What Are Your Summer "Hair" Plans

It's Great that you have Good Growth in the Summer. Do you use the same products or do you use lighter weight products in the Summer?

I use the very same products all year. My hair doesn't like heavy products like creams and butters. So I always use light, waterbased products.

I wash and condition as needed. That's about twice a week. And I DC wih every wash. I moisturize and seal, after I blowdry on cool/cold. That's it. I always keep it simple. Anything else would frustrate me.lol
-I'm gonna ATTEMPT to cut back to washing only once a week instead of twice

-Adding a bunch of new vitamins to my vitamin reggie (gelatin, Alta Silica and more I can't remember :lol: )

-Drink more water

Still gonna bun in the day and baggy at night. My ol faithfuls :D
- I plan to wear more buns
- Use more humectants
- I'm also trialing some new products.

I've been wearing my hair down too much lately and I'm starting to notice a negative effect of that on my hair. Plus, my hair seems more forgiving, when it comes to trying new things, in the summer. So I am trying out some new products. Must be a side effect of lurking on the hair forum too much recently.
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Flexirod sets all summer

I hope to do a set weekly after I wash and DC. I had wanted to get braids but I don't want anyone with no hairline touching my hair.:nono:
I'm planning on doing the beach hair thing--wash and go's, mainly because I'm not crazy about blow drying and flat ironing in this heat. Plus, I'm in the last stretch of my pregnancy and I plan on being at the pool as much as my kids demand (insert beached whale pic here, ha ha).

Last summer I did the same thing except I did twists and twist outs and my ends were Splits City. I think I'll refrain from that much manipulation but do co-washes and scalp rinses daily or every other day. I FINALLY found a conditioner that I can rinse with that won't leave my hair feeling gross so I think I'll experiment with that.
I'll be in 2 strand yarn flat twists for 4 months. I'm also doing the deep condition every other day challenge starting tomorrow.... hmmm which reminds me, I need to take hair pics.
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Ill be wearing my hair out more often now and trying to get my product dysfunction in order:look:. Baggying 5x a week and deep conditioning 2x a week.
Braids, more co-washing, deep conditions, and back to baggying. This summer I plan to braid without extensions.
Continue with my ayurvedic regime that I've been doing for a while. It's proven to be verrrrry good with my hair.
- Henna/Indigo monthly
- Weekly amla/brahmi/coconut milk/rhassoul/kalpi tone deep conditioners
- Weekly washes with aritha powder mixture
- Daily bunning
- Twice daily moisturizing and sealing with either avocado oil or brahmi oil
- Stretching relaxers. I'm kind of bad at stretching relaxers. I think I'm at week 11 right now and the new growth is off the chain. I'm looking to stretch for about 6 months this summer but I don't think that is going to happen.
- Combing during wet with conditioner

My hair has completely been thriving with the ayurvedic regime. People comment on how pretty black shiny and most importantly, thick, my hair has been. I'm so glad I cut my bad ends off and started on this ayurveda thing :)
I'm in debate of either wash n go's like I do now.. OR slapping some braids or kinky twist n and letting it go for the summer... I'm also looking into twist outs.. I just know, I need change from this curly fro thingy I got
I'll just continue doing what I'm doing.

Monthly clarify followed with strong protein
Twice weekly moisture steam (once a week oil treatment)
Rollerset twice weekly
Wear loose buns, with light curls to frame face, may start doing more twist outs and flexi rods
Consume 3 litres of water daily
what a great thread! the last few summers i've worn two layer corn rows - so easy when doing summer work. Unfortunately, all of my braiding students have gone away to college, so i'll be taking care of my own hair. I just did a big trim from almost apl to just below shoulder length because i want a nice even blunt line, so my focus will remain the same - keeping the health, working for the length.

now that i know how to better care of my hair and retain the length, i, too, am working on overall health, which will contribute to better hair. i'm on the elliptical in the morning, and my dog and i are hitting the bluff in the evenings. i have even unearthed a few of the exercise dvd's and started using them on alternating days - taebo, pliates with ana caban, and crunchless abs - we'll see how it goes. i'd like to go down a couple of dress sizes or so - from a 14 to a 10 sounds just about right. being model thin and have-to-work-on-it-everyday thin is so not for me - i'm too lazy. i'd much rather read a book and wash my hair. :drunk:
I'm planning on doing the beach hair thing--wash and go's, mainly because I'm not crazy about blow drying and flat ironing in this heat. Plus, I'm in the last stretch of my pregnancy and I plan on being at the pool as much as my kids demand (insert beached whale pic here, ha ha).

Last summer I did the same thing except I did twists and twist outs and my ends were Splits City. I think I'll refrain from that much manipulation but do co-washes and scalp rinses daily or every other day. I FINALLY found a conditioner that I can rinse with that won't leave my hair feeling gross so I think I'll experiment with that.

