What sort of questions do you ask?

I can't respond right now. I'm incapacitated with laughter :lachen::lachen:

qchelle, I have actually met satanists, and they will tell you they are satanists. In both cases, because I was raised to recognized occult symbology, I recognized their affiliation from the jewelry they wore and they said they were satanists when I mentioned what I had noticed.

How are you able to verify the bank statements and med history? Documents can easily be faked. Lie detector? You have this machine? Wearing braces? Is this seriously a deal breaker?

Do you have access to a polygraph machine and a polygraph expert to interpret the readout for you?

Otherwise, this thread is a hoot.:lol:
:lachen::lachen: 'Yes, I worship satan' I would bust out laffin!!!

I don't have a list. I just hang out with the person.

Oh, and I'm still incapacitated with laughter :lachen::lachen:
:lachen::lachen: 'Yes, I worship satan' I would bust out laffin!!!

I don't have a list. I just hang out with the person.

Oh, and I'm still incapacitated with laughter :lachen::lachen:

Believe it or not I had a satan worshipper ask me out.
Thank goodness I asked him a random question while we were chatting on the phone. He was a painter and I asked him what kind of paintings he does....and he answered (I'm scared just writing it) that he painted a lot of pictures of satan. :crazy: :nono:

On the other hand it made my decision not to date him really easy!!
Believe it or not I had a satan worshipper ask me out.
Thank goodness I asked him a random question while we were chatting on the phone. He was a painter and I asked him what kind of paintings he does....and he answered (I'm scared just writing it) that he painted a lot of pictures of satan. :crazy: :nono:

On the other hand it made my decision not to date him really easy!!

I wonder how does he know how he looks?

That type of stuff would not be good for me.:nono:

I read The Divine Revelation of Hell 11 years ago and when I think about it now it gives me nightmares all these years later.
Believe it or not I had a satan worshipper ask me out.
Thank goodness I asked him a random question while we were chatting on the phone. He was a painter and I asked him what kind of paintings he does....and he answered (I'm scared just writing it) that he painted a lot of pictures of satan. :crazy: :nono:

On the other hand it made my decision not to date him really easy!!

I choked on my water when I read this.:lachen::lachen:
I understand that my questions seem a bit extreme, but that's because in the past I've faced problems. There was one guy I used to talk to a lot but then God saved me as one night I randomly decided to take his details down to the police station and did a check up. It turned out he had a criminal record. I changed my number, and went into the protection witness programme.

Ladies, it is a vital you do back up checks.. and ask many questions.

I'm very catious, and in the world we live in today.. everybody is potentially a felon.
If more women would have a real idea of what they are looking for instead of just going with the flow or following their "heart", they would save themselves a lot of heartache. That being said, OP is waaaaay over the top, IMO. That is some extreme ish for someone whose only known you for 30-60 days. My goodness.

To answer your question though, I didn't necessarily have a list of questions. I did have a list of criteria, and I would just check things off (mentally), as I got to know them. Whenever I came across one of my deal breakers, I would end the relationship immediately, rather than sticking around to give him a chance :rolleyes: My elimination process took anywhere from 1 week to 60 days, but I was able to get my questions answered without seeming desparate/weird/cold-hearted.

I think OP is pulling LHCF's leg.:drunk: But I totally agree with the logic behind creating a list, being practical about dating/love and not just following one's heart.

I'm in the process of making my list. I want the core values and principles listed on it. Not necessarily specific situations. Also, I'm working on making sure what I expect of him is the same thing I'm bringing to the table.
I wonder how does he know how he looks?

That type of stuff would not be good for me.:nono:

I read The Divine Revelation of Hell 11 years ago and when I think about it now it gives me nightmares all these years later.

One of the guys I knew said that he was able to travel/enter altered states and had been in various "presences" before.
The way he described it - if anyone remembers in The Golden Child, when the villain "meditates"...

Again, to everyone else: don't sleep on the "do you renounce satan and all his works?" question when you meet men (or women). Seriously.
Believe it or not I had a satan worshipper ask me out.
Thank goodness I asked him a random question while we were chatting on the phone. He was a painter and I asked him what kind of paintings he does....and he answered (I'm scared just writing it) that he painted a lot of pictures of satan. :crazy: :nono:

On the other hand it made my decision not to date him really easy!!

OT: FH, I :love: that movie in your siggy!
I understand that my questions seem a bit extreme, but that's because in the past I've faced problems. There was one guy I used to talk to a lot but then God saved me as one night I randomly decided to take his details down to the police station and did a check up. It turned out he had a criminal record. I changed my number, and went into the protection witness programme.

Ladies, it is a vital you do back up checks.. and ask many questions.

I'm very catious, and in the world we live in today.. everybody is potentially a felon.

