What advice on LHCF has really improved your hair


New Member
Ladies I will like to know what hair advice in this forum has really improved your hair and made it grow?
Waiting 2-3 month to relax
Keeping hair moisturized especially ends
Protein treatments
Vitamin regimen
I'm in germany bcus of military and i haven't had a relaxer since oct 3. I was always pretty good with my hair but if it wasn't for this board I wouldn't have learned about CONDITIONER WASHES and I proadbly would have caved in and gave myself a perm which is not a good thing at least for me lol
What I have learned thanks to this wonderful board, is:

Don't use heat such as curling irons, blowdryers, etc.
What vitamins to take
How to care and moisturize my hair
Protein Conditioners
Wait at least 2-3 months before relaxing
relaxin 2-3mths

I have also wondered about this. How do you keep your new growth in place if you wait that long. How can you even style your hair with that much new growth if you wait that long.
Re: relaxin 2-3mths

I hardly style my hair. I wear protective styles such as buns and sometimes I plait it up.

I keep it moisturize with Profectiv and oils.
Re: relaxin 2-3mths

Air drying and using no heat in general
All the great product recs
Re: relaxin 2-3mths

Moisture, moisture, moisture is important.
No heat at all
Deep conditioning
Conditioning wash
Detangle hair when conditioned
Using leave ins (that's really new for me)
Re: relaxin 2-3mths

If I had to pick one, it would be protective styling or at least updos where my ends aren't on my clothing.


*Little to no heat
*Washing/Conditioning more frequently
*Learning to care for my hair myself
*Moisturizing my ends carefully
*Strengthening Conditioners
*Paying attention to product ingredients esp for shampoos
Re: relaxin 2-3mths

Excellent Question! I think the main things for me were...

Starting a hair regimen...
Washing and conditioning the hair more frequently (2x a week for me now)...
A good vitamin regimen...
Using a leave in conditioner...
Using olive oil for treatments...
Keeping the hair moisturized...
Using less oil on the scalp.

Thank you ladies!
Re: relaxin 2-3mths

Info about:

--Distilled water/water filter use
--Supplements(especially MSM)
--Frequent washing/sealing in moisture
Re: roller setting

Do any of you roller set your hair by yourself? I have tried to stay away from heat but this means always going to the hair dresser for a roller set. Any tips on doing this myself?
Re: roller setting

Moisture, water is great.
Protein Treatment.

I always wore my hair in protective styles before (not knowing they were called that but for the easiness of styling) and my hair never grew, but now thanks to teh above advice it is growing.
<ul type="square"> [*]Distilled Water (Thanks, Sweetcocoa!
) [*]Daily Rinsing [*]Better products - e.g., Elucence (Sweetcocoa) and Aubrey Organics (Jade 21) [*]Care for relaxed, colored hair (Tracy
) [*]supplements! (Thanks Jade 21! and Tracy too, esp. Pantothenic Acid 1000 mgs/day
) [*]All of Mahalia Lee's natural recipes!
[*]Which Oils Do What (Jade 21) [*]Vaseline (Leejure) [*]Staying Away from Scissor Happy Stylists! (Supergirl) [*]Speaking Up at the Salon &amp; Not Blindly Handing My Hair Over to a Stylist (Mahalia Lee - truly invaluable advice) [*]Patience, Consistency, and Positivity (all LHCF members
) [/list]

The other stuff, like the baggie trick (Allandra), phonytail (Adrienne), effective protective styles, MSM (Tebby), proper washing, proper conditioning, reduced trimming and reduced touchups, came from other hair boards.
Re: What advice on LHCF has really improved your h

i have learned so many great things on this board, but the best advice is:

too much heat is not good

take care of your ends

protective styles

reconstructors/protien conditioners

2-3 months for relaxers

support from all these great women

just leave your hair alone and it will grow(i think this is the most important)
Re: roller setting

AngelaP said:
Washing my hair more often
Conditioner washes
Shower filters

[/ QUOTE ]

Distilled water
essential &amp; carrier oils
protective styles
baggie techinque
little to no heat
UBH Moisturizer
Bun for short hair (Thanks DSD
moisture, moisture, moisture
trinity said:
I'm in germany bcus of military and i haven't had a relaxer since oct 3. I was always pretty good with my hair but if it wasn't for this board I wouldn't have learned about CONDITIONER WASHES and I proadbly would have caved in and gave myself a perm which is not a good thing at least for me lol

[/ QUOTE ]

trinity I live in Germany and its due to military.
The water is really hard here so I ended up using distilled water until I got my shower filter. The distilled water really helped and the ladies on this board. They sale distilled water in the commissary.
1) B5 has made a difference.
2)Product reviews, very helpful and what is new out there.
3)The support system, which I think is so important, on other boards, you get help, there is no judgement here, which is so nice.
4)The inspiration of everyone.
Protective styles
Moisture moisture and more moisture
Products galore
but the key is finding the one that is right for you and sticking to it

Taking progress pictures (what i don't c, the camera will show)
LABETT said:
Waiting 2-3 month to relax
Keeping hair moisturized especially ends
Protein treatments
Vitamin regimen

[/ QUOTE ]

Labett we are in total agreement. Those are the things that really improved my hair overall as well as less heat.
Re: roller setting

joemerald said:
Moisture, water is great.
Protein Treatment.

I always wore my hair in protective styles before (not knowing they were called that but for the easiness of styling) and my hair never grew, but now thanks to teh above advice it is growing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for stating that....


Re: What advice on LHCF has really improved your h

I would say the advice about shampooing in the shower with the hair in one direction and applying the shampoo to the scalp have improved my hair. Techniques on scalp massage and the ACV rinse recipies also have helped me a lot. Finally the discussions on different types of conditioners (protein, moisturizers, reconstructors, etc.) helped me understand what products to choose.