What do you think about the movie "Good Hair"

Did you like the Movie "Good Hair"?

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  • No, I hated it.

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  • I have mixed feelings about it.

    Votes: 3 100.0%

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New Member
I just came back from watching the movie "Good Hair" by Chris Rock. I searched the forum, but did not find any threads that had a discussion of what people thought after actually seeing the movie. I saw the ones about the discussions on Monique, Tyra and Oprah. Just wanted to get a feel for my LHCF sisters take on the movie.

Here is my 2 cents. I liked the movie in general. I think I learned a little about hair and saw some things I had never seen before. I definitely laughed at different points in the movie. However, I feel that a large population of Black Women were not captured in this movie that kept referring to "Black Hair". The first population of people were professional women who are not celebrities. The referred to doctors and lawyers a few times, but very few professional women were shown and talked to about their hair. Also, I can count on 1 hand how many women were natural in the movie and those that were did not really get into the treatment of their hair and why they chose it. Also, there were references to how hard it is to stop getting relaxers and then no one representing those women who transitioned or BCed. I know that as a member of LHCF that I am privy to information the general public is not....but really if you are doing a documentary about Black Hair can natural hair get a little more representation. For example, there was a h.s. girl in the film with a few of her classmates. Her classmates got to go around and say why they would not wear natural hair but she did not say why she chose to wear her fly curly afro. I think that whether you relax, press, weave, wig, braid, twist, wash-n-go, etc. black hair is beautiful...but let's respresent more than just relaxers and weaves.
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I Agree with you 100 while I am relaxed i wish i never did! i tried to transition once BUT it was so hard I am on the fence i think i should have just bc'ed instead and braided until i felt comfortable about my length ANYWHO
I REALLY wanted the natural youn lady to speak b/c i LOVED her fro and i think that i takes ALOT of courage for a young lady to go against the grain!!!
It really bothered me when the youn classmate with the braids said that she would not hire someone with natural hair:wallbash: as if her hair had anything to do with her intellect:mad:
I really think that it spent too much time discussing weaves and not our actual hair BUT seeing the relaxer test on the soda cans :nono: transition again? ....IDK to be continued
BUT still some good info WE NEED to control an industry that we spend so much money on SOOOOOO after i finishing the productes i have I WILL BUY 80% FROM OTHER SISTERS ONLINE SIZTA TO SIZTA,SHESCENT IT ,HAIR VEDA,KARENS BODY BEAUTIFUL HYDRATHERMA NATURALS ETC
ECT AND make the rest myself i AM tired of the treatment some of us get in the bss that are not owned by us
Well, I see there is now another thread similar to this one but it includes people who have not seen the movie yet. Thanks for the views and the comment!