What are your summer hair goals?


Well-Known Member
Hi, ladies! I am interested in what you all hope to accomplish between now and the end of August!

My goals are:

  • Gain 1.5” of new growth in the 3 months
  • Try a straw set (and not end up looking like Sexual Chocolate)
  • Do a funky updo
  • Try a spiral set
  • Try a sew-in weave with an invisible part
  • Master cornrows/flat two-strand twists
  • Do not purchase anything new until the old stash is used
  • Spend less than $20 a month on hair stuff
  • Try juicing
  • Use absolutely NO direct heat (only heat used will be from my new steamer :grin:)
  • Try to KISS as much as possible!
By the end of August, I hope...

To finally be BSL! I'm so close I can taste it.
To have healthy,smooth ends
To master the rollerset and get great results
To limit my direct heat
My summer hair goals are:
- continue bunning and retaining my length
- be past APL by the end of August
- try a wash and go
My goals for this summer are to:

  • Retain 1.5-2" by relaxer time in August
  • Get better at flat twists for my twist-outs
  • Limit the amount of $$ I spend on my hair (products, accessories, etc)
  • Continue to use NO direct heat...8 months and counting
  • Keep my styling and reggie simple
My summer plans is to gain and retain length and to keep myself from trimming my hair. In terms of protective styling I have been wearing half wigs but I really want to get my hair braided which I think I'll do in June so I can keep my hands out of my hair.
Retain Everylittle piece of hair i get.
not to purchase anymore hair products unless its a staple.
- Stay AWAY from the scissors! I have a tendency to cut my hair in a bob every year and since I'm transitioning I know the urge is going to come.

- Retain and grow as much as I can through PS
I hope I will be bsl when I take out this weave 6/10
I'd like to be full bsl and on my way to mbl (for 12/10):grin:
Get my moisture under control
Have fun with my hair sans direct heat
  • Learn to tame and embrace my new growth instead of fighting it.
  • Learn how to pin curl.
  • Don't use any direct heat until my next salon visit in 3 or 4 months.
  • Figure out how to style my wig so I don't look like an old lady.
  • Retain as much length as possible.
for the shortest part of my hair to be at least 10".
to purchase NO MORE hair products.
do mini-twists and wear them for 3 weeks sometime in July.
finish up my flaxseed oil.
retention! retention! retention!

I'm finally noticing some thickening on the right side. Yeah!! :drunk::grin: So now I want to keep it...and keep growing more!
1. Get closer to bsl (I'm almost there)

2. Keep my hair in braidouts (too warm for straight hair)

3. PS using buns, ponytail, and the occasional braid (like fishtail)

4. Use sunscreen in my hair

5. Wear hats!!
Too keep my hands out of it as much as possible.
To do a lot of messy updo's (I finally have the length)
To do a lot of flexi rod and curlformer sets.
To hopefully gain 1'' from June -Sept.
To retain every inch I get
To FINALLY get to WL
To not buy any more products
To keep transitioning
To perfect my braidouts and caruso sets
To do messy updos of above two!
My growth buddy & I are doing a little competitive HYH challenge amongst ourselves from June 24 until Sept 24. A part of that challenge is topical growth aid usage daily. I will be alternating with BT & MN.

My goal is to gain at least 2 inches during those 3 months & claim MBL on Sept 24 (my b-day).
Summer Goals
Keep my hair braided and moisturized.
I would like to get closer to BSL if not get there altogether
To make up my mind if I am going to continue to relax or transition to natural

Or full SL

Plan to get there: PS! PS! PS! STRETCH! STRETCH! STRETCH!!

Oh yeah, and no direct heat!
To experience this summer growth spurt everyone's talking about.
Retain as much length as possible.
Maintain healthy ends and prevent/limit any breakage.
to have fun and look cute :D

oh, but seriously...i'm gonna focus more on improving my body and getting in optimal shape.
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