really taken off with lye relaxers. My old stylist also suggested that I leave the no-lye alone because it was drying my hair out. Now, it is much easier to keep it moisturized, especially with permanent color. I have been tempted recently to jump on the phyto relaxer bandwagon since I really like the other products. I would be interested to hear other experiences with no lye.
I jumped on the Affirm lye wagon last year, but my hair no likey!! It was never straightened enough for me no matter how long I left it on.

I went back to Soft and Beautiful no-lye in October and my hair is responding wonderfully. Its straight, but not limp. i agree with the importance of basing. I have burned with both. If you work to keep your hair moisturized, that lessens bigger problems later.

And my hair LOVES Blue Magic grease!!!!
I have been using no lye since i relaxed and my scalp always burned. When i switched to lye (motions oil moisturiser), My scalp did not burn and my hair did not relax. Someone told me to leave it on till it starts burning. I never experienced dryness with no-lye btw
Barry Fletcher Moisture Threapy Conditioning Lye Relaxer (Mild) because it doesn't burn AND leaves my hair super silky and somewhat moisturized :grin:
I recieved my first relaxer when I was twelve, the stylist always used dudley'l lye on my thick hair every 3 months. My hair stayed in good condition and remained long until I stopped going to this stylist (age 15). I switched stylists at 15 and learned that she was using revlon-fabulaxer which is no-lye...my hair did not thrive at all -especially since I was going every 6 weeks to get a touch up. Currently I am back using Lye (Affirm) and my hair has never been this healthy (well except when I was natural-but more patience was involved)
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Currntly I'm au natural. But I've used both and I definitly prefer lye relaxers. My hair was like straw with the no-lye stuff. :mad: It seemed like no matter what I did my hair was hard and dry.
I've been using a lye relaxer for the last year. My hair was drier and my scalp always burned when I used no-lye. I've only burned ONCE with the lye relaxer and that was when I wasn't based at all.
hottopic said:
O.K. I received mixed reviews about using no-lye relaxer. :ohwell: I been using no-lye for the as long as I can remember especially when I do an at home relaxer until recently I switched to lye. Which do you girls use and why? Sorry if this was asked before….But I am thinking about switching back to no-lye.

No-lye dried my hair out. Lye works better for me.
ballet_bun said:
Hi Hottopic,

I tried lye for awhile, but my scalp did not like it. Therefore, I am sticking with no-lye. I had luck with it before and my hair was growing just fine. So as some members here say, "if it ain't broke, why fix it." Besides, my scalp is just really sensitive!

Same experience :)
I use Lye. The one time a stylist used no-lye on my hair (without me knowing) it broke my hair off and left it all feeling like straw :(
I don't think it's just about lye vs. no-lye though. Some lye relaxers work better on my hair than others. I think it's a personal thing that unfortunately sometimes takes trial and error.
I've used both and didn't have any problems. Since LHCF my hair has been in better shape. I have decided to go back to No-Lye. Why?
Money, plus I like Silk Elements Relaxer. I used it for my last touch-up and so far so good.
I use no-lye because that is all I know. I don't have any complaints and plus I heard that lye relaxers are a lot stronger and I have a very sensitive scalp.