New Year Hair Resolutions: What are your goals for '08?

Love this thread!

1) BSL by 05/08. Ultimate goal of MBL by 12/08.
2) Use only natural products, herbs, and oils.
3) Perfect my rollersets and self-trimming (get that Pibbs!)
4) Henna more often (this last time curbed my shedding/breaking tremendously)
5) Follow my regimen to a "T" and journal regularly.:yep:
1. Reach my goal of midback
2. When mid back is reached get hair trimmed in the shape of a U.
3.Stay on point with my hair health
4. Reach Waist length by the end up summer 08'
5. To stick to what I know works for me.
6. Drop the flat iron and find better healthier way to style my hair.
My hair goals for 2008 are as follows:-

***Curb the 'Product Junkie' in me, this monster is wild and out of control.
***Stretch my relaxer more often - at least every 17-18 weeks instead of every 8 weeks.

***Learn to relax/texlax my own hair but I won't cut it myself:nono:. This is an absolute no no.
***Have my hair trimming reduced to twice a year instead of 5-6 times a year.

***Did I say, curb the 'product junkie' in me.
***Reach full APL by March 2008.

***Low manipulation, more corn rows and wig wearing for me next year.
***Thicken my hair and gain strength.

***Oooh, oooh I know, curb the 'product junkie' in me.
***I would like to be BSL or very close to BSL by December 2008.

***Eat more fruits and veggies and continue to drink at least 8-10 cups of water a day.
***Take better care of my overall health.

***Lastly, curb the 'product junkie' in me.

I want to:

- cut back on the heat!
-deep condition more
- be fully natural by Dec. '08
- get my hair to stop breaking in the front :wallbash:
  • No extension braids in 2008
  • Regular dustings every four months
  • BSL by the end of 2008
  • Continue with my regular regimen - wash, condition, moisturize and airdry
  • Stock up on satin hair scrunchies for updos
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My goals are:

1. Touch up every 12 weeks. No more long stretches.
2. Reach BSL by Dec 08
3. Thicken up hair, with a major focus on my edges and ends.
My 2008 hair goals:

To reach my goal of full APL (when straight/stretched). Bonus is if the longer layers pass APL toward BSL :)

To find my staple products and a tried-and-true regimen.

Learn how to wear my hair curly or straight and look good either way.
My goals for 2008 are:

-create a regimen that I can follow
-use the many products that I already have (the PJ in me:lachen:)
-decide if I want to go natural in the new year
-create a healthy nutrition and exercise plan and be consistent with it
-thicken my hair
-grow to APL
-DC more often
-wear protective styles more
-try to stop sweating the small stuff and letting it stress me out.:grin:
-maybe try stretching my relaxer (jury still out on that one:ohwell:)
I've only begun to set goals for the winter, not the entire year. It's gotten too cold to wet my hair every morning, and I'm too lazy to do twists now. I had used heat in the pic below but since my hair will basically straighten on its own with body heat, oil or pomade and a scarf, and give me the same results, I'm going to try to get through the winter just pulling it back and clipping it up. I bought 8-10 bird beak clips this year. I may as well use them. Once it starts to get warm again I will get a good trim and then see what I'm working with and set my goals. I'm so used to washing my hair every day, doing it once every 5-7 days is going to drive me nuts.

2008 Progress Goals
  • Armpit Length: March 8 :rolleyes:
  • Full Armpit: May 3
  • Brastrap Length: Sept 11
  • Full Brastrap: Dec 7
2008 Process Goals
  • Relax every 16 weeks (3x/year)
  • Have a solid hair regimen
  • Become totally independent of hairstylists
  • No trimming until I reach my goals
  • Use up all old products and have only staples at home
Be consistent with my vitamins..
Make it a year with no relaxe r (05/16/08)
Make it to APL by summer.
ocntinue trimming every 8 weeks until I am completely natural
By decemeber 08 I want to be very close to BSL
my motto for 08 is retain retain retain...
incorporate ayurvedic hair regimen
full BSL by April 08' and MBL by Christmas 08' :grin:
trim 2x per year (Jan 08' and July 08')
take vitamins religiously
exercise religiously
DIYer with the exception of intense protein treatments and relaxers
perfect airdrying and rollersetting
Moisturize everyday and oil scalp twice a week (Sun and Wed)
Deep condition after every wash
scalp massages with indian oils

can you tell........ I'm serious about steppin up my hair game in da 08' :yep:
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I just want to make APL and stop using the scissors so that I can actually get there.

