What Do You Think Your Hair Will Look Like on December 31,2010?

I will do the stanky- leg if I am waste-length by that time-but I think I will be Full MBL-which would definitely be pleasing...
Well Im BSL now so Im hoping and praying for a nice healthy head of MBL by December! I usually have a growth spurt in the summer so it may just happen!!!! :eyebrows2
APL and FINALLY capable of bunning on this big ole head of mine. I plan ti BKT to help with the whole bunning thing. I believe I'm about 3 inches away from APL (again. had a setback.) I'm almost back to where I was... but protective styling is currently eluding me..
I want a NICE BIG BUN for Xmas and a SWINGING rollerset for New Years in Vegas!!

I'm trying to focus on retention so I can get to APL with healthy ends, so until then, I'm bunnin' it baby!!
If I retain every millimeter I grow for the remainder of this year (lol), I should be at APL/ a little past APL.
Whatever the length, I know my hair will be super big by then, as I'll be 16 months (almost 17) post relaxer
Hey, ladies,

By December 31, 2010, I will be 20 months post relaxer :woot:, and will be braided up for the rest of the summer and winter with breaks in between. I really hope to be at least grazing APL by then! :)
Since I have decided to stop fighting my hair's love for itself with all these knots and splits from knots, I hope to have some nice shoulder length locs by then (and I do mean dredlocks!) Getting twisted up next week..starting from scraping APL...stretched of course!
Great thread... :yep:

I don't know but I am hoping my hair is back healthy, full, thick and grown quite a bit.... :grin:
I think i've read the whole thread:D....its so inspiring to see everybody has been visualizing what may come at the very end of the year:yep:....i think it would be fun to do this thread every year bc...lemme tell ya...i have a notebook that documents everything i've done with my hair, regimens, length goals, length goals i've acheived...it really helps to stop that "hairnorexia" when you look back t your notebook and go...wow...i can't believe where i'm at now...versus where i was 2 years ago!:woohoo:

I started out right at SL/ APL back in the beginning of March 2008...and now when i look at my hair its very awe inspiring t see how patient i really am and how when i put my mind to something...i really do it! So ladies we will all reach our goals as long as we keep diligently working at it, not give up on it.

I also found during the times when i felt like my hair was not growing that finding another hobby that interested me just as much helped me not to obsess too much about my hair. Its gonna grow....it just can't go while you're watching:laugh:
God I wish it would look like how long it was in Aug of 2009 like in my avatar picture before heat damage and massive trim by stylist. Something more thinker. Don't know if thats possible it was almost apl :sad: oh well
It should look ... thicker I hope.