I am sure you look cute!:grin: It's good you still feel like having some Summertime Fun w/the kids. When is Da' Baby due?:babyg:

Is your "Beach Hair" the one picture you posted in your recent thread? That's a really nice look for Summer.

What conditioner did you find that rinses well without leaving your hair feeling heavy? Curious to know:look:
Continue with my ayurvedic regime that I've been doing for a while. It's proven to be verrrrry good with my hair.
- Henna/Indigo monthly
- Weekly amla/brahmi/coconut milk/rhassoul/kalpi tone deep conditioners
- Weekly washes with aritha powder mixture
- Daily bunning
- Twice daily moisturizing and sealing with either avocado oil or brahmi oil
- Stretching relaxers. I'm kind of bad at stretching relaxers. I think I'm at week 11 right now and the new growth is off the chain. I'm looking to stretch for about 6 months this summer but I don't think that is going to happen.
- Combing during wet with conditioner

My hair has completely been thriving with the ayurvedic regime. People comment on how pretty black shiny and most importantly, thick, my hair has been. I'm so glad I cut my bad ends off and started on this ayurveda thing :)
Very Happy it is working for you. I wish I woulda'/coulda' stuck with the Ayurvedic Regimen a little longer.:yep:

I may go back to some of those products this Fall/Winter. I still do Henna/Indigo faithfully.
I'm transitioning now so I'm going to stay in braids, cowash, and DC more. I also plan to Henna when I'm not in braids.
You Ladies All Definitely Sound Like You Have: A PLAN for your Hair this Summer. May we all reach Our Hair Goals.

Thanks For Sharing.
Hmmm. Let's see.
This summer I plan to do:

1. more cowashing (lovin' herbal essences hydralicious and VO5 right now) - probably 2 to 3 times a week
2. pretty much all braid outs or twist outs
3. keep up with my growth aids (topical and internal)
4. dc twice a week
5. drink a lot of water 64 oz. +

Prayerfully, I"ll see some progress by August. :grin:
Well, here in NY, it's been nothing but humidity and friggin' rain. I just started using Mizani Thermasmooth conditioner and my hair has been so silky and smooth. I've gotten caught in some light rain and wicked humidity and so far, so good. I don't know if the Mizani is the reason but I love the results from this conditioner and I will continue using that. I have also been doing cowashes if I see that I need any extra washing. I've been keeping my hair up in a clip or satin scrunchie since this rain so I'll keep doing that, too.
One change I did make was to set aside my Joico Moisture Recovery Balm and brought back the Ion Color Defense Hydrating Moisture Treatment for my DC. I have found that the Balm is better in the cooler or colder months. Perfect for those extra dry times but sometimes it can overmoisturize me in the warm months. I found this out last year. Other than this, it will be pretty much business as usual.
I forgot to mention that I have also made my usual switch to liquid leave in when I wash. I use a little PM The Conditioner/Hydratherma Protein Balance leave in and then I use Deep Brilliance Manage. Much better for me in the summer months.
My summer plan is to stick with these sister twists. I made myself a promise since I have a horrible attention span, and Im not disciplined enough to stick with a reggie longer than 3 months before quitting that when I start to get bored with or give up on my hair Id stick in in twists..that way all i have to do is spritz my hair every here & there. So far my hair is staying very moisturized because they day I put the twists in I did a henna treatment & then followed up with some keracare humecto and it just conditioned my hair so well that it still feels soft & its been a month later & my hair feels moisturized from spraying my hair every few days or so..I mean if my bestie can retain 3/4 of her length with braids & not do crap, I should be able to get away with spraying my hair with mousturizer every couple of days to avoid buildup.
To stop playing around with this dern Waist Length goal and get SERIOUS, and con-wash/protective style my way to WL by Fall 2009.
I will be doing very, very low manipulation hair styles and maintaining a very low manipulation hair care regimen. Not only this summer, but all the way until my next relaxer which is due either September this year or January next year - I haven't decided which one of those time frames I'll end my relaxer stretch as yet.

I know I am in a few challenges that require some manipulation but I have cut those down considerably for the remainder of my stretch. I have 2 demarcation lines in my hair right now to bother with it too often:nono:, so I've decided to play it safe for a while:yep:.
Transitioning so alternating between braidouts and rollersets with flat ironed roots. Figure out how to make braidouts really work on the relaxed hair. Trying to be cg friendly more often because I have to use more poo than I'd like when using sabino. I want to start cleaning my scalp/hair with ayurvedic tea. Starting to cowash more now,and hope to use a lot of stuff up, because my hair's likes are changing.