You went into the actual witness protection program?

@ Qchelle - Yes I did. It was a traumatising experience, but one that made me stronger than ever before.. now it's nothing or my way.

I appreciate that some of you ladies don't like my approach. But the men I have encountered feel differently. So thank you for all your lovely advice, but I've been reading them with 1 eye open because my other eye just don't caaareeeeeeeeeee :rolleyes:
I was just thinking how men (and women) can talk about/ ask to sleep with you on the first date and surely by 30-60 days but have an extremely hard time discussing finances. So, your net worth/finances is confidential but your body isn't? Hrmmm.
I understand that my questions seem a bit extreme, but that's because in the past I've faced problems. There was one guy I used to talk to a lot but then God saved me as one night I randomly decided to take his details down to the police station and did a check up. It turned out he had a criminal record. I changed my number, and went into the protection witness programme.

Ladies, it is a vital you do back up checks.. and ask many questions.

I'm very catious, and in the world we live in today.. everybody is potentially a felon.

Umm, I know that you are :sekret: :sekret: but you must not live in the states. I don't think that you can voluntarily enter the witness protection program here.
May I ask what type of criminal background did he have?

"Everybody is potentially a felon"- okay?
I didn't realize you were allowed to tell people if you were in the witness protection program.. seems to defeat the whole purpose.
I didn't realize you were allowed to tell people if you were in the witness protection program.. seems to defeat the whole purpose.

Well I doubt Ya'll would find out who I am through some 'hair pics' and a screen name that reads 'chocolate love.'

Is this thread still about my questions.. damn. Can we move on? That's my program, and if you don't like it, that's cool.. I aint trying to :trampolin you.

Now either answer the question or forever hold your peace.
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Hey, whatever work for you OP. If it gives you peace of mind to ask these questions, I guess that's the most important thing.
I understand that my questions seem a bit extreme, but that's because in the past I've faced problems. There was one guy I used to talk to a lot but then God saved me as one night I randomly decided to take his details down to the police station and did a check up. It turned out he had a criminal record. I changed my number, and went into the protection witness programme..

What did you witness? I didn't know that being the gf of someone with a criminal *past* qualified you.
braces are a deal-breaker for you? you must be a physically perfect woman then,surely.

and I really don't understand the point of question number 7. are you saying by that time you'd be willing to save him before YOUR mother?

and do you provide financial & medical reports? 60days or less after meeting someone?

to answer your question, I did list, but the questions were not as militant as yours. things like belief system, does he respect me, make me laugh, how does he treat people in his family, in mine. is he generous, does he have achievable measurable goals. can I fit into his lifestyle, and him into mine, and so on. BUT I never 'asked' these questions, certainly not in questionnaire form, I filed the answers away as I got to know the person. someone who is perfect on paper might not be the best person to be with. but then, you know this.
braces are a deal-breaker for you? you must be a physically perfect woman then,surely.

and I really don't understand the point of question number 7. are you saying by that time you'd be willing to save him before YOUR mother?

and do you provide financial & medical reports? 60days or less after meeting someone?

No, I'm not physically perfect.

Ofcourse I'd choose my mother over him, no competition there.

I don't provide any information of myself.

I am the boss.
- if you're 'the boss' then i guess you're interviewing for a vacant post rather than trying to find a compatible partner.
i'm thinking that maybe i was a bit thrown by your 'list' because i didnt quite understand what you were hoping to achieve, nor what you were looking for.

i get it now, and i hope it works out for you.
happy interviewing girl.
Out of all these questions I am curious as to what man is going to verbally admit he is a "minute" man in the boudoir :lol:

What a way to test the male ego :lol:
I wonder how does he know how he looks?

That type of stuff would not be good for me.:nono:

I read The Divine Revelation of Hell 11 years ago and when I think about it now it gives me nightmares all these years later.

What is the divine revelation of hell? That sounds creepy...
I think he painted him as he imagined him or how he saw him in his mind. I didn't really want to ask any more about that. It gave me the chills.

One of the guys I knew said that he was able to travel/enter altered states and had been in various "presences" before.
The way he described it - if anyone remembers in The Golden Child, when the villain "meditates"...

Again, to everyone else: don't sleep on the "do you renounce satan and all his works?" question when you meet men (or women). Seriously.

Yeah, I think he said something about "traveling into space" or whatever...weirdo. I stopped listening after he talked about those satan paintings.

Even if I don't fully believe in satan as a person, I do believe very strongly that someone who will even talk about something like that as if it's real and something to aspired to is sick. This world is evil enough as it is...why add to that or start worshipping dark powers?

OT: FH, I :love: that movie in your siggy!

I love it too! In fact I'm going to listen to that song right now. :)

Sorry OP for hijacking your thread.