To decide to go natural or just continue to texlax so that it appears natural.
Good Luck ladies. We should make sure and have a mid-year progress report to see how well we have done in maintaining our goals. Here are mine:

1. Keep doing what I am doing now -bcuz its working
2. Learn how to wrap my hair properly
3. Learn how to do a decent rollerset -Macherie's DVD will hopefully help with that goal.
4. Make it to APL by June/July and touching BSL by Dec:yep:
5. Practice self-control ie. no jumping on bandwagons, excessive PJism etc
6. Finally get my hairline full again.
My goals for 08 are:

1) Find a good mosturizer for my natural hair.
2) Learn how to cornrow and flat twist my hair.
3) Finally complete the big chop.
4) And only flat ironing maybe 4 times next year.
I just began transitioning about a month ago so I have to completely alter my regimen to protect my hair. I'm so excited about embracing my natural hair! These are some of my larger goals for '08:

1. Learn all of the acronyms for the site!!
2. Deep condition(DC?) regularly.
3. Learn to braid and roller set my own hair.
4. Grow out the rest of my relaxer
5. Find a hair care regimen and stick to it.
6. Learn and use protective styling.
7. Oil my hair regularly.
8. Reduce heat styling.
9. Get as much advice and I can.
10. Don't let anyone pressure me into changing my course!
My main goal is to not let the awful things that happened in 2007 happen again.

to acheive that goal:
-take vitamins like I should, at least 5 days a week
-stick to the new regimen that I am creating, which focuses on giving protein and moisture to the hair
-Dust every 2 months
-Reach 4" below BSL by end of summer 2008
-LEARN TO ROLLERSET; i'm getting myself the Macherie DVD for Christmas. This may be one of the best gifts that I make to my hair.
My Goals for 08 are:

-have APL stretch by Dec.
-drink more water
-use all my vitamins
-wear protective styles most of the time
-repair my edges
-no direct heat in 08
-pamper my ends
My goals are:

1) to maintain my hair practices but
a) Find out why I am still having some breakage (long strands)
b) trim at least 2 -3" more for thickness

Not sure what I want my ultimate goal length to be yet. It will all depend on what it starts to look like. I am pretty happy with the length right now though...​
Since my hair seems happy, i will continue what I've been doing.

My main hair goal is to be solidly waistlength by December 10, 2008. If I grow & retain 6 inches in the next 12 months, I should make it. Wish me luck!

Hope everyone achieves their goals:yep:
Mine are:
  • continue hair practices that work for my hair
  • curb pjism :spank:
  • use quality tried & true products
  • baby my ends for maximum retension and thickness
i'm adding one thing to my list...

+: i'm going to become more gentle and patient during the detangling process

hopefully as time goes on i can become more efficient at it and and lose less and less hair everytime i detangle.
Great thread! :yep:

My Hair Goals for 2008:

1. No more 'trims' (aka mini chops) til this time next year! Period!
2. Make it to at least APL by Dec 08'
3. Lengthen up my sides (they're much shorter than the rest for some reason- sleep position maybe?)
4. Baby my ends and moisturize daily.
5. Low mani styles and very little heat all next year.
6. Last but not least, become a DIY'er on the relaxers (or find a northern VA/MD LHCF hair buddy :drunk:)!
My goals are:

  • Reach APL by Aug. 08
  • Curb PJ (use only the products I have)
  • Exersice regularly and eat healthy
Great thread! :yep:

My Hair Goals for 2008:

1. No more 'trims' (aka mini chops) til this time next year! Period!
2. Make it to at least APL by Dec 08'
3. Lengthen up my sides (they're much shorter than the rest for some reason- sleep position maybe?)
4. Baby my ends and moisturize daily.
5. Low mani styles and very little heat all next year.
6. Last but not least, become a DIY'er on the relaxers (or find a northern VA/MD LHCF hair buddy :drunk:)!
I love your hair color!! Sooo pretty!
1. I plan to develop my regimine and STICK TO IT!

2. Protective styling at least 5 days a week, alternating between the phony pony w/ baggie and updo's using my own hair.

3. Reach HEALTHY MBL by the end of the year (currently APL).
