What do you notice about him...


Well-Known Member
What's the first thing you notice about a guy that you think is great looking? Is it his smile, eyes, behind :look:, arms, etc.

My friends make fun of me because the first place I look are his legs then move up to his eyes. Most women I know look straight at his behind first then go on to his eyes. I knew one guy whose eyes looked like honey and when the sun hit them at the right angle...:lick::lick:
i notice a mans disposition to me if he has a positive aura it will draw me in--his eyes---then legs then package---back to his eyes and back to his package lol--in that order
The face. I love attractive faces (who doesn't?). If a guy has a knockout face i will overlook other things that may not be my physical ideal (skinniness/lack of muscle tone). The only exception to this, barring any physical deformities, is overweight and a short stature.

And believe me, i am a sucker for ripped bodies...but i think even moreso for nice faces.
Eyes then aura....I like confident men with sexy eyes and attractive faces. Then I will pay attention to everything else to decide if I'm further interested.
I have to agree with jennboo and say his face! In my experience if his face is on point everything else looks good too :grin:.
What's the first thing you notice about a guy that you think is great looking? Is it his smile, eyes, behind :look:, arms, etc.

My friends make fun of me because the first place I look are his legs then move up to his eyes. Most women I know look straight at his behind first then go on to his eyes. I knew one guy whose eyes looked like honey and when the sun hit them at the right angle...:lick::lick:

Face, height, weight.:grin:
Kinda weird, but that what I see....
Good question! I'd say first the face. I'm a sucker for a handsome face. I love big juicy lips. :lick: :lol: And nice eyes to stare into (even though that can be dangerous!). Then I always have to check out the body, specifically the booty. :lachen: A nice round butt on a handsome man makes me weak in the knees! :lol: Weird, but true.

All other stuff (height, weight, build, skin color, hair, etc.) is secondary and often negotiable. :lol:
In order of importance:
I definately notice the face first. Nice eyes, the nose, the lips (I don't like big lips on a man), jaw and his overall bone structure.
Then the height
Then his body ( I love an athletic, muscular body with nice arms and chest)
I don't make a big deal about hair because that can easily be changed but I prefer him to have a short, neat hair style.
I'm laughing as I write this.. This is a spin.. but what I don't look at is booty.. I hate men with donks, or any resemblance to a donk.. uhhh

What I do look at: Face (general glance to see if ya cute).. Then I look for smile, more in depth view of the eyes.. If all that is good.. then I watch they swag(demeanor).. I like low hair, but I am a sucker for dark skin and/or dreads...

I also look at their forearm(the lower half of the arm) and calfs if visible.. lol.. IDK y but those two things are SUPER sexy to me.
Wedding Ring*nope*-->Dark Chocolate Skin *check*-->Smile*all teeth there*-->Low Haircut*sexy waves*-->Height & Weight*check & only one fat person...me*-->Shoes*not busted=check*-->Confidence, Swagger & Funny*check, check and check = A winner for me.
I always notice a man's demeanor first. Is he street? professional? So I'm looking at how he's dressed. If he's street my eyes will causally look away to the next man. If he is even somewhat casual to professional I'll note his overall build. Broad shoulders always makes me think of resting my head on them. He doesnt have to have washboard stomach but I like a man to be shoulder-waist proportionate. Then I'll look at his eyes. Not so much the color, but what I can read from them. One glance is all it takes. If everthing else is in place but his eyes look like he's been beaten down by the world then he probably has and will try to bring me down with him, so I keep it moving. If his eyes are pleasant to look at, then I'll quickly access if there is a vibe between us. After that I'll look at his hands, lips, teeth, and how I feel in his presence.

That's the first thing hands down

Then eyes...I love a guy who can communicate with me through his eyes....like the wait till we get home type look :blush: